Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 387

I don't know whether it was the reason for watching the bloody scene yesterday or the increase in the number of pregnant days. Shangguanning got up early this morning and went to the bathroom to vomit.

That kind of disgusting and uncomfortable feeling, let Shangguan contemplate directly faint.

Jing Yichen held her nervously: "a Ning, how are you? Come on, I'll take you to the hospital! "

Shangguan Ning grabbed him and shook his head with a white face: "it's OK. I'll just lie down for a while. It should be the normal reaction of pregnancy. Don't worry."

Jingyichen how can not worry, he took a wet towel to shangguanning to wipe his face, holding her back to the bedroom, and then got up to pour her a cup of warm water.

Shangguan leaned on the pillow and drank water. He felt a little more comfortable.

"You were OK a month ago, but now you suddenly feel sick? Did yesterday's events cast a shadow on you

Jing Yichen looks at Shangguan Ning small face pale appearance, a heart all pulled up, his tone has obvious self reproach and anger.

"Although yesterday's events have stimulated me a lot, I can't be so delicate and have no psychological shadow. You can rest assured."

Shangguanning is a little attached to jingyichen's arms. There is a faint fragrance on his body, and a magic power to make her stable. Being held in his arms, she feels incomparably relieved and happy. Even the feeling of nausea and discomfort in her stomach is much lighter.

Jing Yichen felt the kind of dependence and trust from her heart and could not help but hold her closer.

As long as you can make shangguanning comfortable, he is willing to do anything, let alone a simple hug.

After shangguanning was pregnant, Jing Yichen read many books about pregnant women. He knew that when a woman was pregnant, her mood would be very unstable, and she would have dependence and panic.

Before Shangguan Ning, there was no such mood. She was in a good and stable state. She did not lose her temper for no reason. But now more dependent on him, may be related to her experience yesterday.

Jing Yichen is a little chilly in his heart. He would like to tear Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue into pieces. He would like to get rid of Yang Muyan who instructed them. He secretly vowed in his heart that he would not let these people live too long!

Shangguan calmed down for a while, feeling less uncomfortable than before. His voice was a little gentle: "I think it should be pregnancy vomiting. Before that, maybe it was a short time, so there was no symptom. It's been more than a month now, and it's normal to have a reaction. I thought our baby was obedient and clever. It's not a worry

Although Jing Yichen felt that what she said should be correct, he was still worried. Holding her delicate chin, he said in a somewhat overbearing way: "no matter what the reason is, I have to go to the hospital today, listen to me!"

He read medical books, about 6 weeks after pregnancy, women will appear dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and vomiting occurs in the morning or on an empty stomach.

Shangguanning has been pregnant for almost six weeks. It's normal to have such symptoms, but he thinks it's safer to go to the hospital again.

Jing Yichen has no experience in taking care of pregnant women. All his experiences are from books and on the Internet, so he dare not judge easily. However, he thinks that shangguanning has been vomiting like this all the time. At least he needs to eat something.

Shangguan Ning felt very weak today and didn't even want to go to the restaurant.

"Baby, you can't do this. You have to eat, otherwise you and your children will be seriously lack of nutrition." Jingyichen good temper coax her, "do you like to eat? I'll ask Lao du to do it for you or ah Hu to buy it right away. "

The feeling of being spoiled by jingyichen is very good. Shangguanning feels very satisfied, but she has no appetite at all now.

"I just want to lie down, don't want to move, I don't want to eat..."

Shangguan Ning drags jingyichen's button, some coquettish way.

She is seldom so coquettish at ordinary times, because she feels very embarrassed, but now she does not feel a bit awkward, she feels a little inconceivable.

Did she have a child, and her psychological age dropped?

It doesn't matter. Anyway, it's not an outsider. Jingyichen is her husband. It doesn't matter if she scatters coquetry!

Shangguan Ning but do not know, hear her with soft tone coquettish, jingyichen's heart has changed.

In her whole life, Jing Yichen was just a woman like shangguanning. The rest of the women seldom said anything, let alone contacted deeply.

He has a very strong resistance to other women, whether it is charming and enchanting, or pure and lovely, he will not be moved, there were many women to him before, or play a poor, his heart is a cold and indifferent.

All the tricks were futile in front of him, and he would not treat a woman differently.

But Shangguan Ning is coquettish, but he can't resist completely. He just wants to depend on her. Even if she wants stars and moon, jingyichen will pick them for her."Honey, just lie down. I'll bring the food to my room and wait for me for a moment."

Shangguanning do what jingyichen will follow her, but do not eat this is impossible to follow her.

Shangguan Ning but directly hugged his waist and said: "I don't want you to leave..."

Jing Yichen suddenly laughed, holding her still slender waist in one hand and supporting her body with the other hand, she said in a deep and sexy voice: "do you like me so much? Don't want me to leave you for a second? "

His sharp and sharp facial features are particularly handsome in the early morning sunshine. When he does not smile, although he seems somewhat ruthless, it does not affect his handsome, but adds a kind of abstinence like charm.

When he smiles, even the beautiful sunshine is eclipsed. The smile reaches his eyes deeply. His long eyelashes make his eyes look more profound. His nose is straight and straight, and his lips are perfect. His teeth are white and neat. His white shirt makes him look more elegant.

Shangguan Ning looked a little silly. She felt that there was no more beautiful person in the world than jingyichen!

She subconsciously followed jingyichen's words: "like you, want to be with you forever."

Jing Yichen saw her absent-minded appearance, not from the low smile to come.

His wife was so infatuated with him that his pride almost exploded!

He lowered his head and gently kisses the delicate eyebrows and eyes of guanning, the tip of her delicate nose, and her ruddy cherry lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!