Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 446

Shangguanning didn't want to say anything to Xie Zhuojun, let alone angry with him.

But this guy has the ability to piss people off.

Shangguan took two deep breaths, and then he calmed down his mood. He said calmly: "first, my company, I'm the boss. Whoever wants to be expelled will be fired. You don't have any qualifications to tell."

"Second, it's not because of you that you fired Luo Rong. You Xie Zhuojun doesn't have such a big face. I won't fire any employee with high self-worth because you are such a person. I will dismiss him because he deceives the superior and conceals the truth and falsely reports the order. I dare not take the employee who has no boss in his eyes!"

"Third, you are so righteous and have the ability to recruit him to your Xie's company. Come to me and talk to me about what. If he is really good, how can you not rush him over and let him do the purchasing of your company!"

Shangguan Ning's voice was not big, but Xie Zhuojun was shaking.

Shangguanning's every sentence is clear and direct to the point. She has already explained it very clearly. This is because of Luo Rong's personality problems. No company dares to ask for such a person!

However, Xie Jiagen was not able to attract Luo Rong, whose monthly salary was 13000 yuan, and there were various subsidies. Liyu technology also provided him with vehicles and long-term hotel accommodation, which were simply not affordable by the Xie family.

Luo Rong had no problem before. He was expelled by shangguanning in order to help him. No matter what it was, it was his reason.

Xie Zhuojun just wants to let Luo Rong continue to work in huiliyu technology, otherwise he is really too sorry for his good brother!

He always felt that shangguanning would give him this face. She was always soft hearted and couldn't bear to look at the suffering of others.

Think of here, Xie Zhuo Jun tone softened down.

"There is no problem with Luo Rong's character. He was honed by me for too long before he agreed to help me. Since you are the big boss of Liyu technology, it's just a matter of one sentence to accept someone? How can you give him a way to live if your company doesn't need his salary? "

Shangguan Ning did not expect that Xie Zhuojun was looking for her for Luo Rong's business. She didn't care about this kind of thing. Now, because Luo Rong and Xie Zhuojun wasted her precious time, she was very unhappy!

"I'll say it for the last time, rojon. I won't take it. Just give up! Now go away and don't come again

After finishing, Shangguan Ning directly pushed the door and went out, leaving Xie Zhuojun alone sitting there gaping.

From Shangguan Ning's mouth, Xie Zhuo Jun could not help but be shocked.

She is never a swearing person, this is to want to disgust him to what extent, can use such vulgar words!

Xie Zhuo Jun has not yet regained consciousness, see the door has been opened again, he hopes to look up, but found that came into a small loli with a large lollipop.

After looking at him for a long time, Lori asked in a crisp voice, "are you Xie?"

Xie Zhuo Jun subconsciously nodded: "yes, my surname is Xie."

Little Laurie relaxed: "Oh, I found you, my elder brother Jing said, let me throw you out, I'll throw it away, you don't cry pain!"

Xie Zhuojun stares big eyes, this little Lori brain is not sick? How to talk so boundless!

If Xiaolu knew what Xie Zhuojun thought at the moment, she would nod her head seriously: my brain is sick!

But she didn't know, so

She bit her huge lollipop in her mouth, and then with a little force, she directly put the tall Xie Zhuojun on her shoulder.

She walked lightly to the window, and then in Xie Zhuojun's startled eyes, threw him out from the window on the third floor!

Xie Zhuojun is absolutely out of his wits!

This is the third floor! Third floor!

The landing movement lasted only one second, and then a loud bang was heard. Mr. Xie fell onto a garbage truck behind Jingsheng building.

The garbage truck has just finished collecting the garbage of Jingsheng group. When the driver hears the movement, he turns his head and takes a look. However, he murmurs: "garbage truck, only carries garbage. No one will be interested in my garbage truck."

With that, he drove straight to the garbage dump on the outskirts of the city.

To the dump, the driver skillfully put a car of garbage into a very spectacular amount, piled up like a hill of garbage, and then hummed a little song and drove the garbage truck away.

Unfortunately, Mr. Xie, who has specially changed into a brand-new high-end suit today, when he climbs out of a pile of garbage, it's already dark and can't see any light. Even the dogs in the dump have already fallen asleep.


In the living room, Jing Yichen is sitting beside him with shangguanning, who is obviously worried. On the opposite side is MuQing, who is more worried than shangguanning. Beside Mu Qing is Zheng Jing, who looks rather tired.

I have been looking for Zhao an for several days, but I still can't find her figure.With the support of a large number of manpower, almost all of a city and Britain were turned over. Zheng Jing and Mu Qing searched all the places where Zhao An'an might go, but found nothing.

"Jingshao, Zhao An'an should not be in city a, otherwise my people can find her. Unless... "

Zheng Jing has been running all over the place these days, almost constantly looking for someone, so that his voice is slightly hoarse.

I don't know. I'm afraid that Zheng Jing is Zhao An'an's boyfriend.

In the middle of Zheng Jing's words, he took a look at the wood green with red blood in his eyes, but he could not bear to say it again.

Shangguan Ning was very anxious. She was afraid of Zhao An'an's personal accident. She said anxiously, "unless what?"

"Unless ANN is quietly tied away."

The answer to Shangguan Ning is jingyichen's low and cold voice.

He doesn't care about Zhao An'an's emotional life and her work. But if someone dares to threaten Zhao An'an's life, he will try his best to let those who hurt her die in vain!

Shangguan listened attentively and was more anxious.

Although Mu Qing is still sitting there, his fists are tightly clenched, and his nails are deeply embedded in the flesh of his palm, but he doesn't notice any pain at all.

Now, the heartache has spread to his whole body, so that other pain, he will only feel numb.

Jing Yichen took Shangguan Ning's hand and said in a low voice: "it's OK. This is just a guess. Our people have searched a city, and An'an should not have been arrested. The search in the UK continues, and she is more likely to be in the UK. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!