Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 393

Fair fart!

Why cut off her ears! Zhao An'an can't confirm the truth of what she said. If she told the truth, but Zhao an didn't believe it, her ears would be gone!

Tang Yun Qi's wish was to trample Zhao An'an to death!

Zhao an is absolutely a madman. She looks like a model person at ordinary times. She is just a little careless in her character. However, every time she fights with a knife, she will be very excited! She said that cutting off her ears with the officer Rou Xue would really do it, not just talk about it!

Tang Yun only felt very desperate at the moment. She hoped that her people could come to save her and let her leave Zhao An'an!

Next time she has a chance to see Zhao An'an again, she must be tortured to death!

However, more desperate than Tang Yun is Shangguan rouxue.

She has never seen Zhao An'an, who doesn't talk about the truth at all, but moves the knife directly! She thought that Tang Yun had changed enough. The state is cruel enough. I didn't expect Zhao An'an to be more cruel and cut off their ears! If there is only one ear left, how can you live and see people!

What's more, Zhao An'an has just taken advantage of them to speak, quietly with a knife in her face, sharp blade has cut her delicate skin, blood dripping down her cheek to her ears, her heart is torn up!

Is she going to be disfigured by Zhao An'an?! If her face is destroyed, how can she lure jingyichen? How can I get Xie Zhuo Jun's heart again?!

With such a sharp contrast, Shangguan rouxue knew that it was so easy for her to deal with shangguanning before. Shangguanning was simply too good to talk.

Tang Yun now has nothing to do with it. She tells them all about their plans. In order to win Zhao An'an's trust, she tells all the details. She not only sells Shangguan rouxue, but also Jing Yiran.

"There are others who help us this time, but I don't know who it is, because she has been sending messages through others and never sees me. But that person is very familiar with Shangguan rouxue. She must know Shangguan rouxue. They are definitely a group! "

"Today, we went out of our way to trouble you with jingyichen's absence. The only purpose is to let shangguanning's children lose their lives. However, we didn't want the lives of both of you. The people who helped us said that keeping shangguanning's life is of great use. We can't let her die now, otherwise the Jing family will not give up."

"Jing Yichen has something to go out and is not around shangguanning. Jing Yiran told me. We have been waiting for such an opportunity. Oh, by the way, Jing Yiran told me about shangguanning's pregnancy. He just wanted to use me to let shangguanning miscarry!"

"Ann, it was an accident to meet you. We didn't know you would be in that villa! I really didn't want to harm you. Yesterday I was dizzy, today I have realized my own mistake. Please let me go quickly, so my whole body's blood will drain off! And I haven't eaten since I came to this hospital yesterday. I'm starving to death. Don't torture me any more. I promise I won't trouble you again! "

Tang Yun said a lot in one breath, and at the end she begged for mercy. Seeing Zhao An'an didn't eat hard, she wanted to try the soft one.

But the problem is, Zhao an simply does not eat hard and soft!

Just as Shangguan Ning knows Shangguan rouxue, Zhao an's understanding of Tang Yun is also very deep. Tang Yun said that she didn't mean to harm her yesterday. She would believe her only when she was in a bad head!

Tang Yun can really tell other things.

Zhao An'an stabbed Tang Yun's sharp chin with the tip of the knife. The bright red blood was immediately stained on the silver white blade.

Tang Yun suddenly screamed with pain: "Zhao An'an, you're a madman, you're not telling me the truth, you'll let me go!"

"Yes, I didn't cut your ear?"

Zhao an was holding a knife and smiling insidiously at Tang Yun: "do you think I will treat you well? If the deer didn't come yesterday, ah Ning and I would have a good life? Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. You look at me yesterday and you'd like to kill me immediately. You want my life so much, I just let you shed some blood. It's already very kind! "

After poking Tang Yun, she turned her head and put the sharp blade on Shangguan rouxue's ear.

"Ann, don't be impulsive. I'm innocent! Don't listen to Tang Yun's one-sided words. I don't mean anything to you... "

Before the words were finished, Shangguan rouxue's rope suddenly broke. Regardless of her ear, she was scratched by Zhao An'an. She immediately got up and quickly grabbed the scalpel from Zhao An'an's hand, and then put it against Zhao An'an's neck.

The accident happened too fast and too fast, Shangguan rouxue's action almost completed in one breath in a blink of an eye, so that Zhao An'an, who was close at hand, was caught off guard!

More than ten meters away, Shangguan Ning and Xiaolu brush stood up, while Tang Yun, who was still lying in the hospital bed, was shocked and widened her eyes. She never thought that Shangguan rouxue would come to such a move!Shangguan Ning looks at Shangguan rouxue with surprise and anger. She raises her feet and goes forward. She can't watch Zhao An'an accident! But the deer rushed out faster than Shangguan Ning. In a blink of an eye, he came to Shangguan rouxue.

Shangguan rouxue didn't expect that the speed of the deer was so fast. She shrieked: "don't move! No more, I'll kill her

She said, the knife point has pierced Zhao an's neck skin, there are bright red blood beads from her wound, pain Zhao an cold sweat DC!

Damn it, she was so careless!

Shangguan rouxue didn't know when to untie the rope. How did she do it?!

Fawn still wanted to go further. Shangguan Ning was so scared that she immediately called her, "deer, don't move!"

When the deer heard the speech, he frowned slightly, but he did not go further.

However, she did not go forward, but quickly and neatly took out a gun from the sleeve, and then aimed at Shangguan rouxue's head.

"You'd better let her go and have a chance to live, or die!"

"Well, I'll be dead if I let her go! With this idiot in my hand, I can live. Unfortunately, I can't take shangguanning as a hostage, otherwise it will be easier for me to escape! "

At the moment, Shangguan rouxue has removed all her camouflage. There is no gentle and kind breath any more. Her beautiful facial features have been distorted, which is extremely ferocious and cruel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!