Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 459

Zhao an hated gnashing teeth, but the situation is stronger than people, she can only bow to recognize the planting under the eaves!

When she escapes to find her cousin, she must let jingyichen tear this person into pieces!

Oh, no, I want to lock this man up and hang him up to fight until he becomes incontinent! Hum!

At 3:30 in the morning, Zhao An'an quietly got up from the bed.

The light in the room has never been turned off since she came in.

Zhao An'an knows that this is to prevent her from taking the opportunity to escape in the dark, so that the whole room will be bright as day.

As expected, her watchman was in the toilet. Zhao an passed the bathroom lightly and quickly ran to the door.

Dragging the bed must have made a lot of noise, so Zhao An'an didn't spare any energy and didn't care if there was any sound. He just used her milk to pull the bed away.

Then she opened the door and rushed out.

The first step of escape is done.

But Zhao an did not have any relaxation. In the past, when she ran away, this first step was always the most relaxed, and the latter was the most difficult.

Out of the door, Zhao an ran straight to the stairway and ran down the stairs.

The elevator on the 39th floor is broken. I don't know if it was damaged by the abnormal muscle man. Anyway, it can't be used at all.

Every time she ran the stairs to the 38th floor, and then took the elevator on the 38th floor to the lobby on the first floor.

Zhao an always felt that all with the "Eighteen" words, in addition to age, the others are related to the eighteen levels of hell!

Because, as usual, every time she ran to the 38th floor, she was always in a lot of situations. She couldn't get to the 37th floor at all, whether it was taking the elevator or running the stairs!

This building is so high that it is impossible for the elevator to wait for Zhao An'an to go up on the 38th floor. When luck comes home, there are four elevators on the first floor at the same time!

For example, today!

This is the one who killed thousands of dollars and pushed all the elevators to the first floor at three o'clock in the morning!


MuQing has not made any progress in the search work in recent days.

Zhao an has been missing for a month. He started a carpet search in England with ah Hu and his brothers.

Fortunately, with the help of Jing Yichen's influence in Britain, a group of Asians and a group of Europeans mingled together, searching for Zhao An'an day and night, regardless of the cost.

Today, they came to a building with strict and perfect security system, and began to search again.

MuQing's hair has grown a little longer because he hasn't cut it for a month, but he shaves every day carefully, which will make him more energetic and will not make him look like a tramp, so as not to be driven out by the security guard in the apartment.

Of course, a huge amount of sealing fee has been paid to enter the building today.

As usual, MuQing and AHU soldiers are divided into two ways. A Hu takes people to search from the first floor, and MuQing takes people to search from the top.

In order to prevent someone from halfway down the elevator, all the elevators have been transferred to the first floor by ah Hu. In two hours, the elevator will be temporarily unable to take. In this way, there is no need for someone to watch the elevator. Every five floors, there are people guarding the stairway. It's hard to escape without their search.

The 40th floor was soon searched, but he did not find the figure deep in his mind. Mu Qing was not impatient. He was already used to disappointment.

As long as there is hope, he will never give up.

Go down the stairs and you'll soon reach the thirty ninth floor.

Wood green with people, each household to the door blowing a little smoke, waiting for two minutes, and then skillfully pry open the security door, walked in.

I searched the whole layer, and I didn't get any results again.

However, Mu Qing thinks that one of the rooms is suspicious.

The lights were all on, the bathroom was still running, but the house was empty.

This family not only has a bed in the bedroom, but also has a bed in the living room and a bed at the door. The traces of life in the room are obvious, causing Mu Qing's suspicion.

But that doesn't mean much.

After looking for someone for so long, Mu Qing has already known that there are many kidnappings and murders in Britain. He has met several kidnappings.

In addition, he also found a lot of people's eccentricities, such as this home with three beds, very common.

However, this family still needs to focus on.

Mu Qing took out his camera and took photos at home and on the door for future use.


Zhao An'an thinks that everything today is very evil!

Four elevators stop on the first floor at the same time, and the key is that no matter how she presses the key, the four elevators seem to be asleep and do not move at all!

This is so weird!You know, this is a high-rise building with 40 floors. Without elevators, people living on 40 floors and 39 floors have to put on their wings and fly down?!

Climbing stairs?

Joke, you climb 40 layers to try, it is absolutely tired broken leg rhythm!

Four elevators are paralyzed at the same time, which almost never happens in Britain. There must be ghosts today!

Zhao an made a decision and ran down the stairs immediately.

She's going to try her luck on the 37th floor - what if the elevator on the 38th floor breaks down?

When she got to the 37th floor, she was silly because the abnormal muscle man was waiting for her at the elevator door!

What a bad luck! How could he catch up so fast!

There are two stairs in this building, which is the worst, otherwise she would not be in such a mess!

Zhao an subconsciously retreats, turns and runs.

However, it was late, and the strong man was more than twice as fast as her, and caught her in a second.

Zhao an struggled desperately. He even used his teeth. He bit the man's arm, and his mouth was filled with bloody smell.

However, the other side did not even frown, as if there was no pain!

Of course, the man was in pain, and he was extremely angry. However, the man who ordered him to imprison Zhao An'an did not say that he would treat Zhao An'an well, but he did not say that he would allow him to abuse her.

Therefore, he did not dare to go too far with Zhao An'an.

The man's five fingers together into a knife, mercilessly cut Zhao An'an's back neck, cutting off the scream she was about to shout out.

Strong force, Zhao an an instant into the dark, fainted in the past.

One second before fainting, Zhao an in the bottom of his heart hates to curse: this dead pervert, the starting hand can be really cruel, tomorrow's neck back must be a large bruise!

He picked up Zhao An'an and climbed the stairs to the 39th floor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!