Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 388

Perhaps the best thing in the world is to wake up in the morning, take good care of your beloved man, take good care of him, and kiss him gently and dotingly.

Shangguan Ning put his arms around jingyichen's neck, and his lips showed a happy smile: "I feel very happy when you kiss me. How come the discomfort just now disappears?"

Jingyichen low smile: "Oh, originally I am still a medicine, so effective medicine, you can take more in the future!"

The couple kept warm in bed for a while. Shangguanning's disgusting discomfort was greatly reduced. They got up in a happy mood and went to the restaurant with jingyichen.

Fortunately, shangguanning didn't feel too bad during the meal. Maybe it was because all the dishes were made according to her appetite, and there was also a bowl of sour plum soup. She was happy to wipe out the sour plum soup and ate a lot of dishes.

Jing Yichen saw that she had recovered that kind of energetic appearance again, in the heart finally relaxed tone.

After dinner, Jing Yichen changed clothes with Guan Ning and helped her comb her hair. When she went out, she put on shoes and tied shoelaces for her. Then she took her hand and took her downstairs.

Since shangguanning was pregnant, most of the time, it was jingyichen who helped her wear shoes and tie her shoelaces. Because she needed to bend down to wear shoes, jingyichen took care of her pregnancy and wore them directly for her.

Shangguan Ning sat in the car and watched Jing Yichen drive to the hospital. She couldn't help laughing and said, "I'm all right. I don't need to go to the hospital. When I turn around, people will laugh at us. I'm so fussy about having a baby. I'll run to the hospital in two or three days."

In fact, she wanted to say that she married a good husband of 24 filial piety. She looked at her so seriously, so precious that she and her children, she turned out to be such a lucky woman!

She used to think that she was the most unlucky, almost everything was not smooth, and everything would go wrong.

Originally, her happiness is here!

She touched her belly and whispered in her heart: baby, we are the happiest people in the world. You must be born peacefully. We will take care of your father and accompany your father.

Jingyi Chen see Shangguan Ning lip corner with a smile, seems to be in a good mood, can not help laughing: "think of what happy thing?"

Shangguan Ning tilted his head and said seriously, "I'm talking to the baby."

Jing Yichen laughs: "it is estimated that the son still can't understand now, but your prenatal education is carried out early!"

Shangguan blinked his eyes and said with a smile, "that's not necessarily. I just want to start communicating with him from the youngest time. In this way, he must be born smart."

"Oh, you don't need to worry about this. With your husband's intelligence quotient, it's difficult to estimate whether our son is a genius or not."

Shangguan Ning chuckled: "Jing Dabao, you are more and more narcissistic. You will teach a bad son!"

Jing Yichen couldn't understand the name. He said helplessly, "daughter-in-law, can we use a more pleasant address? For example, husband, or brother Jing... "

Shangguan Ning was "brother Jing" three words to get a goose bumps.

"I still think Jing Dabao sounds good. I wanted to give my son this name, but if you don't agree, you'd better call it jingxiaobao."

How awkward the name sounds!

Jing Yichen no longer has any illusions about his wife's ability to name a child. He quickly said, "no, you'd better rest. I'll take the name of my son. Moreover, I don't know whether it's a daughter or a son. You'd better continue your prenatal education."

If his surname is Wei, his son will be called Wei Xiaobao!

His daughter-in-law is so talented that she can even think of such a "cultural" name!

Shangguanning also knows that the gender of the child is still uncertain, so she doesn't bother about the name of the child. However, she likes to call Jing Yichen Dabao very much. So, Jing Yichen almost went mad by her all the way!



"Dabao, I'm talking to you. Why don't you promise me?"


"Dabao, don't you think it's cute to call it?"

“……” He's a big man. What do you want to be cute?!

"Dabao, I still want to drink sour plum soup at noon. Can I have more?"

"Honey, as long as you don't call me Dabao, you can drink as much sour plum soup as you want at noon today. Please let it go..."


To the hospital, shangguanning finally stopped, jingyichen some neurasthenia pulled her into Mu Qing's office.

Mu Qing raises her head and looks at jingyichen in surprise. He looks like a headache. This kind of expression appears on Jing Dashao's face. It's really rare!

It was Shangguan Ning beside him. His face was ruddy and smiling. He was quite different from yesterday's pale face.

"Sister in law, you look good. Come on, sit down, and I'll give you another pulse."Mu Qing selectively ignores a man with a strong aura, and speaks to shangguanning with enthusiasm. He intuitively thinks it's better not to talk to Jing Yichen now.

Shangguan sat on the opposite side of MuQing with a smile. He pulled up his sleeve and showed his delicate white wrist like lanolin jade: "I'm going to trouble you again, doctor Mu!"

MuQing put his finger on shangguanning's wrist, and said with a hearty smile: "Oh, sister-in-law, you are too polite. How can we say that we are a family, where is the trouble! For beauty It's too late for me to feel my sister-in-law's pulse! "

He said "beauty" on weekdays. Even his aunt, who is 40 or 50 years old, laughs and calls her beautiful. After all, as long as she is a woman, she will like to hear others call her beauty. Now see the real beauty shangguanning, he unconsciously also called beauty.

As a result, jingyichen's cold eyes made Mu Qing's neck cool and changed her mouth.

A moment later, Mu Qing took away her finger and said firmly: "sister in law, you and my little nephew are very good. I'll give you some natural vitamins, and take them first when I go back. One pill a day is enough. It's just a health care thing. It doesn't hurt. Just eat it at ease."

Shangguan nodded and said "good" with a smile.

She knows, pregnant women in general will be lack of vitamins, a little should be added.

Moreover, MuQing is much more professional than she is. His suggestion is certainly right.

"What's more," Mu Qing continued, "the medicinal wine I took from my grandfather should be drunk every day. It's not only good for you, but also good for children. It can fundamentally improve his physique, and his immunity will be very good in the future." , the fastest update of the webnovel!