Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 447

Shangguanning knows that it is useless to worry about it.

She now only hates Zhao An'an, a girl who is too willful. When she is found, she must be well cleaned up!

"Zheng Jing, you can expand the scope of your search, not limited to city A. quickly start searching in the surrounding cities. If there is a shortage of people, let me know. I'll find someone to cooperate with your criminal police team."

Zheng Jing solemnly nodded: "good, today go back to immediately expand the scope!"

Jing Yichen turned her eyes to Mu Qing: "you will go to England tomorrow and find someone with ah Hu and them. The situation there is not the same as that in China. It is difficult to cover up an accident. You need your medical help a lot. According to the information provided by Zheng Lun, An'an is most likely to be in the UK. He searched the UK several times and did not expand the scope. "

Mu Qing nodded with red eyes.

The heart is like being torn open, bloody and painful.

He knew he couldn't live without Zhao An'an, but he didn't think that after losing her, he could not sleep because of heartache and missing.

Only now can he fully realize the madness and collapse of jingyichen.

This kind of feeling is really not what ordinary people can bear.

As powerful as Jing Yichen, she was also aware of shangguanning's disappearance in that period of time, and the whole person couldn't control himself and wanted to kill people!

Mu Qing is not bloodthirsty. His personality is different from jingyichen.

Before Jing Yichen's life can be described as dark without day, which created his ruthless, even cruel and violent character, he wanted to kill more normal.

However, Mu Qing felt that she wanted to kill people so much, which was very abnormal.

He grew up in a very good environment. His family was harmonious, his parents loved each other, and his brothers and sisters helped each other. The elders took great care of the younger generation. Although Muwen was a little grumpy, he often used bamboo sticks to beat him to learn various complicated medical skills. However, compared with the hell training of jingzhongxiu, the old man was a paradise.

That's why he has a cheerful personality, without a trace of haze in his heart, and his life is always simple and happy.

For life, MuQing is more about the continuation of life. His profession endows him with the responsibility and mission of saving people.

Although he will occasionally follow jingyichen mischievous, but he will never take people's lives at will.

But now, Zhao An'an is gone. He can't even do an operation.

Because as long as he saw the blood, he would be inexplicably irritable, and would like to directly insert the sharp scalpel into the patient's heart!

Mu Qing knows that before finding Zhao An'an, he may not be able to operate the scalpel again.

He couldn't imagine that Zhao An'an was suffering a great deal in a corner, or she was bleeding, or she was on the verge of despair when he was treating patients as usual.

At first, MuQing also hated it.

Like shangguanning, he decided to wait for Zhao An'an to come back and punish her.

But now there is no such idea, as long as Zhao an can come back, as long as she does not leave, even if this is a prank, Mu Qing will not hesitate to forgive her.

Just ask, she can come back safely.

Jing Yichen asked him to go to England, which is the best suggestion.

Maybe he could find the woman who ran away in England and take her home with him.

Mu Qing firmly believes that he can find her.

Recently, Mu Yichen's bomb has been thrown out of her mind. She should have been out of her mind by Gu Yichen.

And, no one knows, Mu Qing actually went to Yang Muyan.

He was too eager to know about Zhao An'an's safety. He didn't go around the Bush and asked Yang Muyan whether Zhao an was captured.

Yang Muyan denied.

Mu Qing asked this, has been holding Yang Muyan's hand, Yang Muyan looks a little happy, because Mu Qing is willing to touch her.

In fact, Mu Qing just wants to feel Yang Muyan's pulse and see if she has lied.

He has been a doctor for many years, and he is familiar with the human body, and he has learned how to distinguish the truth from the false with Zheng Jing.

From Yang Muyan's look, pupil changes, pulse changes, MuQing has 90% confidence that Yang Muyan is not lying.

Unless Yang Muyan has received the extreme training of similar agents, otherwise, she can't cheat Mu Qing.

Although Mu Qing and Yang Muyan are not familiar with each other, judging from their few contacts, she disdains to lie about what she has done.

Most of them are like this. They don't shy away from what they have done. They have their own pride and conceit. They don't lie easily.

Although Yang Muyan is paranoid, he ran directly to the hospital last time and told MuQing to marry him.

She is so straightforward that she doesn't seem to be a person who will hide the capture of Zhao An'an.

As long as Yang Muyan didn't make a move, MuQing was already at ease a lot.Therefore, although his heart ache was severe, he was not desperate.

The next day, Tong Mu's brother took over the hospital.

The nickname of wooden tongs is "wooden barrel". As the name of others is, the whole person is round and round, and his face looks rich.

He inherits the traditional medical theory of the Mu family and is the most firm supporter and promoter of traditional Chinese medicine. However, although he is a famous doctor, his life is not demanding health.

He likes to eat meat, which is never too self-restraint, so he has a fat body.

What is consistent with his fat figure is his open-minded attitude.

He knew that his best and most outstanding cousin wanted to find his lover and love, and supported him without hesitation.

"Third brother, go ahead. There are my brother and sister at home. This hospital is not the responsibility of you alone, it is the responsibility of all of us. Without you, the hospital can't be transferred to the next level? Don't worry. When you come back with your sister-in-law, my brother will return the hospital to you intact. It's difficult to develop. I still have some confidence in maintaining the original situation. "

Mu Qing gave his brother a bear hug, and then he set foot on the journey of England alone, looking for the woman who was always involved in his every nerve.

Before boarding the plane, Mu Wensheng was still scolding Mu Qing over the phone. He was strictly forbidden to take charge of the hospital for him and ordered him to come back immediately.

Mu Qing felt very guilty. His greatest wish was to inherit his grandfather's mantle and be a doctor more powerful than his grandfather.

He has not fulfilled his promise to grandfather, so he left without backbone.

Because he knew that his grandfather and the hospital would be there for another year, two years, five years, ten years, but his safety did not know where.

He's going to find her back and never separate from her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!