Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 460

On the 39th floor, someone stood at the end of the corridor, scanning the stairway with vigilance.

The man carried Zhao An'an from the other side of the stairs, far away to see the wood green brought warning people.

Taking advantage of the alert people to walk to the stairwell, the man quickly returned to the room with Zhao An'an.

The sound of the door opening and closing immediately brought the watchman to his senses and came over.

As soon as he came over, the door was opened again, with a ferocious face in it. He muttered in fluent Japanese, and then the door slammed shut again.

The person in charge of the guard knew that the man living in the house was a Japanese. No wonder there were so many beds in the room and the arrangement was so strange!

I was not at home just now. Did I go to find a woman?

He shook his head, deeply felt that the island people's hobby is different.

MuQing finished searching the thirty-nine floors, and then led the people to continue to go down and began to search for the thirty-eight floors.

The watchman told Mu Qing roughly what had just happened.

Mu Qing nodded, and the doubts in his heart also dissipated. However, he did not want to let go of any suspicious person, so he still listed this household as the focus of attention. But later, there was nothing unusual about this household. The guards did not find Zhao An'an.

He didn't expect that he would pass Zhao An'an.

Many years later, when he thought of today's events, he would blame himself and regret to slap himself in the face.


A month later, jingyichen received the exact news from AHU.

They have confirmed that Zhao An'an did settle down in England and bought a house, but after buying the house, she was completely lost. To be sure, she was taken away.

They searched the whole of England, but could not find Zhao An'an.

Li duo replaces ah Hu and takes people to continue to look for him. Ah Hu returns to city a and continues to follow jingyichen and do his left and right hands.

In the past month, Jing Yiran has provoked many times.

He has developed a lot of forces recently. Jingyichen asks AHU to cut off those forces one by one and gather them under his command.

Jing Yichen himself is quite leisurely.

Recently, he seldom wears formal clothes. Most of the time, he is casual and sportswear, because shangguanning is basically based on these two kinds of clothes. Jing Yichen is specially changed into sportswear, so as to keep up with Guan Ning, it looks like a couple.

Shangguanning is now more than four months pregnant, except for occasional morning vomiting, the rest of the time is very normal, but a little sleepy.

Her abdomen had risen slightly and, moreover, she had felt fetal movement.

At the beginning, shangguanning was very surprised and pleased.

This is the first time she felt the baby's small movements, she was excited immediately called jingyichen to touch.

Soon, the baby moved again.

Jingyichen is more happy than Shangguan Ning, touching her stomach and laughing for a long time. Being a father for the first time, everything is fresh and joyful.

The couple were excited and nervous as if they had found a new toy.

Jing Yichen even took her to the hospital for an examination.

The examination is still done by Muxin. She told shangguanning that Xiaobao's development is very good, and the fetal movement will be more obvious and more frequent. Every 12 hours, there are at least dozens of obvious fetal movements.

Moreover, Muxin is very happy to tell shangguanning that the baby she is carrying is a healthy boy.

Knowing that it was a boy, shangguanning was happy for a long time.

Jingtianyuan is more happy to learn that, but after he is happy, he still touches his chin with some regret.

In fact, he likes girls very much. There has been no girl in Jing family for several generations.

In the old man's heart, shangguanning's baby would be better if it was a dragon and Phoenix fetus.

However, this kind of thing can only think about it, there is a great grandson, the old man has been happy to show off in front of the wood asked students.

Recently, Mu Wensheng is very angry and in a bad mood.

Because his best grandson has gone to England to look for someone!

If a good hospital president doesn't do it, he has to follow Zhao An'an!

Sun Tzu is thirty years old. He is thirty-one years old. His temper is still so unstable that he wants a woman not to have a grandfather. Whenever Mu Wensheng thinks about it, his beard trembles with anger.

Now, jingtianyuan has great grandchildren. He has lost his grandson!

However, the old people all like children. Although Mu Wensheng is jealous of jingtianyuan, he is still happy for his old friend.

The situation of the Jing family is more pessimistic than that of the Mu family. There are many descendants of the family. There are no MuQing. There are other grandchildren who can inherit the family. However, the Jing family has only one jingyichen.

When Jing Yichen didn't get married last year, Jingtian was much more anxious than he is now.Mu Wensheng took out some of his precious herbs and made them into a soup suitable for infants and young children, and gave them to jingtianyuan.

The main effect of the decoction is to improve the children's immunity and bone development ability. As for the improvement of intelligence, Mu Wensheng thinks that there is no need to improve the strong genes of Yijing family.

Jing Yichen and Shangguan Ning went to the old man's house again. Seeing the red light of Jingtian, Jing Yichen put down his heart.

The old man lives very well here. Although he often quarrels with Mr. mu, he is much better than his mental state at home.

Moran is almost out of home now. She runs to jingyiran almost every day for fear that her baby grandson will suffer. Sun Tzu when Vice President of the company, for her, there is no impact, anyway, Sun Tzu is more powerful on the right!

It's better to be the vice president of Jishi group. It's better that Jishi group can be directly controlled by jingyiran. In this way, jingtianyuan and jingzhongxiu can no longer say anything.

The days passed quickly, and in a flash it was the end of the year.

The fight between Jing Yichen and Ji Bo has become more and more fierce.

In the name of Jingsheng group's shareholders, Jibo has begun to participate in the major decisions and important meetings of Jingsheng group, so that the current meeting of Jingsheng group has become a form. Because of the important and confidential matters, it is impossible to say to Jibo, an outsider and a covetous opponent.

However, Jishi group is no better.

In recent years, there have been frequent scandals in Jijia, and customers are constantly losing. The market share has shrunk sharply. The turnover rate of employees has increased sharply. Many of the backbones have been poached by other medium-sized companies with high salaries.

If we say that Jingsheng group has been affected to a certain extent because Jibo has suddenly become a major shareholder, then Jishi group has been impacted unprecedentedly for various reasons. , the fastest update of the webnovel!