Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 452

However, the voice in reality is: "no fever. Is the second brother Jing's brain broken? Is this what Shangguan's elder sister often said about brain crash? "

Jingsheng group office building on the top floor, empty, only deer clear baby sound, in jingyiran ears.

Jing Yiran returns to her senses and begins to tear the fawn's clothes rudely.

The deer was so scared that he couldn't even care about his favorite lollipop. "Bang" threw the lollipop on the ground, and the colorful lollipop was suddenly broken into pieces.

She clung to her clothes and stammered for the first time.

"You, er Jing Are you going to rob women? I, I, I, I called! Although I am very beautiful, but But you are not my husband, you can't take off my clothes! That man and woman are different. I'm a big girl. I can't be so close to you. "

Jing Yiran seems to have not heard the same, "stab" a, on the deer's coat to tear.

The small white suspenders and white underwear that she wore close to her body were exposed.

Exposed skin, white, delicate, but there are many scars, some very conspicuous, some have become very shallow, do not look carefully, has not seen.

This time she took off her clothes, which was quite different from her reaction when she took off her clothes in jingyichen villa.

Jing Yiran was puzzled and asked, "deer, are you schizophrenic?"

Words a mouth, Jingyi ran heart a shock!


It's not true, it's not true!

More than once, he has seen the two characters of fawn. At first, he just felt very strange, but later he had some.

To this day, he had a flash of light in his mind, and suddenly came up with the word.

The appearance of fawn is very consistent with the symptoms of split personality!

In her body, there are two individuals with independent consciousness!

Jingyi takes off his clothes and cries out in a hurry: "brother Jing, you are too bad. You tore the clothes that Shangguan elder sister bought for me. You bought them in England. You compensate me! And my lollipops, all broken, you have to pay! "

Jing Yiran moved in her heart, wiping her tears and coaxing her: "dear deer, I'll buy you lollipops and buy you new clothes. Would you like to go shopping with me?"

The deer raised his head and said without any thought: "good, good, I'll go shopping with you! However, I have to tell Shangguan elder sister first. She said that I have to tell her wherever I go

Jing Yi Ran still nodded: "don't worry, let's go first, and then call her."

He said, took off his suit coat, wrapped in the deer, took her into the elevator, to the underground parking lot, driving her all the way back to his villa.

Jing Yiran orders the servant to go out to buy chocolate and candy, leaving the fawn by his side and talking to her constantly.

He wants to find another deer hidden in the body through clues.

The deer child's disposition, has the sugar to eat, has the scenery to accompany her to play, soon forgot shangguanning and Lu Qin's instruction behind.

In the president's office of Jingsheng group, Shangguan Ning sits beside Jing Yichen, holding his chin in one hand and being held by Jing Yichen with one hand. He is puzzled and asks, "how can Ji's group let jingyiran be an outsider as vice president? Isn't this leading a wolf into the house? He already has 20% equity of Jishi group, but now he has real power. I'm afraid he will have a bad idea? "

Jingyichen gently rubbed Shangguan's green and tender fingers, and said in a light voice: "yes, according to his character, there will be some crooked thoughts. However, this is definitely not Ji Bo's idea, but Yang Muyan's idea. Ji's group will certainly have a big move recently, which may be a good time for us to make a move. "

"Let's go?" Shangguan Ning Mou son some doubts, "do you want to swallow up Ji's group?"

Is this a little too much appetite?

Jing Yichen's handsome face showed a faint Conceit: "why not? Jishi group is now besieged by all sides and in chaos. Now it is easy to merge. In the past, I didn't move it just because your husband didn't bother to spend this energy. Now, since it dares to provoke me, it must be prepared to die miserably. "

Shangguan Ning deeply doubts whether Jing Yichen didn't shoot Jibo last time. He is still trying to rectify Jibo.

And the best way to deal with Jibo is to annex the Jishi group, which he values most?

She put her head on Jing Yichen's shoulder and looked at their hands clasped with ten fingers. There was no big fluctuation in her tone: "I support you whatever you want to do, provided you don't get hurt. The Ji family is not so easy to provoke, so we should make more plans in advance, so that the rabbit will not bite

Jingyichen smile: "don't worry, which rabbit dare not bite me, otherwise it must be broken teeth. Wait for my good news, it won't take long for Ji's family to disappear from a city. "His tone is relaxed, but shangguanning can hear the firmness in his words.

There is nothing that Jing Yichen has decided to do so far. Shangguanning has a premonition that Jingsheng group will certainly be able to annex the second largest commercial group in a city.

Shangguan Ning suddenly has some sympathy for Jibo, but this time he kicked on the iron plate and joined hands with Yang Muyan. However, the key point is that the Ji family has fallen apart. I wonder if he will regret the original decision.

Jibo now has no time to regret, his injury is not completely good, he has set foot on the plane back home, off the plane, straight to Ji minjue's villa.

The two uncles and nephews talked in secret until midnight. During this period, fierce arguments and growls were heard in the study, but in the end everything was calm.

The next day, Ji minjue gave up the position of president.

Jibo, the new president of Jishi group, took office.

Unexpectedly, Jibo won the support of all the senior managers of Jishi group. For a time, he became the most popular president in the group. Even the old subordinates of Ji minjue turned the wind and turned to Jibo.

Jingyichen the next day to learn about this, just a faint smile, in the heart did not have any waves.

It's just that he didn't expect to be promoted to Jishi group so soon.

It's not easy for uncle Ji to do something radical. After all, he won't hurt his character.

Now that Ji minjue has been squeezed down so quickly, it must have been by unconventional means.

Jibo, it's a mess.

He thought, without Ji minjue's hindrance, when the president, everything can be achieved? , the fastest update of the webnovel!