Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 391

Zhao An'an can experience shangguanning's feelings.

Her father and her mother are divorced, because her father can't bear loneliness, fell in love with a small model ten years younger than him, cheating.

When her parents divorced, Zhao an was 12 years old. She already knew that her father didn't want her and her mother.

At first, she hated the little model very much, but later she hated her own father even more, because even without this little model, there would be other women who moved him to betray his marriage.

In the final analysis, the temptation of the outside world only accounts for a small part of the reason. The deeper reason is that men themselves have no sense of responsibility.

Zhao an was not surnamed Zhao at first, but followed her father's surname. Later, her parents divorced and she changed her surname to her mother's.

She and her mother, Zhao zhaozao, had no contact with her father for a long time. Even so, when she thought of her father, Zhao an would still hate her.

Her mother Zhao Zhao is not only a real rich girl, but also a rare beauty. It is said that she and her aunt Zhao Qing were two famous Jinhua in a city at that time, and pursued countless people.

As a result, her father was still fond of the new and disliked the old. After more than ten years of marriage, he fell in love with other women.

Shangguanning is even worse than her condition. She survived under her stepmother's hand. Her mother was forced to die by her stepmother. It's not easy for her to grow up with her whole tail!

Shangguanning is too kind. If she were to be her, she would not have to wait until she grew up. She would have found a chance to rape her. Husband. ***Poisoned to death!

Zhao an went to shangguanning, gently hugged her, comforted her and said, "everything is over. Today's half dead, let's torture her and let her experience it. What is life better than death?"

Shangguan Ning is no longer like before, mention the death of her mother, will be uncontrollable heartache uneasy. Although she will still be distressed for her choice to sacrifice her mother's life, but perhaps because of the reasons for revenge, her mood is still very calm.

If the mother is still there, she will hope her daughter's happiness and happiness!

She didn't tell shangguanning anything before she committed suicide, nor did she disclose it to her only brother, Huang Lihan. Maybe, she just didn't want shangguanning to live in hatred after that, and she didn't want her to live for revenge all her life.

Shangguan Ninghui hugged Zhao An'an, with a shallow smile on his face: "well, I want to torture Shangguan rouxue for a long time!"

"No, no, no, beauty, you don't have to do it yourself. Just sit here and watch the play! Didn't I say, it's me. It's not suitable for children, so don't let my little nephew get too close, or when he's bad at school, he'll take a small whip and whip at random after he's born! "

Zhao An'an immediately pressed the Shangguan who stood up. She was careless and right, but she also had a thoughtful side.

Shangguanning is now the key protection object. There is no chance of any loss. It is better to stay away from these two dangerous women. Who knows if they have any other tricks. In case of shangguanning's injury, it will not be worth the loss.

With that, Zhao an turned and walked back to the bedside.

She reached out her hand and patted Shangguan's soft and white face: "you are not a good thing. Thanks to Miss Tang's reminding, otherwise, I may let you go by accident! You really want to thank Miss Tang. She is so willing to give herself up to others. She can't carry her, so she quickly pulls you into the water! "

Zhao an said, turning to look at Tang Yun on another bed, grinning at her: "thank you, you are really a good man! In view of the fact that you are so cooperative with the director's play, the project of "stabbing the knife" will be reserved for the first time. You can take a breath first, and then we will discuss how to perform the next scene later! "

Tang Yun is numb by her laughing scalp. She immediately searches her heart for what she heard recently about Shangguan rouxue and is ready to betray her at any time.

Although she and Shangguan rouxue were allies before, both of them had the same goal, that is, shangguanning and her children, but now there is a disaster. Tang Yun doesn't care what kind of alliance or not, first save her life!

Zhao an's intention to sow dissension is very obvious. She wants them to suspect each other and disclose information to each other, so that she can gain profits.

It was obvious that she had succeeded, and it was a great move for both of them who were selfish!

Shangguan rouxue has been "whining" to cry, she is not the same as Tang Yun, her beautiful cry is very beautiful, very weak, very innocent, simply let people can't bear to start.

"Miss ANN, don't listen to Tang Yun's nonsense. I've always been good to my sister. It's my sister who has always misunderstood me! What happened yesterday was the idea of Tang Yun and Jing Yiran. I was threatened by them and had to go with me! The last person I want to hurt is my sister. She is my closest friend now

Do you have big eyes? Are you innocent? But your mother was forced to death by ah Ning. Don't you hate her? "

Shangguan rouxue saw Zhao an's tone loose, and rushed to hit the railway while it was hot: "don't hate or hate, I've been the best friend with my sister since I was young. How can I hate her? I always apologize to my sister and ask her to forgive me!""I don't blame my sister for my mother's business. It's my mother who is responsible for her own fault. She should be punished for her bad deeds! But I really don't know anything about what my mother did. If I knew, I would stop her from doing it! "

If people who don't know it, they will feel that Shangguan rouxue is a good girl, kind and gentle. They must think that Shangguan Ruxue is too bad. She has forced her mother to give up. Now she is going to kill her sister.

Once upon a time, Shangguan rouxue cheated all the people around shangguanning. Only when others could not see her, she would stretch out her magic claws to shangguanning. She occupied all the advantages and let Shangguan Ning bear all kinds of pressure and abuse. She easily pushed shangguanning to the forefront of the storm.

Shangguan Ning sat on the chair at the door, leaning against the deer, listening to Shangguan rouxue's black and white nonsense, and listening to her saying that she was so kind and innocent, her expression on her face did not fluctuate at all.

However, the deer frowned slightly after listening to Shangguan rouxue's words, and then looked at Shangguan Ning with surprise, and said faintly, "you are very calm." , the fastest update of the webnovel!