Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 392

Xiaolu always thinks that shangguanning is the luckiest and happiest woman in the world. She lives a sunny life every day. She is gentle and cheerful. She is good to everyone. She looks like a daughter who has never suffered any setbacks. She thought that shangguanning was a flower coming out of a greenhouse.

Not at all.

Her gentle and cheerful smile, but also a heart full of holes, her experience is anyone, will produce a huge psychological shadow.

But she did not, she still loved life, still kind and optimistic.

This Shangguan rouxue is her sister. Now she is still confusing right and wrong in front of her, beautifying herself and vilifying shangguanning. I don't know how many such things have been done before. I'm afraid that she has suffered a lot from her before.

Xiaolu thinks that it's time for him to reflect on himself. Her illness is all due to her weak psychology.

When Shangguan Ning heard the deer's words, he turned his head slightly and said with a smile, "I'm used to it."

She said, and cast her eyes to the distance, looking at Shangguan rouxue anxiously explained with Zhao an, Shangguan Ning self mockery smile.

"Shangguan rouxue has been acting for nearly 20 years. She has been a gifted actor since childhood. I was cheated by her at first, and then I realized that she was all pretending. She enjoys her camouflage very much. She is obviously a very vicious person, but everyone praises her for her simple kindness, cheating so many people, and how successful she is

The deer was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "your heart is too soft. You can kill this kind of person directly. You don't need to look forward and backward."

Shangguan Ning shook his head: "it's not so easy to kill someone. She's dead. I have to go to prison with her. It's not worth burying myself for someone like her."

Human life is not worth money in fawn's eyes. She kills countless people, but she has been able to escape. In the final analysis, it is just the support of Youjing family.

Of course, according to the deer's character, even without the support of the Jing family, she would kill people - she doesn't care about other people's lives or her own lives. She doesn't care whether she is alive or dead. Anyway, she was alone, and no one would cry for her when she died.

On the hospital bed, Shangguan rouxue's mouth is almost broken, Zhao An'an is still questioning her.

“…… You really don't hate ah Ning? Why did you still want to fight with her yesterday? I think you and Tang Yun wanted our lives yesterday, right? Or am I dazzled? The memory is confused? "

Zhao an held a bright scalpel in his hand to play with, and a finger slipped gently on the sharp blade, revealing a vicious smile.

Shangguan rouxue watched her show her white teeth, as if she was going to eat people. She was so anxious that she was sweating. However, she tried to resist the impulse of swearing. She said in her most innocent and pitiful way: "An'an, I'm telling the truth. I'm forced. Because Because I want to protect my children! My child has just been born a few days ago, how can I let him have an accident so soon

"Oh?" Zhao an was really interested in her, and the knife she had intended to scratch on her face stopped.

"You still have children? You're so slim, you don't look like you've just had a baby

"Yes, yes, I have a child! Tang Yun and Jing Yiran forced me with my children. They said that if I didn't fight with my sister, they would kill my child! "

"Shangguan rouxue, you fart. I don't know where your child is and what to threaten you with!"

Tang Yun screams recklessly, for fear that Zhao An'an changes her mind and stabs her with a knife.

"Ann, don't listen to her nonsense. I don't have anything to do with her! This time, I took so many people to find you. They arranged them in advance. I was bewitched by Shangguan rouxue, so I would go with her! She's turning black and white

Shangguan Ning, sitting not far away, listens to Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue biting each other, and suddenly feels that Zhao An'an may follow Zheng jinghun. She should be very good at extorting confessions by torture!

However, she did not know that Shangguan rouxue had already given birth.

If Shangguan rouxue did not miscarry, the child is only seven months old now. How could she have been born so soon? She should not be cruel enough to force the injection, in the child is not full-term when he was born?

Shangguan ningzai thought carefully and thought that according to Shangguan rouxue's character, she could really make such a thing! She is cruel, always not only to others, but also to herself!

In the past, in order to make people around her suspect that she was a sister, Shangguan rouxue would hurt herself by any means, and even jumped into the sea many times to show her innocence. It's just a piece of cake for Shangguan rouxue!

However, if she really had a child, Xie Zhuojun would have been a father. I wonder if Xie Zhuojun knows whether he knows that the women he has loved for so long can make their children born less than months!

Shangguan Ning would like to see Xie Zhuojun's expression of anger and hatred when he knew about it. Unfortunately, she couldn't see it, because she didn't want to see Xie Zhuojun for a long time. She had completely eliminated this person from her life.Zhao an is also inexplicably satisfied with himself. Look, not how to move the knife, these two people can't wait to say what they know!

In this way, her self-confidence will burst!

These two crazy women are still helping them after they leave. Who is this man? If you want to find her out, you'll have to cut her to pieces!

She was nearly scared to death yesterday. It was so urgent and dangerous that she would die again.

Zhao an winked at Shangguan Ning, then moved a chair, sat between the two beds with his legs folded, and gently crossed their faces with sharp knife tips. He said, "you two said that the public is reasonable and the old woman is reasonable. Who should I believe in?"

Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue said with one voice: "believe me!"

Shangguan rouxue explained in a hurry: "I am indeed coerced. Jing Er Shao said that if I don't cooperate, I will kill my child. All the people who come with us are Jing Er Shao, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Fart, Shangguan rouxue, half of those people are your people! Do you think the dead can't talk, and you're just lying about us! If we have the ability, let's find Jing Yiran to confront each other! "

Seeing Tang Yun's face flushed and her neck thick, Zhao an could not help but put the knife in her ear and said with a smile, "come on, you tell me all your plans from the beginning to the end. If you lie, I will cut off your ear and let you become a monster with only one ear in the future! Ha ha, if what you said is true, then I will cut off one ear of Shangguan rouxue. How is it fair? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!