Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 362

Mu Qingteng suddenly stood up from the chair, his face flushed with anger and roared, "Zhao An'an, what are you talking about?! You say it again! Zheng Jing is such a jerk. You can't cheat your friend's wife. Don't you know? If you dare to touch my woman, I will kill him

Zhao an tugged at his wrinkled sleeve, glanced at MuQing, and said, "what are you excited about? I'm not doing that kind of sport with him, or I've had a fight with him."

She really wanted to laugh now, but she held back, and then deliberately put on a light wind and cloud light posture.

It's a pity that she is wearing a chicken coop, her clothes are dirty and wrinkled, her face is blue and her nose is still gray. She really doesn't look like the wind is light, but she looks down and dirty.

MuQing's anger was so raw that Zhao an held it in his chest, which made him unable to go up and down. He suffered for a long time!

"I said," Zhao An'an, can you not breathe so much next time! No, it's not right. Can you be more accurate next time! What is it called sport? Is it called fighting? This kind of misunderstanding will kill you. Do you know that if Zheng Jing were here now, the needle in my hand would have gone down! "

Zhao an refused to be outdone and yelled: "I always call fighting sports. What's the matter! Do you have to roll around in bed with you, that's called exercise? Seldom see more strange, oneself misunderstood, how can rely on me? It's your impure mind that's wrong

Mu Qing was angry by her seven tips: "you let others comment, what is sports, a man and a woman do sports, what is it called? Can that be called a fight? "

Zhao an immediately said: "a man and a woman to do sports, is not a monster fight!"


Shangguan Ning was listening to them, but he didn't touch the core of the problem. He couldn't be anxious.

It was so easy to wait for the two people to choke, and then she quickly interrupted and asked, "An'an, how can you fight with Zheng Jing? Did he annoy you? "

Zheng Jing seems to be more calm than Mu Qing, and because of his profession, he is careful in thinking, has a sense of propriety in speaking and doing things, and is very considerate of the feelings of others. How can he fight with Zhao An'an!

Or did Zhao an offend Zheng Jing?

Sure enough, Zhao an was a little guilty: "Oh, that I beat his girlfriend, the pig or the sheep, and I beat her

Shangguan Ning glared at his big eyes and lost his voice: "you beat Zhu ruotong?! What do you do when you run around and beat someone's girlfriend? "

When she finished, she realized what was common and immediately said, "no, no, how can you beat Zhu ruotong! She is a criminal police officer. She graduated from the Royal Military Academy. When I saw her that day, I felt that she must have practiced. You are not Zhu ruotong's opponent at all! "

"Cough, that, I With a drop of medicine, it is from MuQing here to take a little soft muscle powder or cartilage powder, don't say, it's quite useful! " Zhao an was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but he was excited at last.

Shangguan is speechless for a while. What kind of person is this! How can I learn from Mu Qing and use medicine!

"What did you do to Zhu ruotong? Zheng Jing would be in a hurry with you?"

"Hey, I didn't put a heavy hand on it. I just broke two ribs. Then maybe her face is swollen a little bit. Maybe her mother can't recognize her."

"What? How could you do that! What's more, what do you do to beat people's faces? She doesn't hate you Shangguan listens to the frightened and complains that she is too cruel.

How about breaking two ribs of a girl? This is not called heavy hand, is it called heavy hand to turn around?

Zhao an was not convinced at all. She glared at her eyes and said, "how can I have no hatred with me? The man who robbed Lun Lun, of course, I will teach her a lesson for Lun Lun!"

"No, miss, wait a minute!" Hearing something wrong, Mu Qing immediately interrupted and asked, "what is Zheng Jing's girlfriend robbing Zheng Lun's man? Is your network a little messy? Isn't Zheng Jing's girlfriend's boyfriend not Zheng Jing? Zheng Lun Like her brother

Oops, it's a slip of the tongue!

Zhao an a burst of chagrin, she glared at Mu Qing: "research tongue twister you! What are you so clever about? Just stay there and stop interrupting! "

Mu Qing sat back obediently, but in her heart, she was already burning a flaming eight trigrams flame, staring at Zhao An'an with an extremely excited look, waiting for her to have another explosive explosion.

Jingyichen beside Shangguan Ning didn't react at all. Zheng Lun didn't have anything to do with who he liked. He only cared about Shangguan Ning's sitting for such a long time and not too tired.

Shangguan Ning's body is not tired, but the heart is tired. He was tortured by Zhao an, the troublemaker.

"Zhu ruotong is Zheng Jing's girlfriend. What do you want to do with me! Lun Lun's business is basically impossible. Even if she and Zheng Jing are not brothers and sisters, they are no different. It is normal for Zheng Jing to have a girlfriend. You are not allowed to make trouble next time! "However, Zhao an did not listen to Shangguan's advice.

"I don't care if they are brothers and sisters, let alone not be brothers and sisters. Even if Lun Lun likes them, then they can't be taken away by other women!"

Zhao an was angry when she thought of the way Zheng Jing and Zhu ruotong talked and laughed. Now she can be regarded as the object to talk to.

"Zheng Jing's son of a bitch is really not a thing. Lun Lun is so devoted to him that he even goes out to hook up with other women, which makes Lun Lun sad and sad. He only has a pair of big eyes left after only a few days' hard work!"

Girl, Zheng Jing doesn't call it collusion. It's normal love! It's right that Zheng Lun has a deep affection for him, but her feelings will not be accepted by her family!

Shangguan sighed: "I also want to help Lun Lun, but her business is very important. It involves ethics and morality. Her mother raised her as a daughter. I guess she can't accept her daughter marrying her son."

That's why you want to help me Zhao an's face was very sad. "I thought, first help Lun Lun solve the problem of Zhu ruotong. When she cooked rice with Zheng Jing, her mother would have to stare at her!"

Speaking of this, Zhao an's eyes brightened: "yes, when Lun Lun also has a baby, it will be all right? Ha ha ha, I'm a genius. I want such a good idea! I will teach Lun Lun in the future

"Oh, by the way, wooden bastard, you should match me with some men's hair. Spring's medicine, I'll give the impudent one down to the water , the fastest update of the webnovel!