Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 454

The deer's small hand was held by jingyiran's big hand. She didn't make any movement. The blood on her fingers was dripping drop by drop, but she didn't feel it.

Pain seems to have become numb in the long years of killing.

The temperature of her fingers is obviously higher than that of jingyiran fingers, but she always feels cold and wants to find a place to get warm.

However, she was used to walking alone and did not dare to indulge in the warmth of beauty.

Only cold and dark can keep her in good condition, warm and easy to make her lose the precious intuition from thousands of times.

"You hurt your finger, why don't you say a word?" Jing Yiran looks at the fawn's indifferent face. She doesn't know what's going on. Suddenly, she feels a pain in her heart.

It is said that ten fingers are linked to one heart, and the finger injury is more intense than that of other places.

But in front of this delicate woman, it seems that she can not feel the pain at all.

Jing Yiran directly picked up the deer and put it back on the bed. She ordered her with a gloomy face: "sit here and don't move. I'll get the medicine box."

Fawn looked at him faintly, did not speak, but did not move.

Jing Yiran turned around and walked back a minute later with a large medicine box.

There was nothing else in his family, but the first-aid kit was the most abundant, and his experience in dressing wounds was comparable to that of a top doctor like MuQing.

I can't help it. He's injured too many times. He's been practicing for a long time.

Take out the alcohol cotton from the medicine box, disinfect the deer's wound skillfully, and then take out the white gauze and wrap the wound for her.

After a few minutes, jingyiran took care of the wound for the deer.

He couldn't help but be complacent: "how about, my childe's skill in dressing wounds is not bad?"? In the future, if I don't have a meal, I can open a medical center to treat injuries. This technique is definitely a master! "

The fawn looked at his skillful bandaging, and his heart softened.

If you don't have a lot of injuries, you can't be so skilled and professional.

Her eyes moved away from her hand and stopped at jingyiran's evil face. Then she said in a rare and serious tone: "don't be against jingyichen. You are not his opponent."

Jing Yiran was stunned, and then he was very angry. His nose would be crooked!

He "bang" the medicine box to one side, the glass bottle in the medicine box clanged in it, he roared: "fart! Why is Laozi not his opponent?! Is he three legs or three hands or three eyes? He is not just a person. I don't have much money in his hand. Otherwise, he will be arrogant for so long! "

Jing Yiran's beautiful face is full of uncontrollable anger, and the whole person is like a firecracker, crackling and roaring.

"All of you are optimistic about him. Why do you think I'm inferior to him? Why should I lose to him! I tell you, you're all wrong. It's ridiculous! I will beat him and make him nothing. I want you to know that I am the best one! You are all blind

Deer quietly listen to his vent, and wait for his anger to dissipate some, just calm mouth way: "I don't say you are inferior to him, I mean, you don't fight against him, it's not good for you."

Jing Yiran couldn't listen to it at all. She was furious: "you should get out of my house and eat mine in my house. I can help others speak. I'm sick to take you in! I should have stabbed you directly just now, so as not to let you look for me here! "

The deer stood up and walked out calmly: "OK, I'll go. However, I want to tell you that you can't kill me just now. Instead, I'll be merciful. Otherwise, you will be a corpse now. "

She said that and went straight out.

When Jingyi returns to her senses, the deer has already disappeared.

He was very upset.

Deer's finger was injured, and she just wore a suspender shirt and a small skirt under it. The temperature outside was already - 56 degrees, and it was in the middle of the night. It was too unsafe for her to go out as a little girl! What if you get a beautiful baby and get a long face!

Jingyi ran and did not want to chase out.

He seems to have forgotten that, with the skill of fawn, it is estimated that if anyone is looking at her, the doer must be fawn. The only way to follow her is to kneel down and beg for mercy.

He didn't know why he was chasing him, and he didn't want to know.

Anyway, I want to go out and chase back the woman who can't even talk tactfully.

Jing Yiran casually put on a coat and strode out. As he walked, he muttered in his heart. Really, his temper was bigger than that of him. He said he would go!

Didn't he just get angry a little bit, his voice was a little higher, and his tone was a little bit blunt? Dead girl, or the deer that only knows to chew with lollipops is popular. This one is so stubborn, and he can't beat her. It's just a prick!Xiaolu has been in jingyiran's home for many years. Although she is often absent, she is the closest person to jingyiran for so many years.

Although Jing Yiran likes beautiful women, he doesn't have a long love for women, and the longest women he has ever had is no more than a week.

Fawn has always been carved in pink and jade. She is very likable. Most of the time she is in the Jing family, she is the innocent little girl. Because there is no danger in Jing family, the deer who is good at killing and dealing with danger hidden in her body will not wake up.

If you insist on counting the fawn as a woman in jingyiran's life, she should be the one who has followed jingyiran for the longest time among all the women.

In the past ten years, Jing Yichen has not been back to Jing's house. Therefore, he has a weak relationship with Xiaolu. Instead, Jing Yiran often takes Xiaolu to make trouble.

Deer is strong, fighting is a good hand, Jing Yi Ran is always willing to take her.

Although sometimes in a critical moment, fawn's character will change greatly, and then the level of fighting will soar. However, Jingyi doesn't think much about it. He thinks that clay figurines also have the nature of three parts of the earth. The deer may be forced to be anxious and suddenly change his temper.

Fawn's heart is the big deer. It's his regret to drive away the deer in the middle of the night.

He was scolded by a little girl.

He can use any means to others. He doesn't care about the life and death of others, but fawn is different.

Memories of those fuzzy scenes gradually become clear, whenever he was injured, there will always be a cold woman sitting beside him, caressing his forehead and cheek. , the fastest update of the webnovel!