Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 458

"Miss Zhao, it's time to eat."

A man with an Asian face whispered.

The man looks twenty-eight years old. His facial features are quite rough. His hair is very short and his skin is healthy bronze. Even if his muscles are wrapped in clothes, people can still feel his strength and the explosive power under his clothes.

Zhao An'an was a little strange. He asked, "do you know me?"

The other side shook his head in silence: "do not know."

"If you don't know me, how can you know my surname is Zhao? You must know me

More than ten days ago, she was wandering in the street and saw a poor little stray cat. On the spur of the moment, she ran after the kitten for a long time. But just after catching up with the cat, she was knocked unconscious by a stick.

When I woke up, I was taken to a strange place.

Zhao didn't know where it was, but she knew it was still England.

Because the time here is the same as that of her watch - the time on her watch has been adjusted to the British time since she attended the wedding ceremony of shangguanning.

Anyway, she won't return to China in a few years. The time here is the most convenient.

She just began to think that the other side is to rob, not her boast, she clean up, or a big beauty! And in this kind of land with yellow hair and blue eyes, she is an Asian with black hair and black eyes, still very attractive!

Although it is short hair, lack of a bit of feminine taste, but she looks very beautiful, what's more, her figure also has material, if it is not for her look like a tomboy, then the rate of return is definitely to earn!

This man still has a good eye!

Robbing her, a beautiful woman, is beautiful!

Unfortunately, Zhao An'an later found out that this was not the case at all.

The muscle man in front of her was not interested in her at all!

Well, although she is relieved, Miss Zhao is always a little lost.

Since it is not robbery, it is robbery!

However, robbery against sex is OK, but robbery against money is not!

She had only a few million pieces of ocean, and she had stolen it from MuQing. After buying a small house, there was not much left!

In the future, she will live here for a long time. Without money, she will drink from the north and the West!

She knows a lot about running away from home. The first and most important thing is to take enough money with her!

If you don't have money, you can't be free for two days. You'll have to roll back.

This time, she was determined not to go back. Robbing her money was no different from demanding her life!

However, after several days, she did not see the man snatching the pounds from her pocket.

Not only that, he also found such a good place for her to live, but also took charge of food and bodyguard. This is obviously a loss making business!

Is this man from my cousin?

But it doesn't look like it!

The person sent by my cousin will not be so rude to her. However, the person in front of her is violent. If she doesn't agree, she will attack and eat people. She is afraid to talk to him more!

But, this person unexpectedly knows her surname Zhao!

That's not right. The name on her ID card is Wang Cuihua. Her surname is Wang!

Zhao an has been locked up in this house for many days. During this period, she tried to escape countless times, but every time she was caught by the man in front of her!

And after catching her, she will starve for two whole days. She will not be given water or food. This is going to torture people to death!

If she hadn't been clever, she would have been starving and thirsty if she hadn't got up in the middle of the night to drink some milk and oats!

At the thought of these, Zhao an's new hatred and old hatred surged into his heart. Teng suddenly stood up and said in a sharp voice: "say! Who are you? Why did you arrest me here? You are restricting my personal freedom! It's against the law. I can sue you in court! Don't think I'm grateful to you if you control your food and control. It's like going to jail. I'm going out to play and let me out! "

The man looked at her coldly and frowned: "shut up, sit down and eat!"

Zhao An'an saw that he just yelled and didn't take any other actions. He immediately got bold and yelled: "help, kill! Come on, someone kidnaps a young girl! Help,help,help,don'tkillme!”

"Shut up, and if you call again, you won't be able to eat for two days!"

Zhao An'an immediately closed her mouth and sat down to eat.

Although this meal was no match for what she had at home, with the most common bread and beef, and a dish of mashed potatoes, she would have to wait for hunger if she didn't eat it.

After dinner, Zhao An'an was ready to go to bed. Although it was the morning and the sun was shining brightly, she was imprisoned and had nothing to do, so she had to go to bed.She should keep up her spirits and be ready to run away in the middle of the night!

This place has trapped her for such a long time. I don't know when she will be a leader. If she is trapped for a lifetime, she will lose a lot!

I don't know who has such a big hatred with her. Looking for such a abnormal man to look at her, she has no strength to fight back! Fortunately, the man didn't look up to her. Otherwise, how could she resist this kind of Kung Fu!

Zhao an is a playful and playful temperament. If she is imprisoned in such a place, her whole person will be extremely irritable. If she goes on like this, she will certainly be driven crazy.

Therefore, although the consequences of escape are very serious, she is still trying. Basically, she has to escape once every three or five days. She has tried every time, but she has not tried at three or four o'clock in the morning.

I hope I can escape tonight!

Wait a minute. My aunt will find out who is holding her up like this and give him a solitary prisoner!

Zhao An'an was imprisoned in a 40 story building, and she lived on the thirty-nine floor building, which was the height of despair she got after many escapes.

Jump down to see the king of hell. It's impossible to walk from the door, because the damned abnormal muscle man dragged the bed to the door. He ate and slept on that bed, almost without leaving. It seemed that there were some peerless beauties on it!

It's ridiculous!

Zhao an angrily thought, thanks to him is also a person, also need to go to the toilet, otherwise, she is really a bit of opportunity!

She carefully observed, this person's diet is regular, toilet is also very regular, generally around 6 o'clock in the morning will go to the toilet, pee, and he basically in the night.

Zhao an felt very ashamed. She was a girl, but now she had to find out a man besides MuQing, and the time to go to the toilet! , the fastest update of the webnovel!