Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 449

Jibo looked at Yang Muyan in disbelief and lost his voice: "what do you say?"

Yang Muyan unexpectedly and patiently repeated: "jingyiran is now the vice president of your Jishi group. In the future, I will be equal with you."

She saw Ji Bo's face seemed whiter than before, and her mood became very good. Leaning against the door, she took out a small mirror from her pocket, looked at her more and more delicate face, and stimulated Jibo with casual tone.

"As for the position of the president, I'm not satisfied with your recent performance. Therefore, Ji minjue is sitting in that position for the time being. When you satisfy me, I'll pull him down. He has countless handles in my hand. Any one of them can kill him. You can think about it. I'm going back to city A. It seems that it will be very interesting there! "

Jibo has been waiting for Yang Muyan's figure to disappear completely, the whole person is still in the rage.

How can Jing Yi Ran be the vice president of Ji's group?!

They had an agreement to hold 20% of the shares of the other family, but they could not take the opportunity to plunder the property of the other family through equity.

Jibo can attack Jingjia, but jingyiran has to hand over all of its property to jingyiran, and jingyiran can't use the equity of Jijia to interfere with the normal operation of Jijia.

After all, Jibo doesn't trust Jing Yiran. How can a person who even his own family be indifferent to other families!

He didn't want the Jing family not to be knocked down, but to compensate the Ji family!

He needs to go home right away!

He needs to be in the position of president immediately!

Yang Muyan has Ji minjue's handle in his hand. Doesn't he have Ji Bo? It's just that in the past, it's hard to take too much into consideration. Otherwise, Ji Minyu and the old lady of the Ji family will not give up.

Now, at such a critical moment, he has nothing to worry about!


In the meeting room on the top floor of Jingsheng group in city a, there are a group of men in suit and leather. The rest are all in black suits, white dark striped shirts and gray ties. The only leading man is a striking and eye-catching royal blue suit with a peach red shirt inside, but no tie.

Jing Yichen takes Shangguan Ning and the other two vice presidents of the group. As soon as they open the door of the meeting room, they are all startled by each other's lineup.

The leading man got up gracefully, and a group of suit men sitting at his head also got up.

He held out his hand to jingyichen: "Mr. Jing, first meeting, please take care of me. I'm Jing Yiran, vice president of Ji's group. I'm in charge of this large-scale real estate development project. I hope we can have a good cooperation."

All the people who have cooperated with jingyichen know that he never shakes hands with others, regardless of gender, regardless of age.

So jingyiran behind that group of Jishi Group executives all for jingyiran pinch sweat.

As expected, jingyichen has no intention of shaking hands at all.

The atmosphere fell into a terrible cold in an instant, but soon disappeared. It seemed that the death just now was just an illusion.

Jing Yichen just glanced at Jingyi ran coldly and said a sentence that made everyone feel arrogant and boundless.

"Your name is Jing? Change your surname. It's not everyone's surname! Otherwise, cooperation will be very unpleasant. I have a bad temper. It's common for me to be dead and disabled. I don't know if Jibo is dead or not. I will send an outsider to negotiate. My shot will not kill him! "

"I'm really sorry. My father's surname is Jing. I can't change it. My father can't change it. Otherwise, can you help me to persuade my father to change his surname? As for vice president Ji Bo, he is on his honeymoon. He is newly married. It's normal that people who love beauty don't love mountains and rivers. General manager Jing doesn't love beauties. Is that right, vice president Shangguan

Obviously, they are two brothers, but they are at daggers drawn. It seems that there is a deep blood feud.

Moreover, both of them regard each other as strangers, hiding a knife secretly between their words. It seems that they are going to cut each other thousands of times at any time!

Shangguan Ning stood beside jingyichen, listening to jingyiran point at himself, coldly looked up at him, and said faintly: "yes, Jing and Ji are always beautiful people. Unlike some pickpockets, they make themselves male and female. As a result, both men and women can't love each other."

It has long been rumored that Jing Er Shao's excessive indulgence has led to serious overdraft, and his ability in that respect has declined sharply. Even if Dr. Mu Qing, the president of Mu's Hospital and the descendant of the miracle doctor, has personally treated him, the effect is very little. Now he can't have fun with women at all.

In fact, Jingyi ran parachuted to Jishi group as vice president, which caused a huge shock of Jishi group.

Who in a city doesn't know Jing Yiran, the famous second son of Jing family?

Although he acted strangely, frivolous and absurd, he had a ruthless heart, which provoked him. None of them could withdraw. What's more, even though he was removed from the Jing family, his blood still flows through his body. Ji's group belongs to the Ji family. How can a Jing family lead him?!What a shame!

Many of the senior employees of Ji's group are the offshoots of the Ji family. Although they are not directly related, they are all related to the family. Their interests are closely related, the goals are the same, and they are closely linked. How can Jingyi be allowed to intervene in and criticize!

Now many people in Jingsheng group have already known that Jing Yiran was pushed up by Ji minjue. He not only gave jingyiran all the 20% equity he had left in his hand, but also let him sit in the position of vice president, in charge of the real estate business department and e-commerce business department, which have the largest profits.

If everyone was not convinced that Jing Yiran must be Jing Zhongxiu's son and his family, everyone would have doubted whether Jing Yiran was Ji minjue's illegitimate son who had been lost for many years!

This is even better than their own sons and daughters. Every talent in Jiling and jijiameng gets 15% of the equity from Ji minjue, but jingyiran gets 20% of the shares at once, which is definitely a problem!

As a result, Ji minjue, the president of Jishi group, has been completely ignored. He has no equity, no real power, and no one else will listen to his orders.

As for Jing Yiran, he has become the second largest shareholder of Ji's group, second only to Ji Bo, the successor of Ji Jiaxin.

However, everyone has the illusion that Jishi group is about to be occupied by the Jing family. So Jingyi wants to talk about cooperation with jingyichen today, and the senior management of Jishi group almost poured out.

They want to see whether jingyiran is really going to Jijia and whether it can strive for the best interests for Jishi group.

Everyone is worried that Jing Yiran was expelled from the Jing family and went to the Ji family. Would it be a bitter plan with Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Yichen? , the fastest update of the webnovel!