Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 394

"You stand back!" Shangguan rouxue stabbed Zhao an's neck again with the tip of her knife. She immediately pricked her skin and shed blood. After a while, Zhao an's White Polo shirt had been dyed red.

"Go back quickly, you and the officer Ning all back to one side, I want to go out!"

"Fawn, listen to her, step back, let's let her go!" Shangguan Ning immediately stopped the deer who wanted to go forward again. Seeing her back, she turned her head and said coldly to Shangguan rouxue: "you can go if you want, but don't hurt An'an any more, otherwise, you can't get out of here at all!"

Shangguan rouxue is eager to leave here for fear of delay for a while. She immediately agrees, "OK, no problem. I won't hurt her. Now open the door for me!"

Quite a lot of Zhao Ning's blood was pained to see.

She slowly walked to the door, opened the door, and then left the door, went to the deer, pulled her to the wall, while pulling the deer, Shangguan winked at her.

The fawn nodded almost invisible.

"Shangguan rouxue, we are the farthest away now. You can go out and I promise not to chase you. But before you go out, you must keep Ann and you can't take her away!"

"Joke, do you think I'm an idiot?" Shangguan rouxue tightly grasped Zhao An'an's arm and put the knife close to her neck. "Don't play tricks. I'm sure I'll take Zhao An'an away, or I'll let her go. What can you do if you find someone to catch me back?"

"Don't move either of you now, or I can cut Zhao An'an's carotid artery with just a little force and let her die of blood gushing!"

"Well, we won't move. You can go, as long as you don't hurt Ann! Don't stick the knife so close, she's bleeding all the time

Shangguan Ning's words still played a little role. In order to escape quickly, Shangguan rouxue didn't want to argue with Shangguan Ning, so she moved the blade away from Zhao an's neck a little bit, and then dragged Zhao An'an out with a limp. Shangguan Ning injured her foot yesterday, and fawn injured her knee again. Both injuries were on the same leg. Now she's in the same leg Her feet and knees were aching, but she tried to go out.

She must go, otherwise she will be tortured to death and disfigured by Zhao An'an!

Fawn has been staring at Shangguan rouxue, and immediately shoots when she drags Zhao An'an out of the door.

"Bang" shot, the bullet hit the two centimeter wide scalpel accurately, the huge shock force let Shangguan rouxue uncontrollably let go of her hand, then she pushed Zhao An'an in, turned and ran.

Shangguan Ning immediately ran to Zhao An'an and hugged her, and her tears ran out: "An'an, are you ok? Let's go to the doctor and let the doctor deal with your wound! "

She doesn't care about Shangguan rouxue who runs away. In her eyes, Zhao An'an is the most important one. It doesn't matter if Shangguan rouxue runs away. As long as Zhao An'an is OK, it doesn't matter.

Fawn also did not chase, her task is to protect the safety of shangguanning.

As long as jingyichen is away, she needs to follow shangguanning as closely as possible, instead of rushing out to hunt down Shangguan rouxue. Although she can catch up with Shangguan rouxue if she goes out now, she doesn't move.

Because she was not sure if there would be any other danger after she chased out. If Tang Yun, who was lying on the bed, also learned from the official rouxue, shangguanning would be in danger.

Zhao an was stabbed several times in the neck by Shangguan rouxue, but fortunately it was not deep. Her painful face turned white, but she showed a comforting smile to Shangguan: "don't cry, I'm ok, it's all skin injuries! I can't hide from retribution. I knew I should have stabbed Shangguan rouxue twice more! "

"Don't talk. The doctor will be here soon. You can bear with it a little longer. I can hear their footsteps." Shangguan Ning said, and immediately called out to the door: "doctor, someone here is injured, come to save people!"

Hearing the sound of guns in the hospital, security guards and medical staff ran to the hospital immediately. Hearing the voice of shangguanning, they came directly.

Mu Qing and Jing Yichen came very fast. They almost ran over at the first time. They were going to go to Jing Yiran's ward, but they heard the sound of guns. Subconsciously, they both thought that there was something wrong with shangguanning and Zhao An'an.

As soon as Mu Qing saw that Zhao an was covered with blood, his face turned white immediately. His fingers trembled to touch the pulse of Zhao an's wrist. When he found that she was only slightly injured and her heart beat was normal in all aspects, he was relieved. Then he immediately carried Zhao An'an out.

Jing Yichen's face did not look good. Because Shangguan Ning had just held Zhao An'an, her hands and body were stained with blood. Her face was white and looked like she was crumbling.

However, Shangguan Ning saw his face cold to embrace himself, the first sentence is: "I'm ok, these blood are not mine."

"Well, don't go out of the bed and look at her.Jing Yichen holding Shangguan into a senior ward, put her gently on the bed, and then took out the handkerchief, gently wiped off the blood stains on her face and hands.

He was very light, but his face was very cold.

Shangguan Ning knows that jingyichen is angry.

Jingyichen usually seldom gets angry with her. It is extremely rare to treat her coldly like this now, which makes shangguanning feel a little scared.

She murmured: "Yi Chen I'm fine. I'm not hurt. Ann's hurt. I I want to see her... "

Jing Yichen frowned immediately, staring at her coldly in the eyes, and said faintly, "don't go anywhere in the future, stay by my side honestly!"


Jing Yichen's hand suddenly forced, tightly clenched her cool little hand, coldly said: "nothing but! Don't go if I say no! With MuQing, Zhao an can't die! Do you know how scared I was when I heard the gunshot! Are you trying to drive me crazy?! Don't you know how important you and your kids are to me? "

"I'm not here for a moment, and something's going on! I see you sitting on the ground pale, there is so much blood on your body, I am shaking, I am afraid! I'm afraid of losing you! You are my whole world, ah Ning , the fastest update of the webnovel!