Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 455

No one cared so much about him.

No one.

The dead Zhang Rong doesn't touch his forehead in the middle of the night, doesn't care if he has a fever, and doesn't care if his injury is more serious than last time. What she cares about is always how much property he gets from Moran today and how much influence he grabs from jingyichen.

The living Moran would not stay with him all night. She was old and could not stand such trouble. Moreover, Moran was from everyone's family. Her manner was also the rule of a powerful family. There were doctors and servants who were 100 times more professional than her to take care of him. She didn't need to worry too much.

Only fawn, in the dead of night, will test his temperature, check his injury.

Jing Yiran opens the door and goes out.

Winter night, cold, dead, bleak.

There was no one walking on the road. He wrapped up his coat and walked quickly, searching around.

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him: "are you looking for me?"

The interrogative sentence pattern is affirmative.

Jing Yiran happily turns back to see the deer standing behind him in his thin suspender shirt.

He quickly took off his clothes, wrapped the fawn, then picked her up and walked to the villa on his shoulder.

"Who let you run out in the middle of the night? Who made you so wayward? You're great with your strength! Why don't you just run naked in the street? You don't know how to wear clothes on such a cold day! Did you wait for me to chase you out? The next time I lose my temper and leave, I won't come out to look for you and freeze you to death

Jingyi ran said more and more angry, raised his hand on the deer's elastic small buttocks, "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa" slapped up.

The fawn was patted on the buttocks by him, and the whole person suddenly tensed up.

A strange from the bottom of the moment spread all over the body, her body stiff, and shy and angry cry: "jingyiran, you stop!"

Jing Yiran doesn't listen to her at all. The fawn's buttocks are soft and full of elasticity. He feels very good. He pats it and pinches it unconsciously.

It's just pissing off the fawn.

She turned over and forced herself and Jing Yiran's position, then she fell over her shoulder and directly threw jingyiran onto the road.

There was no more wolf claws on the buttocks, and the deer felt that the heartbeat was normal.

She patted her small hands, wrapped in tight clothes, and walked to the villa window, directly jumped in, leaving jingyiran lying on the road crying like a wolf.

When he got up the next day, the deer was wearing the suspender shirt of last night, and the lower body was only wearing a pair of white underwear. He ran to jingyiran's bedroom.

Jing Yiran is checking some part of her routine every morning to see if its function has returned to normal. As a result, the deer burst in directly without knocking on the door like a gust of wind.

"Brother Jing, what's wrong with my hand? How are they made into zongzi

Jing Yiran hurriedly pulled over the quilt to cover her key parts. She looked up and saw the deer bared two long white thighs, and nosebleed almost flowed down.

How could it be so messy this morning!

"Deer, you have to knock on the door when you enter someone's room, don't you know? Didn't your parents teach you? "

"Brother Jing, I have no parents..."

Jing Yiran's arrogance was suddenly cut off a large part, but he was dazzled by the fawn's two beautiful white thighs. He was not angry and said, "well, you always know that you can't walk around in underpants?"

"I didn't wander around. I only went into your room, and I didn't go anywhere else! Oh, I see. You mean, can't you come in underwear? I Should I take off my underwear? However, Shangguan elder sister said, can't take off clothes in front of men casually, I still Don't take it off? "

Jing Yiran deeply felt that the two dead girls in the deer's body were not the masters of any worry!

Fortunately, there is no third one, otherwise he will die!

"Who let you have sex?! Put on your skirt now! Don't walk around in front of other men in your underwear

The deer turned and walked out.

Jing Yiran watched her go out, just want to get out of bed, she saw her head greedy from the crack in the door, scared him to cover the quilt.

The deer looked at him and said, "brother Jing Er, you haven't told me why my hand is wrapped like this? Did I get hurt yesterday? Have my hands become disabled? "

Jing Yiran carefully checked the various symptoms of personality division. He knew that usually two independent consciousness did not know what happened when the other side occupied the body, but they vaguely knew each other's existence.

He didn't know what fawn had gone through to cause her personality split, but it must have been so tragic that she had a second personality.A pure and flawless, not familiar with the world, living a naive and happy life.

A dark, cruel, scarred, living a dark, bloody and dangerous life.

Which one is the real one?

Isn't she lost herself?

She didn't even remember many things in the past.

Her name is not Xiaolu at all. It's a name she randomly chooses for herself. It's just like finding a "Shangguan" surname for herself. She just thinks it's very nice.

Such a girl with a baby face and baby voice must be extremely miserable, at least more miserable than the second young master who was expelled from the Jing family.

Jing Yiran felt a pain in her heart and her tone softened.

"I cut you by accident yesterday. I wrapped your finger. It won't be disabled. It will be OK in a few days. When the time comes, the gauze will be removed. Don't touch water these days. "

The deer was waiting for his big eyes, hoping: "can I still eat lollipops?"

She is a 26 year old adult, but her mind is only a teenager. Jingyi feels that a certain place in her heart is touched in an instant.

His tone rare gentle up: "you can eat lollipops, but don't eat too much, bad for your teeth."

When the deer heard that he could eat sugar, he immediately became happy. A doll's face immediately became vivid: "great! Brother Jing, I'm not disabled. I can eat sugar

Jing Yiran can't help but smile on her face. However, at the next moment, fawn's words made his smile stiff on his face.

"Brother Jing, why don't you wear underwear when you sleep? You're not ashamed to show your farts!"

Originally just Jingyi ran too anxious, quilt unexpectedly did not cover well, exposed half buttocks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!