Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 361

Zhao An'an immediately jumped up and took two steps at a time. A gust of wind rushed to shangguanning. She looked very excited and said, "beauty, do you have it?"

She changed too fast and her expression changed too much, which scared Shangguan.

Jing Yichen put her arm across Zhao an's body and warned her across a centimeter: "you stay back! Stay away from ah Ning

Zhao an can't hold on to Guan Ning and immediately stares at his brother: "why! Why should I stay away from ah Ning! "

Jingyichen glanced at her coldly and said: "you have too many active molecules, and you are likely to carry a large number of viruses and bacteria, which are highly dangerous goods. A Ning is pregnant with a child now. You can't get close to it!"

Zhao an stomped her feet angrily, but she took a look from head to toe at her disorderly appearance, and finally compromised. Through one arm of jingyichen, she still looked excited and spoke to shangguanning.

"Ah Ning, do you have a baby? How can I feel so incredible! "

Shangguan Ning took jingyichen's arm away, drew Zhao an closer, and said with a happy smile, "yes, I have a baby. I think it's a bit incredible, but it's true!"

With jingyichen's warning, Zhao An'an did not dare to move, although she was pulled closer by Shangguan Ning.

She knew how lively she was and how much she jumped off. Now that her clothes had not been changed for two or three days, it was really dirty. So she did not dare to get too close to shangguanning, for fear that she would hurt shangguanning and her children if she was not careful.

Zhao an held Shangguan Ning's hand carefully, but his tone was rare, with some sigh and piety: "my God, time flies. I always feel that we are still teachers in school. Time is still in the past. When you substitute for me, how can you become a mother in a twinkling of an eye! God bless you, I will be relieved of your happiness

How to listen to this is not very right, people have a kind of sad parting.

But Shangguan Ning just passed a little doubt in her heart and didn't take it seriously. She thought that Zhao An'an was too emotional.

What's more, when she saw Zhao An'an, she was only left with heartache for Zhao An'an. Because of her body, the probability of having a child was very low. So shangguanning was so sad that she ignored other feelings.

She did not care about jingyichen's tight frown and took Zhao An'an's hand. Her eyes were red and red: "An'an, we will be happy, you will, believe me!"

Zhao an's sentimentality usually lasts for a very short time, and it is also at the moment. She soon laughed because she found a problem.

"Ah, beauty, I'm going to be an aunt! Are you pregnant with one or two? Is it my little nephew or my little niece? When will it be born? I want to play with him

Shangguan Ning's original feelings were blocked by her, and she immediately said: "when can you change your jumping off temperament?"

"There is only one baby. Boys and girls can't see it now. It must be next year to have a baby. It's estimated that it will take another year and a half to play with his unreliable aunt."

Zhao an wants to reach out and touch Shangguan Ning's stomach. She looks up and sees jingyichen's almost cannibal eyes. She shrinks her hand and turns to Mu Qing and says angrily, "wooden bastard, I'm going to be an aunt. Why don't you tell me! It's a big deal. You dare not report it. Don't you want to get mixed up? "

The tone is very strong, like a local ruffian in the market, but also a female hooligan, there is no a city belongs to a well-known family Miss Zhao look.

Mu Qing was scolded and immediately slapped the table and yelled: "Miss, I only learned this news yesterday. You didn't go home last night. You always accompanied Zheng Lun and ignored me. Tell me how many calls I made to you. Did you answer one? If you don't answer the phone, I want to tell you there's no chance

Zhao an stupefied, think carefully, as if it is really such a thing, but still ruthlessly stare at Mu Qing, as if in disgust of his stubborn mouth.

She turned her head and turned her attention to Shangguan Ning again.

There are few friends around her, and she has never seen a pregnant woman. Now she sees her best friend pregnant, and the girl is her sister-in-law. If she wants to call her aunt, she should not be too excited!

How did you get pregnant?

Oh, by the way, she almost forgot that she was pregnant before!

But she didn't have any impression!

What's more, when she learned that she was pregnant, she had no sense of joy at all.

At that time, she was only 17 years old and Mu Qing was only 20 years old. She had delayed her period and didn't need to go to the hospital for examination. She didn't even need a pregnancy test stick. As soon as Mu Qing touched her pulse, she immediately found out that she was pregnant! They were terrified to learn that she was pregnant!

But now, she knew that shangguanning was pregnant, and her heart was full of joy and expectation!

Zhao an was in a good mood. She was not sad because she could not have children. She was only deeply happy for shangguanning.She would like to know how old the baby is, whether it is a boy or a girl, who looks like, is she as handsome as jingyichen, or as beautiful as shangguanning?

She was so curious!

Shangguan Ning also smiles on her face. Seeing the surprise in Zhao An'an's eyes, she can understand her very well. She feels surprised herself!

However, she is still more concerned about why Zhao An'an is so robbed.

Just Mu Qing said clearly that Zhao An'an accompanied Zheng Lun. How could she make herself so embarrassed with Zheng Lun? She even had two bruises on her cheek. It was obvious that she was beaten.

Zhao An'an used to fight with people is a common thing, she is like a boy, but also love to fight against injustice, the most can not be bullied by strong people.

Shangguan Ning was afraid that she would be kind and hurt herself.

She took Zhao An'an's hand and frowned and asked, "An'an, where have you been? How can you make yourself like this? I remember that Zheng Lun is a lady, not a violent maniac? "

Thinking of these two days, Zhao an is very depressed.

She sat on the chair next to shangguanning with no image, cocked her legs and said: "of course, my body is not Lun Lun's, this is Zheng Jing's son of a bitch's masterpiece. I did sports with him for a day, and then it became like this!"

MuQing just drank a mouthful of tea, "puff" all of a sudden spit out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!