Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 456

December 27 is the wedding anniversary of jingyichen and shangguanning, and also the birthday of jingyichen.

On this day, they will have been married for a whole year.

Early in the morning, Jing Yichen just woke up from his sleep, Shangguan Ning would kiss his chin with a smile: "happy birthday, husband!"

Jing Yichen's handsome face burst into a smile: "thank you, my wife."

The cold in winter is isolated from the window, only the soft sunlight penetrates into the glass and shines in the room, which adds some warmth and beauty to the room.

Shangguan is pregnant, and jingyichen doesn't dare to take her out to eat.

He took her to the supermarket to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and shrimp, and then came back to cook for shangguanning.

Shangguanning ordered a birthday cake yesterday. At noon, the cake was finally ready, and the cake shop sent someone to deliver it.

Shangguan Ning zizizi the cake into the restaurant, and then ran to the kitchen to watch jingyichen cook.

She actually prefers eating at home to eating out.

The chef in any restaurant can't compare with jingyichen.

Moreover, watching jingyichen cook is also a kind of enjoyment.

With upright posture, noble temperament, handsome face and skilled technology, shangguanning felt that the world would never find such a handsome cook again!

And this cook is her husband, and she is bubbling with happiness.

The kitchen soon wafted out an attractive aroma, shangguanning some morning vomiting, not much to eat, at this time already hungry.

Because of pregnancy, shangguanning's food intake increased greatly. She was often hungry before she could eat. She felt that she had become a king of stomachs and could eat more and more.

The aroma of the meal makes Shangguan's saliva flow, which makes jingyichen laugh.

After the meal is ready, shangguanning lights the candle on the cake and makes jingyichen make a wish with a smile.

Jingyi Chen long so big, the number of birthday is very few, where also made any wish.

It was his first birthday since the bar mitzvah at the age of 18.

Jing Yichen is not used to it. However, she thinks that the birthday should be spent like this.

This morning, Shangguan Ning also specially cooked longevity noodles for him. She said that she must eat longevity noodles for her birthday.

Fortunately, when shangguanning lived alone before, she often cooked noodles and porridge. It didn't have much technical content, so she cooked noodles well.

It is a common birthday custom in a city to eat noodles in the morning, cake at noon and dumplings in the evening.

For jingyichen, he knew nothing about it.

When shangguanning celebrated his birthday, he even felt a little excited and novel.

He didn't want to make a wish. This kind of thing can only be done by the silly white sweet heroine in the love idol drama. Yesterday, he accompanied Shangguan Ning to watch TV and saw the heroine's pious wish. He was still in his heart and felt that it was too fake.

I didn't expect his turn today!

It's hard to know what's going on in the world!

Finally, he was forced to make a wish by Shangguan Ning, and Shangguan Ning's small face turned from Yin to fine.

"Today is both our wedding anniversary and your birthday, so I have a gift for you."

Shangguan concentrated and joyfully handed a document to jingyichen and said with a smile: "open it and have a look. I sent it!"

Is this the way to use the word double happiness?

Jingyichen shakes her head, but some solemn take over Shangguan Ning's things.

He opened a look, which is a Jishi group equity transfer letter!

The transfer amount is 5% equity!

You know, the shares of Jishi group are basically controlled by the Ji family members. It is very difficult to buy them.

What's more, this 5% sounds like a small amount. In fact, it's worth several billion yuan. It's definitely a huge asset!

I don't know how long shangguanning prepared for this 5% equity and how much it paid.

Jing Yichen is a little distressed. His heart is full of emotion. This is the most precious birthday gift he has received.

He held his wife, who was three months pregnant, on his lap and said affectionately, "ah Ning, thank you. This gift is too expensive. Next time, you are not allowed to buy shares by yourself. I have a way to make the Ji family collapse. You don't need to rush about."

Shangguan grinned and said: "it didn't take much effort. It was bought from Jili. I exchanged it with her in a secret, and promised to help her. So she gave me 4% of the shares, and the other 1% was bought from an old friend. Jibo holds 20% of the shares of Jingsheng group. We should also collect more shares of Jishi group! "

Jing Yichen knew that Shangguan Ning thought so. He looked serious, and his voice showed a meaning that he could not refuse: "ah Ning, don't do this next time. It's easy for you to enter the market. It's easy for you to follow me if you can't. You and the children are the most important now. Hello, I can deal with them peacefullyBefore he took over Jingsheng group, he had already heard of jilili's name.

She can be said to be a very high status woman in a city, almost to the point of being able to influence the wind and rain in a city.

What matches her high position is her willful and unruly temper and her reputation for being a mess. The Ji family and the Jing family already have business contacts. Jing Zhongxiu even arranged for Jing Yichen to have dinner with Ji Lili. This kind of "friendly exchange" activity between them!

Of course, jingyichen naturally did not go. On the one hand, he did not have the habit of eating alone with a heterosexual. On the other hand, he looked down on Ji Lili, who depended on her family as a big lady.

Ji Lili and Huang Xinyi worked together to design Shangguan Ning last time. How can jingyichen trust shangguanning to deal with Jili!

Shangguan Ning seems to know jingyichen's worries. She starts to talk: "I'm not so weak. If you fight with others, I want to help too! Ji Lili there, in fact, is the easiest to break through, my business this time, absolutely no loss, do not believe you wait to see. After a while, the Ji family has a good show to watch. I still have a grudge for the last time

Jingyichen can't bear to scold her, knowing that she must have spent a lot of thought for today's gift.

He held Shangguan Ning's hand in a gentle and doting tone: "OK, I know. My wife is the most powerful. I'm waiting to see a good play."

Jingyichen knows that shangguanning is very smart. She is just not good at using mental devices and means.

She took so much effort to prepare a gift for him, thanks to his gift is heavy enough, otherwise today it will be compared by her own woman! , the fastest update of the webnovel!