Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 448

In England, in a small villa with ordinary appearance, Jibo's face was as white as paper lying on the bed. When he saw the obvious irony on the woman's face in front of him, his face became whiter.

"I said, you can't give up that woman at all."

Yang Muyan looked at Jibo from a commanding position, and satirized Jibo with his coarse and hoarse voice: "she is already married and pregnant. I didn't expect that you are a modest and gentle man, but you are a man with heavy taste!"

Jibo finally couldn't help it and snapped, "shut up!"

"You're falling out with me so soon?" Yang Muyan's bloodless face was cold and said faintly: "call me and let me help you. Why don't you turn over with me? Now that you're alive, you have the ability to yell at me? "

Jibo heard her words, the fierce color on his face gradually disappeared, and slowly recovered his calm.

Yang Muyan saw that he was wilting and continued to say coldly: "your life is mine now. After that, there is no room for bargaining with me! If you don't do it, give me your life and add some interest. "

Her tone was too arrogant and too inconsiderate. Jibo, who has always been arrogant, has never been humiliated like this.

This is a woman's trampling on his dignity.

Once upon a time, the woman humbly knelt in front of him, begging him to take in and cooperate with him.

At that time, Yang's family had just been destroyed. Yang Muyan, who escaped from the violent explosion, was extremely weak, ugly and hoarse.

Jibo agreed to take her in and cooperate with her. Although he took a fancy to the large amount of resources in her hands and her deep hatred for the Jing family, no matter what he was for, it was he who gave Yang Muyan a ray of life at that time.

Now, with the explosive growth of Yang Muyan's strength, her self-confidence and conceit have been seriously expanded, revealing her original ferocious face.

Now, he is regarded as a slave, and he speaks with his commanding voice to the vice president of Ji's group and the eldest master of the Ji family!

But strangely, Ji Bo found that he didn't feel embarrassed and angry at all. Besides Jing Yichen, no one could force him to jump and lose control.

He used to be very angry with Yang Muyan, but now he can calm down.

Perhaps, it is because he feels that Yang Muyan is still not on the stage!

Such a person, though frightening, despairing and frightening, can't win the respect of Jibo.

Although Jing Yichen is not a good man and kills countless people, he is a man with principles and responsibilities. Most of the time, he is open and aboveboard.

Jibo's face is buried in a shadow, can not see the expression, but can hear the firmness in his voice.

"Yang Muyan, don't be too arrogant. You can't afford my life. Among the three families in a city, the Jing family is the first, and the second is the Ji family. Your Yang family is just the third, and there is a big gap with the Ji family. How can the Ji family be so simple as you imagine? You still have to cooperate with me honestly. Don't try to control me. It's impossible. "

Yang Muyan's eyes flashed away. She heard the firmness in Ji Bo's tone, which could only suppress the strong desire for control in her heart.

It's OK. Don't worry. Jibo will obey her orders sooner or later!

At present, the most important task is to make the Jing family collapse completely. She wants to cut off all the wings of the Jing family, so as to prevent the loyal people from retaliating fiercely. During this period, she can not do without the help of Ji Bo and Ji family.

She is a very clever woman, good at grasping the key points and weaknesses of others.

So she went around the problem again.

"I saved your life. Instead of being grateful, you threatened me. Are you afraid that I will save you next time? All in all, you are just obsessed with other people's wives, and in front of her, your IQ is very limited! You don't want your own life for a woman. If it wasn't for her, how could your life fall into my hands! "

Yang Muyan around a large circle, his most real meaning deeply hidden in it, waiting for Jibo to hook up.

How can Jibo's mind compare with Yang Muyan, who is good at playing tricks, and he is not interested in what the real purpose of Yang Muyan is.

He and Yang Muyan are grasshoppers on the same rope. Only by joining forces can they defeat jingyichen.

Moreover, he did not want Yang Muyan to move shangguanning.

"No, you're wrong. It's because of her that I survived." Jibo's voice is faint, and he can't tell whether he is happy or not. Now his ability to hide his emotions has become deeper and deeper.

"Without her, I would have been dead by now."

Yang Muyan did not know the specific situation at that time. Jibo, as the party concerned, was naturally clear.

If it was not Shangguan, Ning Chao jingyichen yelled, that shot would have hit his heart and killed him on the spot.

Shangguan rouxue is a living example.With jingyichen's shooting technique, not to mention only ten meters away, even after hundreds of meters, he can hit the target!

It is said that in the year when Jing Yichen was trained in the Royal Military Academy, he broke many records of the Military Academy for decades. After taking part in the most basic training of shooting target, Jing Yichen never took part again, because he hit a hundred hits, and that kind of training has no effect on him.

Jing Yichen couldn't be biased. He was merciful.

Because shangguanning said, "don't shoot.".

The reason why shangguanning protected him was that he showed her protection inadvertently.

If he treats Shangguan Ning like Shangguan rouxue, jingyichen will make him worse than dead even if he pursues to the ends of the earth.

"Oh, so she was your Savior? I would have done more than that. I knew you had such an idea. Why should I bring you here to recuperate! You should just bleed to death! "

"You are different from her. She tried nothing to save me. You saved me because it was profitable. If I died, your help would be greatly reduced, which would be detrimental to your revenge."

Yang Muyan's face was full of sneers, but he was satisfied in his heart.

Very good. Just as she expected, Jibo really has a deep affection for Shangguan.

Chatting with him so much nonsense, wasted a lot of her beauty and beauty time, fortunately, the result she got was very satisfactory, so she didn't care about it.

Yang Muyan gets the answer he wants and turns to go out directly.

When I came to the door, I suddenly turned back and said with a smile: "Oh, I forgot to tell you a piece of good news. Jing Yiran has been arranged by me to work in Jishi group, with the title of vice president of the group!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!