Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 385

Until the fawn went out, Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an were still stupidly holding their surprised expression and stiff posture.

The figure that gradually disappeared in their sight was so small, but she carried a person on her shoulder and one in her left and right hands. Three people almost crushed her, but she walked fast and steadily.

After a long time, Zhao An'an blinked his eyes, and said in an incredible way, "ah Ning, where did my brother get this freak! The gun is accurate, and her strength is as good as that of Hulk, but she is not a muscle man with thin arms and legs! Did she grow up eating spinach? "

Shangguan Ning regained consciousness and said with some uncertainty: "she seems to have grown up eating chocolate. She loves chocolate most and doesn't even eat much rice."

She has always known that fawn is so powerful that she has seen her easily fall to the ground. However, the scenes of deer coming in and leaving today are so shocking that she has renewed her understanding of fawn.

Shangguanning has found that the deer in the normal state is many times more powerful than the childish one! That childish fawn seems to know that he has great power, but he will not shoot like he does today. He doesn't even need to look and can hit the target at once.

Even if Shangguan Ning doesn't know much about guns, she also knows that fawn's level is definitely a sharpshooter. She shoots not only by her eyes, but also by her feelings!

In the past, Shangguan Ning relaxed himself and slowly sat down on the ground.

In fact, Zhao An'an is not much better than Shangguan Ning. She is also in a cold sweat. She is afraid that Shangguan Ning has something to lose.

If she has a long way to go, jingyichen will go crazy!

However, even if shangguanning has not been injured, it is estimated that Jing Yichen will also be furious, and a city will set off a bloodbath again!

As for Shangguan rouxue and Tang Yun, both of them will die miserably this time.

Zhao an put out his hand to hold shangguanning and said in a soft voice, "OK, ah Ning, we're all right. Those two crazy women will die!"

Shangguan Ning nodded gently. After just so tense and oppressive confrontation, she was very tired and wanted to have a good rest.

However, the next moment, she reflected something, immediately stood up, and then took Zhao An'an out.

"Ah Ning, what's the matter?"

"An'an, let's go out first. There's still that kind of fragrance in the living room. I suspect it's musk, which is brought by Tang Yun. This kind of thing can easily lead to flow. It's born

Zhao an was scared and ran faster than shangguanning!

However, when they walked out of the living room, they were stunned by the scene in the garden, and then they held the wall with pale faces and vomited wildly.

In the garden, there are a large number of people lying in the garden. Everyone's head is blooming, or their intestines are flowing all over the ground. The green lawn has completely turned into a terrible red, and a disgusting and bloody air is coming.

Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an, who have never seen this kind of scene, almost fainted in fear!

However, it was more difficult to pass out than to faint. Shangguan was so upset that he couldn't help spitting acid water out of his stomach.

"Ah Ning!"

A familiar voice came, with anxiety, panic, heartache, self blame.

Accompanied by this sound, is a warm and generous embrace, Shangguan Ning whole person completely relaxed down, some powerless called out: "Yi Chen..."

Mu Qing originally wanted to see the woman who vomited up all over the world. However, jingyichen roared directly: "Mu Qing, give a Ning a look!"

Zhao An'an waved her hand to him, indicating that she was OK. Mu Qing saw that she was in good spirits except for her pale face. Moreover, her whole body was clean and clean, without any trace of blood, and it didn't look like something was wrong.

He directly felt Shangguan Ning's pulse. Shangguan was pregnant with children, which was more dangerous than Zhao An'an.

A moment later, Mu Qing took back her hand and said in a relaxed tone: "my sister-in-law is OK, but she has been frightened a little. She will be OK for two days. The child is also normal and has not suffered any damage."

Jingyichen slightly relieved, and then he picked up Shangguan Ning, passed through the corpse and carried her to the car.

Ah Hu sat in the driver's seat. Seeing them coming up, he immediately started the engine and drove away from the area like a flash of wind and lightning.

MuQing gave Shangguan a pulse diagnosis, then, regardless of Zhao An'an's opposition, she put her finger on her wrist. After a moment, she let go, and said with a smile, "Oh, you're pretty good. Such a big battle is so calm! My heart beat and breath are so normal that I'm a doctor who has no use for it! "

Zhao An'an had already vomited all the things in his stomach. He sat on the ground with a pale face and said, "bah! I calm down a fart, scared to death, minutes out of the rhythm of life! If it wasn't for that freak named fawn, ah Ning and I might have gone to see the Buddha today. Tang Yun can't stay in the future, so we must send her to the West! "Mu Qing held Zhao an in his arms and strode out.

Zhao an had no struggle and left the bloody garden in his arms.

"If Tang Yun is dead or alive, I don't know. There must be a huge secret hidden in her. Even Zheng Jing, an old criminal detective, can't ask any questions. It's not so easy to deal with. What's more, she has saved jingshao's life, otherwise, how could jingshao endure her so long? "

"If you give her any medicine and let her hang up, will it be over?" Zhao an is not happy. In her opinion, it is very easy to take a person's life. Especially for a doctor like Mu Qing, it is a matter of life or death that is a dose of medicine!

"It doesn't matter if Tang Yun is dead, but what about the people behind her? Originally we are in the light, the enemy is in the dark, if even the Tang Yun this line are directly cut off, will not let us completely become blind! Or, the other party will send a person with more flexible brain than Tang Yun, and then you will be able to escape the disaster like today? It's better to deal with the idiot Tang Yun! "

"What about that?" Zhao an is very irritable and unconsciously pulls MuQing's tie.

MuQing was nearly strangled by her, even people almost threw it away!

"Zhao An'an, you can speak as you speak, can you not do it?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, this is a subconscious action, you don't care! I just want to kill that bitch Tang Yun. I'm in a hurry if you don't say what to do , the fastest update of the webnovel!