Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 360

Shangguan Ning loosened his teeth in a hurry, climbed to the bed with his chest in his hands, covered himself with a quilt, and looked at jingyichen, who was also naked, but didn't blush. After a while, he said: "you get dressed quickly!"

Jingyichen no longer teases her, casually put on a pajamas, and then go to the cabinet to find clothes for shangguanning, put them on the bed for her, and then find their own clothes to wear.

After finishing, they went to the restaurant to have breakfast. Sister LAN saw that they were coming and immediately set the breakfast.

Shangguan Ning sat at the table, looking at the big change of breakfast, can't help but some gaping.

A dozen dishes for breakfast, will you What a luxury!

She turned to look at the man around her.

"These dishes are selected by myself. They are nutritious and will not cause damage to children. Just eat them at ease."

Jing Yichen said, and put a bowl of soup in front of her.

Shangguan Ning can't laugh or cry. Is she worried about this?

"It's too much. We can't eat it at all. It's too wasteful. Don't do so much in the future. The first four dishes are enough. It's just as good as before."

"Oh, it's OK. Don't worry about waste. You can eat as much as you like. Eat it. It will be cold in a moment."

Jingyichen looks light. At first glance, she knows that she has not listened to shangguanning's words. Tomorrow's breakfast must still be like this.

Shangguan Ning reluctantly shook his head, and finally did not say he, obediently ate.

Not to mention, perhaps because of the variety of breakfast, shangguanning ate a lot more than usual. She had a bad appetite in the morning and ate less.

Of course, Jing Yichen noticed that she ate too much and her face gradually showed a smile. It seemed that his preparation was very useful.

Now shangguanning is two people to absorb the nutrition of her body. Naturally, she needs to eat more, otherwise it will affect her and her children.

It's not that you can't afford to eat, so long as shangguanning can eat happily and eat well.

After dinner, Jing Yi Chen took Shangguan Ning to Mu's hospital.

Although Mu Wensheng had already given shangguanning pulse and said that she had no problems with her body, he also proposed that shangguanning go to the hospital again to have a physical examination with the most advanced equipment and do a comprehensive pregnancy examination.

Jingyichen said hello to MuQing yesterday, and went directly to MuQing's office today.

Mu Qing welcomed them in with a smile on his face. Jingyichen was cured by him. The couple had a child so soon. He made great contributions to it!

"Congratulations to jingshao and my sister-in-law. This is a great celebration. I received a call from jingshao yesterday and I was so happy that I didn't sleep all night!"

MuQing has short hair and fair skin. Now the sun shines on his clear face through the window, which makes him vigorous and radiant. Where is the sign that he hasn't slept all night!

Jingyichen has long been used to his way of speaking. Her face is light and has no expression. Shangguanning is grateful. She has a smile on her face: "doctor mu, I'm going to trouble you again!"

"No trouble, no trouble. I'm happy to serve beautiful women." Wood green happy some over the head, on weekdays saw the female patient's mantra, unconsciously said.

Jingyichen is like a real murderer. Her cold and sharp eyes immediately swept the past, and she immediately changed her mouth: "I'm willing to help you, madam! I'll leave it to the young lady

Shangguan Ning hears Mu Qing's address and immediately laughs.

Mu Qing is just like Zhao An'an. He is a living treasure. He is cheerful and likes to talk and laugh. He doesn't care about anything.

Jingyichen heard him change his words, this just slowly take back his eyes, support Shangguan Ning's waist, let her sit on the chair.

When Mu Qing sees Jing Yichen's different style between himself and Shangguan Ning, he once again suspects that he has serious schizophrenia.

He is as cold to others as an iceberg, how can he be so tender and considerate when he gets to shangguanning!

Look, hold Shangguan Ning in the palm of his hand, for fear that she might bump against her. If he hadn't said something wrong, jingyichen would have been reluctant to move her eyes from Shangguan Ning!

Really, the gap in life is too big. He saved Jing Yichen several times. He just called Shangguan Ning to say "beauty", and he almost killed him with his eyes!

Alas, why is his status so low? Jing Yichen and Zhao An'an, the cousins, don't seem to have given him a good look. What kind of evil did he make in his last life? He has to pay so many debts!

Fortunately, shangguanning has always been very, very friendly towards him. Every time he sees him, he always calls him "doctor Mu", and he trusts him very much, which finally comforts Mu Qing's injured little heart.

Shangguan Ning really trusted Mu Qing and Mu Laozi. She felt that their grandsons and grandsons had reached the peak of their medical skills. Moreover, she felt that it was really safe to have Mu Qing, a friend with superb medical skills.

Therefore, she has become more and more determined to put Zhao an an into Mu Qing's side, whether Zhao an an agrees or not.She married to the wooden family, it was just like a cat with nine lives. It was not easy to die!

However, Zhao An'an has always been around Mu Qing, why not today?

Mu Qing no longer "imprisons" her? Not afraid she's gone?

"Dr. wood, what about Ann? Where has she gone? "

Mu Qing was about to explain, the door of the office was knocked open. Then Zhao An'an came in with a chicken coop and a wrinkled dress.

"Give me the key, I'll go home and sleep," she said

She is asking MuQing for the key to MuQing's apartment. MuQing's home is next to MuQing's hospital. Recently, MuQing has taken Zhao An'an to his home.

Shangguan Ning opened his eyes and said in surprise, "An'an, what's the matter with you? How... "

How does it look like you've been beaten! The hair is messy, the clothes are disordered, it looks like a mess!

Zhao an looked at Shangguan for a long time without any focus, and then saw that it was her.

She yawned, reached for her hair, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Oh, beauty, are you here? Are you ill again

Seeing Shangguan Ning, her spirit was better, but she was still sleepy and could hardly open her eyes.

Jing Yichen looked at her sloppy eyes and couldn't help frowning. Hearing her saying that shangguanning was "sick again", her brow was deeper. He said in a cold voice, "ah Ning is very good. She is pregnant. Come for a pregnancy test."

Zhao An'an was stunned for a long time when he heard the speech, and then the sleepiness in his eyes was thrown out of the sky. , the fastest update of the webnovel!