Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 453

In winter, the cold wind is howling and raging outside the window, and the temperature has gradually decreased. Even if city a is close to the sea, it is also more and more dry and cold.

Silent night, the sky can not see a star, the moon is also covered by thick clouds, only a faint halo.

The villa is very quiet, there is a light and unheard of footsteps slowly approaching.

The keen intuition formed by years of killing makes the fawn grasp an arm that reaches her in front of her without hesitation. Her fingers close together and attack people's throat like a sharp sword.

It's only 0. 01 seconds, this person will be one of the many ghosts under her hand.

"Fawn, it's me!"

The screams cut through the night sky and reverberate in the silent villa.

The deer's gesture was too fast to hold back, so it had to change from chopping to clapping.

"Putong", a person's body and the floor to a close contact, just listen to the sound, you know must fall very painful, very painful.

The deer turned on the light and looked at the man lying on the ground. His voice was faint: "what are you doing with a knife?"

Jing Yiran was slapped in the throat by the fawn, and her tears almost fell down!

He doubted that his own Adam's Apple had been smashed directly by fawn! She was so powerful that she could send him to report to the king of hell with one slap!

He coughed and coughed for a long time. Finally, he got up from the floor with grinning teeth.

"If I try to test you, you are too alert. I almost killed me. You dare to kill me!"

Jing Yiran stares at the fawn, as if trying to find something from her face.

The deer raised her eyes, and with her unique baby voice, coldly said, "what are you trying to test me for?"

Her special voice, coupled with a special tone, makes people hear a strange and unspeakable. Her voice is still clear and crisp, but it always does not match.

It was as if her body was still young, but her mind was adult.

Jing Yiran walked to the fawn, raised her chin and looked at her. The evil spirit said, "test my guess is correct."

"Is that right?" The deer did not move, let Jing Yiran move frivolously with his thumb across her lip, let him look at it with sharp eyes.

Jing Yiran's beautiful face showed a smile, he was born beautiful, almost men and women can not distinguish, at the moment a smile, the face can almost be described as reversing all sentient beings.

The fawn was slightly distracted.

With narrow peach blossom eyes, straight nose, sexy thin lips, clean short hair and long eyelashes, the creator seems to like him very much. Everything is just fine.

He has the masculinity of a man, not too feminine because of his face. He is elegant and noble in all his actions, without half the affectation of a woman.

He is tall and straight, and his body is full of strong muscles. Although his clothes don't look obvious, he is red at the moment. Naked upper body, smooth and sexy muscle lines show no doubt.

Even though the fawn has been used to seeing men's nudity, he still praises jingyiran's body.

"I guess I was right."

Jing Yiran shows a typical evil smile and reaches out to touch the delicate eyebrows and eyes of the fawn.

"I guess you're in love with Ben!"

Jing Yiran speaks astonishingly, but the fawn doesn't even blink.

"It's OK. Don't be sorry. I'm so handsome. I've been chased by girls since I was a child. I've been used to it for a long time. If you don't like me, it's strange!"

"If you are ill, take the medicine quickly. Don't disturb my rest."

Fawn light said a, turn around to go.

Jing Yiran pulled her back and put her whole person against the wall. Her two arms supported on the wall, and looked down at her.

"I guessed right, you have schizophrenia, and you like me both. Of course, you may really like this one now, and the one in the daytime just treats me as my brother. "

"I'm sick. You don't have to remind me. Thank you."

Jing Yiran didn't expect that fawn admitted it directly!

He thought that she would at least cover it up. After all, this disease is easy to be used.

"Do you trust me so much?" he said

Deer looked at him in surprise: "why should I trust you?"

"Then why did you tell me such an important secret?"

"You can't beat me anyway. No matter which one I am, I have enough ability to kill you in a moment."

Jing Yiran was angry, and he was moved white!

However, this is the first time he met a person with split personality. He never thought about it before. After all, this disease is still rare.

"When will you change?"

"Boring!" The deer looked at Jingyi ran, the stars almost appeared in his eyes, and glanced at him, disdaining the way.Jing Yiran was not affected by her. She said excitedly: "I guess once you encounter danger, mature you will come out. If the surrounding environment is very stable or the atmosphere is very happy, that silly girl will replace you, right?"

Although the fawn was surprised by jingyiran's powerful analytical ability, there was no change in her look. She did not say yes or no.

In jingyiran's view, this is acquiescence.

He looked more excited and gushed: "then why do you get this disease? I have checked it. Many people have been greatly stimulated or have experienced great changes that they can't accept. For self-protection, the human body will suppress one aspect of its personality, and then form another personality completely different from the previous one. What great changes have happened to you? "

Fawn's look changed for the first time tonight. Even if jingyiran said that she liked him, her mood did not fluctuate at all. At the moment, her mood was almost uncontrollable. Her sudden irritability made her want to pinch Jing Yiran's neck!

What has happened to her?

Hehe, she is a real killer. What major changes can she have? It's just killing, killing all the time!

The emotional out of control, let the deer's body almost out of control, her mind of a familiar scene reappeared, tormenting her fragile nerves.

"Why, your hand is bleeding!"

Just at this time, jingyiran's hand held her hand.

Cool, generous feeling from fingertip to her whole body, the scene in her mind was forced down by her.

"It's OK," she said in a slightly hoarse voice

Jing Yi Ran looked at her fingers and saw the bloodstain on the sharp blade in his hand. She was annoyed and said, "it turns out that I accidentally cut you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!