Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 359

The little pressure in Shangguan Ning's heart was gone, and soon fell asleep in Jingyi Chen's arms.

Hazy, she felt that jingyichen's big hand had been gently stroked in her abdomen, and then she felt her lips sucked by him.

She faintly heard his bitter smile: "with children, is my welfare so deprived? It's in my arms, but I can't eat it... "

The next day, shangguanning woke up from her sweet sleep and saw that she was nestled in jingyichen. Naked chest, a look up, is his perfect contour of the handsome face.

She gently touched her stomach, suddenly felt incomparable happiness.

Shangguan Ning lips high raised, gently in jingyichen chest kiss.

"Honey, you kiss me again..."

Shangguan Ning didn't expect jingyichen to wake up. She was startled. Then she flashed cunning in her eyes and bit the two dogwood on his chest in a prank.

The shudder feeling suddenly attacked jingyichen's whole body. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of dangerous smell: "baby, do you want to play with fire?"

His deep voice, with the unique hoarseness and sexiness after waking up in the morning, let Shangguan Ning's heart beat involuntarily accelerate.

On weekdays, when jingyichen wakes up in the morning, she will have a close relationship with her. Most of the time, she will brush the gun and get off fire

And now, shangguanning and he closely stick together.

Shangguan found that he was really playing with fire!

"Well I'm just a kiss. Don't worry about it. It's time to get up. Don't you go to work? "

She shifted the topic, and then the whole person began to move back slowly, trying to get out of jingyichen's arms.

But it's late.

Jingyichen suddenly holds her whole person on her body, becoming the ambiguous and provocative posture on the male and female.

"Any kiss?" Jingyi Chen picks eyebrow, big hand is put on the buttock petal of Shangguan to straighten up, not light and heavy knead, "should I also feel casually?"

Shangguan Ning is sensitive and has been pinched by him for a while.

Her white face seemed to be a little red when she was drunk. Her voice was soft and she begged for mercy: "Yi Chen, I was wrong. You let me go. Now No, it will hurt the baby... "

"Where do you want to go? I have a good way, it won't hurt the baby, but it will make us both very comfortable. Do you want to try it?" Jingyi Chen smile some ambiguous, that vision inexplicable let Shangguan Ning face red heart jump.

She shook her head flustered and said, "I don't want it. You're too bad. Let me go..."

"A few days ago, we didn't know about pregnancy. Wasn't it as intimate and intense as before? You can only watch, but not eat. You are killing me, baby... "

Jingyichen's voice is low and hoarse, and her big hand has reached into Shangguan's thin nightgown. The tip of her tongue runs through her delicate and beautiful earlobe and nibbles at it.

Shangguan Cong brain sea, unconsciously emerged a few days ago two people together crazy scene, suddenly heart such as drum beating, the whole body is soft no strength.

Thanks to Mu Wensheng to see that she is pregnant, otherwise with jingyichen such a tossing method, the baby is very dangerous.

Although Shangguan Ning has been emotional, but she is afraid to hurt the child, has been pushing jingyichen with her hand, trying to get down from him.

But her strength where is jingyichen's opponent, jingyichen has endured for several days, now how also refused to let her go.

"Baby, listen, don't move, I promise not to hurt the child..."

Shangguanning did not know how to be bewitched by him, and the whole person was manipulated by him to sink with him and enjoy the happiness of intimacy.

The temperature in the bedroom rose sharply, and soon came out the gasping sound that made people blush and heartbeat.

After a taste of pregnancy, she just didn't want to spend time in the past.

Afterwards, Shangguan Ning all over the soft lying on jingyichen, let jingyichen all over red. Naked holding her into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Shangguan Ning looks at jingyichen's strong chest muscles, smooth lines of waist and abdomen, strong and slender thighs, as well as his desire to stand still and not be completely released. Look, she soon blushed.

His figure is incomparably good, and every time I look at it, she can't stop her heart beating faster.

I don't know what he ate and grew up with. How could he have such a perfect body proportion? More or less would destroy the aesthetic feeling and Sexy.

It's about that the love in her eyes is too strong and her sight is too hot. Jingyichen, who was originally concentrating on scrubbing her bath, said in a low voice: "do you want to watch this long when you sleep with me every day? I've seen it many times, but I still like it now? Like me again, don't you? "

Shangguan Ning raised his head and glared at him gently. Really, this man is too clever. She said nothing. He guessed all the thoughts in her heart. Her careful thinking has no place to hide!

However, she does like jingyichen. She can't help it. He is tall and straight, and his body is strong and perfect all the year round. There is no trace of fat. She likes it once and for all, and she likes it more and more."I like you, every day..."

Shangguan Ning did not hide her love for jingyichen, nor could she conceal it. She was clearly written on her face.

Jing Yichen flashed a faint smile in her eyes and gently pecked at her bright red lips: "love me, baby?"

Although she has answered this question many times, Shangguan Ning still says in her heart, "love!"

"How much love?"

"Deep love!"

"Baby, let's do it again. I want you..."


More than an hour later, when he came out of the bathroom, Shangguan Ning made up his mind. When he confessed again, he must be cautious and prudent. He was eaten and wiped clean by a wolf president.

Jing Yichen looked at Shangguan Ning Du and looked at him with the eyes of resentment, but he was not guilty. He said faintly: "baby, you seduced me first, both times. I can't help it. You are my nemesis. When I meet you, my self-control drops from the top of the mountain to below the sea level. I can't rely on me. You are the real culprit. "

Shangguan Ning was laughed by his lack of reason and rushed to bite his shoulder. Jingyichen said with a smile: "my muscles are strong. It doesn't matter if I take a bite. I'm afraid I'll hurt your teeth. It's still me who's distressed when I turn back."


He looked at Shangguan Ning from head to toe with a very appreciative look, and his voice was joyful: "baby, are you sure you want to stand naked in front of me and bite me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!