Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 445

The next day, shangguanning is sitting in the office of Jingsheng group, dealing with the overstocked documents. As before, Xiaolu is sitting on the sofa beside her, holding a lollipop as big as her face.

Shangguan Ning is now used to the two looks of fawn. Although she is a little surprised, she also vaguely knows what is going on and doesn't go deep into it.

Towards noon, Anna, who is in charge of reception in the front office, calls and says that a Mr. Xie is looking for her.

When Shangguan Ning heard the surname Xie, the whole person was cold.

Although she didn't want to see Xie Zhuojun, she had to, otherwise he would not leave Jingsheng at all.

Jing Yichen is also in the group today. Since their wedding, he returned to work in Jingsheng. The media have begun to disclose a lot of information about the new president of Jingsheng group.

Jingyichen appeared in the public view in the form of bombing. His cold and noble temperament, handsome and perfect face, strong and incomparable strength, and his family background that everyone envied made him a sensational news effect.

He is now more popular than many stars, especially after an exclusive interview with a city TV financial channel yesterday, it has quickly become a hot topic in a city.

Although Jing Yichen has made it clear that he is married when he is asked about his marriage status by the seemingly gossipy financial beauty host, he still can't resist the crazy infatuation and admiration of a city women to him.

From the babbling children, to the young girls who dream of the spring, to the middle-aged women who have experienced the various forms of life, and then to the gray haired old mother-in-law, no one is not fanatical as long as she is a woman.

Many people rush into the office building where Jingsheng group is located, asking for a group photo with Jing Da Shao or asking for a signature or a kiss

Recently, the human resources department of the group has received a large number of resumes, almost all of them are women. Of course, there are also many young people who look very beautiful. Their love for Mr. Jing seems to be more intense and crazy!

The public relations department has received various gifts from fans all over the country. In Jingsheng group, gifts sent to the company by others and sent to the president are all received by the public relations department, disassembled, stored and sealed, and then replied one by one in the tone of the president.

If it's really something to be sent to jingyichen, it won't be sent to the group.

Moreover, there are some dangerous goods in those gifts, which naturally can't let the President be threatened, so the public relations department is very strict.

Of course, in addition to being very enthusiastic about Jing Yichen, outsiders also maintain a great enthusiasm for his wife. They are keen to dig out every bit of this legendary young lady of the Jing family, and are eager to get rid of all the 18 generations of shangguanning's ancestors.

However, jingyichen has been prepared for this, and has hidden all the identity information of shangguanning, so few people can find out.

Shangguanning didn't even take jingyichen's car to work today. Instead, she drove her low-key car, which was comparable to a small tank, to the company.

However, it was her identity that was sensitive, and shangguanning was quite careful all the way. Today, Xie Zhuojun asked for the name of the emperor. She had to deal with it as soon as possible, and to deal with it well. She could not leave any hidden danger behind.

Otherwise, it would be bad if the media would catch a glimpse of what she had with Xie Zhuojun.

Moreover, shangguanning is very considerate of jingyichen's feelings. He is so proud and loves her so much that she doesn't want to be in conflict with jingyichen because she is a Xie Zhuojun.

There are still a lot of women flocking to the first floor. Although Jingsheng group's bodyguards have drawn up the boundary line on the periphery to keep them away from them, the first floor still looks very unsafe.

Shangguanning met Xie Zhuojun in a reception room on the third floor.

Today's Xie Zhuojun looks much more energetic than yesterday. Although he still looks very tired and his face is full of vicissitudes, he is at least covered with expensive high-grade suits and shirts with fine texture, and his hair is well arranged.

See the moment of Shangguan Ning, Xie Zhuo Jun still can't help but feel a little trance.

He never thought that they would become like this. He was down and failed, full of holes, and on the verge of bankruptcy, and she was dazzling and thriving. Her love career was all successful and could not be successful any more. Her whole person was like a rose moistened by rain and dew and blooming with dazzling brilliance, crushing his withered grass in the wind and rain into the dust.

Regret it?

Xie Zhuojun's bitterness and pain instantly annihilated him.


It's not just regret, it's bitterness and bitterness. It's because he was too childish and too frivolous, and that he had no eyes. He let go such a brilliant and eye-catching woman.

Today, shangguanning changed into a black business suit, a button down jacket, slim straight pants, a pair of black flat shoes, metal sequins on the vamp, and a white shirt of Jingsheng group, which is tailored, simple and exquisite, capable and elegant.

She wore a ruby necklace, diamond earrings, a platinum wedding ring, and a modest watch worth tens of millions.But all the ornaments, to her, are really just ornaments. Ruby and diamond can't take away the luster in her eyes. They are eclipsed by her white and flawless snow muscles.

Xie Zhuojun is not that he has never seen a beautiful woman. On the contrary, he has seen countless beautiful women, and he has also had beautiful women. Shangguan rouxue is one of them.

However, he is still in front of Shangguan Ning, such a woman, just standing there quietly, is a beautiful scenery, he is very clear, he is not worthy of her, perhaps, never matched.

Shangguan Ning looks at Xie Zhuo Jun to his Leng God son, a stream of displeasure rises in his heart.

"Mr. Xie, I seem to have said several times, don't come to our company if you have nothing to do. I'm very busy. If you come to talk about cooperation with me, I'm sorry. I won't cooperate with you. I won't make any changes in my position. I hope you can understand and I hope you can leave immediately."

Shangguan Ning's tone is light, and I can't hear any resentment or sarcasm, only the kind of alienation that can't be explained clearly.

Xie Zhuojun struggled to get out of that painful mood. He made himself look as calm as possible: "I'm not here to talk about cooperation with you. I want you to continue to let Luo Rong go back to work. You should not dismiss him. This matter has nothing to do with him. We should not involve innocent people in our resentment. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!