Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 450

However, at the moment, it seems that jingyiran is really breaking up with Jingjia?

It's just that he broke up with the Jing family, and what did shangguanning, the new vice president, do?

Listen to the meaning of his words, it seems that the vice president of Shangguan and jingyichen have some secret!

I've heard that shangguanning's promotion speed is comparable to that of taking a rocket. Is it because her beauty charms jingyichen, so she is the vice president?

Still say, jingyiran is always interested in people's officials and vice presidents. If you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour.

Ji's group also has a female vice president, but she is over 40 years old. Although the maintenance is very good, how can it compare with shangguanning, who is the same as green onion.

She stood there quietly, there is a very attractive unique temperament, want to be close but dare not close, there is a kind of dare not profane elegant.

She looks beautiful and looks well cultivated. Unexpectedly, her words are so impolite. She directly sprinkles salt on jingyiran's wound. It seems that she is not afraid of jingyiran at all.

You know, Jing Yiran used to be the devil in the hearts of many women in a city. He would tease the women he liked, regardless of their status and whether they were married or not.

In particular, he will not let go of beautiful women who have their own unique temperament.

In the eyes of the public, it is normal for Jing Yiran to take a fancy to shangguanning.

However, after Shangguan Ning's words, Jing Yiran's face became obviously ugly.

A beautiful and matchless face turned red, obviously angry.

The momentum of Ji's group dropped sharply, while the other two vice presidents of Jingsheng group showed a faint smile. They were quite surprised by shangguanning's venomous tongue. You know, on weekdays, she is a very gentle person and never let others down.

It seems that Jing Yi Ran attacks Jing Yi Chen, which provokes Shangguan Ning's wife.

The senior management of Ji's group did not know the identity of shangguanning, but the senior management of Jingsheng group did. They were all invited to attend jingyichen's wedding in England, so they were naturally informed.

"Your hospitality of Jingsheng is too bad. I don't think we can negotiate cooperation today. You have no sincerity at all. Do you look down on our Jishi group?"

A group of high-level Jishi group have to look at jingyichen, that vision is very obvious: despise our Jishi group?

Jing Yichen lightly swept a circle of Ji's group, and said: "the original Ji's group's brain drain and withering so badly, now has sent such a dubious person to deal with Jingsheng. Everybody go back, I don't work with such an amateur team! "

Jing Yichen said, took the lead to go out, shangguanning and the other two vice presidents did not say anything, went directly.

In the twinkling of an eye, only a group of people from the Jishi group were sitting in the conference room.

Later, they looked at Jing Yiran with anger. If it wasn't for him, even if today's cooperation could not be reached, it would certainly have made great progress. After all, both sides can speak up to the meeting, and they all come for interests. It is not a wise choice to delay each other's time.

Jishi group was immediately denounced.

"Vice President Jing, this is the first time that you have independently led a project negotiation. Now you have not even started. You have been directly dumped by others. Who is responsible for the loss this time?"

"Vice President Jing, are you helping our group or harming us? But there are thousands of people waiting to be fed. There is no business. We will not be able to pay bonus at the end of this year, and maybe we need to lay off workers! "

"Isn't it the intention to anger Jingsheng group? Or is vice president Jing actually acting for all of us? Deliberately quarrel with jingshao, lose business, let Ji's business shrink continuously, and then be absorbed by Jingsheng! "


In a moment, people say everything.

Jingyiran slapped the conference table, and the huge noise made all the voices quiet down.

He stood upright at the top, slowly turned his head and looked at a group of high-level Jishi, and his lips showed a vicious and cold radian: "those who are unconvinced, get out of here, and you are welcome to submit your resignation report at any time! I am not only the vice president one level higher than you, but also the second largest shareholder with 20% of the shares in his hand. Do you have any opinions on this business

Seeing that none of them spoke, Jingyi suddenly grinned: "it's useless to have any opinions. Who told you that you have no equity? Ha ha ha, it's a pity that you all said it was not worth it! Don't listen to the old man's salary. Don't let the old man who is not old enough to go home

A group of senior executives of Ji's group were fumigated by Jingyi Ran's words.

They are all senior figures of the company. Although their shares are not much, they are 1.2% of them. They have always been respected by Jibo and Ji minjue. When have they been scolded by others like Jibo and Ji minjue!People have a look ugly cold hum, and continue to go out.

I've heard that the second young master of the Jing family is so arrogant. When I see him today, it's true!

How can such a person be a vice president of the group and be given so much equity!

After they left the building of Jingsheng group, they drove to Ji minjue's home with only a little discussion.

They want to jointly protest with the president and remove Jing Yiran, the vice president!

Jing Yiran doesn't care what others think. He came to Jingsheng today, and he doesn't talk about business at all. He doesn't know anything about real estate business. He just came to demonstrate today!

The development of Jishi group has a fart relationship with him. It's better to let Jingsheng group and Jishi group suffer both losses, and he can make a profit. This is the most perfect!

He doesn't care if the stock prices of the two companies fall. If both companies can collapse quickly, even if he doesn't get a cent, he will be happy!

Jing Yiran has always been on the road of "injuring the enemy a thousand and losing eight hundred himself". In the past, even though he was beaten by jingyichen all over the body, as long as he could get angry to jingyichen, he felt that he had won.

On this point, he and Yang Muyan have the same goal, so they can reach an agreement in just one hour.

Yang Muyan does not care about the life and death of the two commercial groups even more than jingyiran. She is only happy when they are dead!

Jingyi managed her blue suit without a trace of wrinkles, opened the door of the meeting room and went out.

Face to face, came a little Lori holding a big lollipop that had not been unpacked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!