Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 457

Jingyichen smiles and hands the gift he prepared to shangguanning. Seeing Shangguan Ning's surprised eyes, she says with a smile, "one year's wedding, you must give something decent. Only in this way can you be worthy of your status as a young lady of the Jing family."

Shangguan Ning looked at the thin paper, hardly need to see, also know what this represents.

Because what she just handed jingyichen is just a few thin pages of paper.

Shangguan Ning took over, opened a look, immediately was shocked by the content inside.

Jing Yichen gave her 20% equity of Jingsheng group!

She took those pages of paper and felt that it was very heavy. She hesitated and said, "this Is it too much? "

She just gave jingyichen 5% equity, jingyichen unexpectedly gave her 20%, which is too much!

Jing Yichen said with a smile: "not much. 10% of them are mine and the other 10% are Dad's. We both have a tacit understanding. We both choose to send such affordable things. We are worthy of being husband and wife."

"But then your equity will be only 40%? Dad's got 10% left. How about that. I'd better not. It's no different in your hands than in mine. "

Of course, Jing Yichen would not take it back. He held shangguanning in his arms, and his expression was all gentle: "you said that there is no difference between my hand and your hand. It is the same in your hand and mine. What's more, Jingsheng group already has tens of billions of funds from you. It's natural that these shares are given to you. "

At the beginning, the Ji family compensated shangguanning by tens of billions because of jilili's affair, and they were all invested into Jingsheng group by shangguanning.

She has never seen such a large sum of money in her life. She doesn't know how to spend it. She simply gives it to jingyichen.

Money in jingyichen's hands must be faster than in her hands. He is a money making machine and a business genius. There is no mistake in handing money to him.

Even Zhao Zhao handed Zhao's jewelry directly to jingyichen. It can be seen that she, who has worked hard in the shopping mall for half a life, thinks that the company's handing over the jewelry to jingyichen can make Zhao's jewelry develop better.

But since she married Jing Yichen, she never took the money to heart. Up to now, she has never thought of it again.

After careful consideration, Shangguan Ning did not refuse.

She put away those pages of paper, happy with jingyichen dinner.

Jingyichen does all the dishes she likes to eat. She eats happily and makes jingyichen laugh.


Far away on the other side of the ocean, jilili, dressed in a hot bikini, with a cold face, said to the people around her: "book me a ticket, I want to return home, return to city a!"

The people around her immediately trembled: "Miss, you can't go back. You've been banned. You can't go back in this life. Otherwise, the criminal police will arrest you for the first time."

"Well, who said I would go back in a big way? I went back secretly and in the name of others. I didn't know who they were going to catch! "

"But But the eldest young master has told me that if you go back, the whole family will die. Please be kind and spare our family! Four generations of my grandparents and grandchildren are servants of the Ji family. There is no merit or hardship, miss! "

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you. My cousin is just bluffing you. He is a man with a good heart. How could he kill you?"

Jilili said, then went back to her bedroom to change clothes, ready to go back to her once domineering city A.

She missed a city very much. There were not only her home, her grandmother and mother who loved her, but also many of her friends, and more importantly, her favorite cousin!

Her cousin married the ugly girl of the Yang family!

She didn't even know!

Everyone kept it from her. No one told her!

It's terrible. It's disgusting!

If shangguanning hadn't told her, she would have been kept in the dark all her life.

Although shangguanning, a bitch, made her hate gnash her teeth and eat her flesh and drink her blood, she really wanted to thank her for disclosing such important information to her, and also told her a huge secret.

It is because of this secret that she wants to return home immediately!

Wait, her cousin, no one can take it, only her!

Although my cousin used to like shangguanning, she's married now, and she has all her children. She can't seduce her cousin. As for Shangguan rouxue, who used to hook up with her, now she doesn't see a person or a dead body!

Very good, the two fox spirits of the upper official family can't tempt her cousin any more. She doesn't do it now. When will she wait?


A city, Jishi group top floor of the senior conference room, full of seats.

Today, it is the first time that all shareholders' meeting has been held since Jibo was promoted to President.His wound was completely healed, and his handsome and elegant face looked very good.

He was dressed in suits and leather shoes, elegant and full of energy, and he had a calm and steady momentum all over his body.

He took a dim look at the languid and crooked scenery there. Then he looked away and started the first and last general meeting of shareholders in his life.

Of course, Jibo, at the moment, does not know that this meeting will be the last shareholders' meeting in his career.

Now, he's full of excitement. Feeling and enough confidence.

He has a perfect plan for the future, not only for Jishi group, but also for Jingsheng group.

With Yang Muyan, the executioner, and Jing Yiran, the traitor, Jibo believes that Jingsheng is not an invincible myth!

He is now the president of Jishi group and has the highest power to mobilize all resources. Although Jing Yiran's arrival is an extremely unexpected and angry thing for Jibo, it just promotes the unity of the senior management of Jishi group!

He can be promoted to President, get the support and support of everyone, and has a great relationship with jingyiran.

Jibo sat in the first place, the mobile phone in his pocket was ringing all the time. He just glanced at it faintly and turned it off directly.

The person on the other end of the phone is very anxious to hear the busy tone coming from the mobile phone!

He raised his head and watched Ji Lili's figure disappear in the plane's ticket gate, and called Jibo anxiously again.

Unfortunately, a woman's gentle prompt voice came from the mobile phone: "sorry, the subscriber you dialed has been turned off..."

He didn't know why Ji Lili was so eager to return to city a, but he had a hunch that this matter must not be a good thing, her return will certainly bring disaster to the Ji family! , the fastest update of the webnovel!