Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 461

Jing Yichen has launched an all-round attack on Jishi group. The share price of Jishi group has fallen to the lowest value in history, and the assets of the whole company have been sharply reduced.

Even a lot of ordinary people in a city can see that there is a strong smell of gunpowder between these two groups!

However, before jingyichen really began to kill Ji's group, it was Ji's family who gave the group a fatal blow.

Jilili, who was expelled from a city, is back.

Although she wanted to come back quietly, she didn't know why. As soon as she came back, she was publicized, and then reporters swarmed in.

Ji Lili is no stranger to the camera lens of the reporter. Although it was stolen back this time, she didn't really think so.

In the past, she felt that she had already passed away. She didn't think that she owed shangguanning, and that she had also paid for the money. She was also punished. Shangguanning still called her on her own initiative. This matter was even in the past.

So the reporter photographed her. In addition to trying to drive people away at the beginning, she even took the initiative to cooperate with reporters to take photos.

She even didn't shy away and killed Jibo's house with reporters.

Of course, Jibo family now only Yang Muyan lives alone, Jibo now does not live here.

It's been a long time since I found the reporter!

After jilili went in, the reporters couldn't get in, but they all carried the cameras, aimed at the people inside, and took pictures meticulously.

Recently, Ji's family often exposes strong news. Reporters rely on this to eat and have an extremely keen sense of occupation.

A lot of reporters from newspapers and TV stations came. As soon as they communicated with each other, they learned that their situation was the same. They all received a phone call from a stranger, which provided a clue to Jili's return home. Therefore, all of them were waiting at the airport, and when Jili arrived, they followed her to Jibo's home.

Next, there must be a good play to be staged. Many reporters are quick and have already jumped on the big trees outside the villa wall just to have the best view.

Jilly didn't let them down.

As soon as she went in, she smashed everything in the room!

Jili Li is familiar with Jibo's home. She spent a lot of time and energy to buy and decorate a lot of things.

But today to see, she bought those things are missing, replaced by other!

And look at the style to know, this is definitely not Jibo bought, must be that ugly Yang family bought!

Damn it, no woman but her can buy things for her cousin!

Yang Muyan is very tired these days, because jingyichen's means emerge one after another, and more and more fierce, many of her forces have been eliminated. Fighting for power, how can she compete with the Jing family?

Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue were all killed in the last plan. These two people were originally sharp weapons in her hands. They were broken all at once, and Yang Mu's nose was crooked!

Moreover, her helpers Jibo and jingyiran do not listen to her command at all. There are contradictions and conflicts in the interests of all three people, and cooperation is becoming more and more difficult.

Although the purpose of the three people to overthrow the Jing family has not changed, the method to achieve this goal is impossible to unify.

If Jing Yichen was not pregnant now because shangguanning was pregnant, he was afraid that he would attack them too much, which would be detrimental to shangguanning. I'm afraid that Jing Yichen would easily eliminate them in their present state!

And the season family also gave Yang Muyan a lot of pressure, the season family see her all not agreeable, give her trouble everywhere.

Yang Muyan went to bed very late last night. Naturally, he went to bed very late this morning.

She was woken up by a series of loud noises.

When she put on her clothes, she was almost angry by the scene in front of her!

A good villa has been all in a mess, she spent a lot of money to buy furniture, dishes, LCD TV, refrigerator and so on, are all smashed!

And the person who smashes things is Jili, who should have been "exiled" to foreign countries!

"Stop it!"

The hoarse and ugly voice of anger sounded, which scared Jili.

As soon as she turned around, she saw a woman wearing only a hollow lace Nightgown, looking at herself with cold eyes.

"You are Yang Muyan?"

Yang Muyan looked at Ji Lili coldly and disgusted. He didn't answer her question at all. He directly ordered: "you clean up the house for me. You can compensate me for all the things that have been destroyed, and then you can go away!"

She was used to domineering, and naturally had no good face for Jilly.

However, Ji Lili is not a Jibo. She will tolerate and take into account the overall situation. She has been held as a princess since childhood. She has been more beloved than Yang Muyan in Yang's family. When did she ever speak in such a commanding tone?!Although she felt that the appearance of the woman in front of her was different from the rumor, since her voice was so ugly, it was Yang Muyan. She was not only ugly, but also had a bad voice!

Jilly went straight at her. She was going to strangle this woman!

In terms of mental devices, Yang Muyan is sure to dump Ji Lili for hundreds of streets. She is an expert in plot, but she is not good at fighting.

Therefore, Ji Lili rushed to the moment, Yang Muyan simply can not resist, directly "bang" of a sudden she hit the ground.

Then she rode to Yang Muyan, pulled her hair and slapped her face. Finally, she simply stood up and kicked Yang Muyan.

Jilili hit and scolded: "you fox spirit, you dare to seduce my cousin. I'm tired of you! How dare you live in his house? You are so ugly. How can you have the face to marry my cousin! You divorce him quickly. I want to marry my cousin. He can marry an ugly woman like you. Why can't he marry me? "

The two servants saw that Yang Muyan was beaten black and blue, lying half dead on the ground. They were scared to kneel in front of Jili, and one of them hugged her leg.

Jilili also beat tired, out of breath, a cold hum, no more hands.

However, Yang Muyan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly got up, picked up a piece of broken porcelain on the ground and scratched Jili's carotid artery.

Blood gushed out, and Jilly screamed. If it hadn't been for the two servants holding her leg, she would have fallen directly.

A moment later, Ji Lili and Yang Muyan were sent to the hospital at the same time.

The reporters outside, staring at the war, quickly spread the "war situation" through television and network. , the fastest update of the webnovel!