Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 386

Listen, she nearly strangled him, and let him not care! Also a very disliked look!

Thanks to him to come before, worried about her for so long, as soon as he met, he asked for his life!

"Miss, you don't want to kill Tang Yun. You want to kill me!" Mu Qing shakes her head helplessly. He owes Zhao an an in his life. How can she toss about it? He feels very happy!

"Tang Yun is going to die sooner or later, but she still has the use value now, can't let her die so easily. However, jingshao has been put under guard. If you want to torture her, there are many ways to do it. Anyway, don't let her die. If you can make her speak, maybe it will be a great achievement! "


Zhao an immediately became happy. The scene of just horrible and bloody immediately left behind her, and turned to mobilize all her brain cells to launch a swift and violent "attack" on Tang Yun.

Zheng Jing stands not far away, looking at Mu Qing holding Zhao An'an to come, can't help but slightly a Leng.

In his impression, Mu Qing and Zhao an are just a couple of happy enemies. They are noisy all day long and like to fight. It is very rare that Zhao An'an is quietly held in the arms of Mu Qing.

From a distance, they are like the most loving couple, warm and sweet.

Zheng Jing suddenly thought of his sister Zheng Lun. He thought that he would hold her more when there was no one.

When Mu Qing came near, he put Zhao an down.

Seeing Zheng Jing standing here alone, and jingyichen's car has already disappeared, he immediately understood: they were abandoned by jingyichen again!

No way. Take a taxi back.


Along the way, AHU is urged by jingyichen to "speed up", "too slow" and "speed up"!

He swore that he had never driven so fast in his life, but his young master still hated him for being slow!

Finally back to Lijing community, jingyichen quickly opened the door, holding shangguanning into the elevator, and then holding her into the door, into the bedroom.

Along the way, shangguanning was very uncomfortable, and she was nausea and vomiting all the time.

She didn't feel better until she got home and lay in her familiar bed.

Jing Yichen has been holding her tightly, her look is never panic.

Although Mu Qing said that Shangguan Ning was OK and the child was ok, seeing Shangguan Ning was so miserable, he felt extremely painful and painful.

"Ah Ning, do you care? Do you need to go to the hospital? What's wrong with you? "

A series of questions show Jing Yichen's anxiety and uneasiness.

Shangguan Ning held his hand, his face turned white and said, "don't worry, I'm fine. It's just some nausea and nausea. It may be the symptom of pregnancy."

Maybe she just saw the bloody scene, which stimulated her.

But Shangguan Ning didn't say that she didn't want jingyichen to worry.

But where is jingyichen so easy to cheat people!

Shangguanning has never had the phenomenon of pregnancy and vomiting before coagulation. How can you suddenly start to get pregnant and vomiting.

Jing Yichen wants to say what, Shangguan Ning but opened his mouth: "Yi Chen, I feel a little uncomfortable, you hold me to take a bath."

She had a lingering fear of those bloody things. She was afraid that too much evil spirit would be harmful to children, so she wanted to take a bath.

Jingyichen immediately agreed to come down, holding her into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, I came out of the bathroom and changed into a clean and soft pajamas. Shangguan Ning felt much more comfortable.

Jing Yichen also changed his clothes and lay on the bed side by side with Shangguan Ning, holding her in his arms.

He kept kissing her, quietly apologizing to her: "a Ning, today let you be surprised, is my arrangement is not appropriate, I should let you always be by my side."

Shangguan Ning shook his head, hugged him tightly, and said in a soft voice: "it's good to be around you now. I'm not afraid. I can't stay by your side all the time and let you protect me. I don't want to be a burden to you. I can take care of myself. Although today's things are a bit dangerous, they have all passed. I'm really not afraid today. I just think that we must let our baby be good and not hurt him. "

This is her first child with Jing Yichen. They are full of expectations. Shangguanning takes this little life as a treasure. With him, she seems to be fearless.

Maybe this is the greatness of being a mother.

At that time, her mother also used her own life to protect her life? Without hesitation, she chose to let her daughter live and end her own life.

Shangguanning can understand her mother more deeply now.

She doesn't blame Jing Yichen. He has his own things to be busy with. The things he faces may be more dangerous than those she faces.

After this matter, Shangguan Ning but firm one of their own ideas.

"Yi Chen, you can teach me to shoot in the future. There are also fighting and other things. I want to learn them."Shangguan Ning's voice is very light, but it shows a kind of resolute and firm.

Jing Yichen is both gratified and heartbroken. He thinks it is all his dereliction of duty. Otherwise, shangguanning is a woman. Why should he learn shooting and fighting!

His eyes were slightly red, and he said in a hoarse voice, "well, if you want to learn, I will teach you. However, I hope you will not be able to use it in the future. Those dangers, I will deal with them later, you and the children's world, are clean, safe! I promise you, baby

Shangguan Ning's appearance today is too painful for him.

He boasted that he was powerful and capable, but he still put shangguanning in danger!

Yang Muyan than he imagined more ruthless, more thorough! She drew all the people who were against them and made plans for them.

What's more, she must have prepared for a long time. Among his people, some of them were bribed by her, otherwise today's affairs would not be so critical.

Yang Muyan must be eliminated!

Shangguan Ning raised his head and kissed jingyichen's chin, and a smile appeared on his slightly white face: "Yichen, neither I nor my baby are cowardly. What do you do, we will support you! If your world is bloody, we will accompany you to wander. We are not afraid of you

She doesn't want all things to be carried by jingyichen alone. It's true that he is a man. He has outstanding abilities. But she is one with him. Jingyichen doesn't want her to have an accident. She wants her to be stable. Isn't she?

She would rather face all the difficulties and tribulations with him than enjoy the peace alone.

Jingyichen heart throbbing, he hugged shangguanning, indifferent face smile: "fool, I do everything should, you are my woman, can not give you stability, my life is a failure." , the fastest update of the webnovel!