Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 358

Before shangguanning was pregnant, jingyichen didn't feel too much about the child.

He felt that it would be good to let it go. Whenever there was a child, he was not as anxious as shangguanning.

Because, in his heart, there is shangguanning alone, he has been very satisfied, all his love, all to her, all his energy and attention, are only in her body.

He couldn't imagine the situation of having one more child - he was too indifferent and cold-blooded. He thought that even if he had children, he might not have much change. He would still fall in love with Guan Ning alone.

But now, it's not what he thought.

From the moment he learned that shangguanning was pregnant, his heart was shaking all the time. The feeling and joy were beyond description.

He finally understood why Shangguan Ning had always wanted to have children.

Women's feelings are always much more delicate than men's, especially in children. The vast majority of parents are mothers who pay more than their fathers. This is not only because of the division of labor in the family, but also because of the great maternal love born in women.

Shangguanning likes children, which is discovered by jingyichen at the beginning of their marriage.

At that time, they walked hand in hand in the community, walking on the wooden plank road by the sea. If she met a child, she would look gentle and look at it for a long time. It can be imagined that when their child is born, she will be a good mother who loves her children very much.

Jing Yichen in the community to see those children, but never any mood swings, do not like any children touch him, not to tease children.

But now, after shangguanning is pregnant, his mentality has completely changed.

Now he has become fond of children. Seeing the children's heart will become inexplicably soft. The slight touch of children will not even arouse his antipathy. In jingyichen's view, it is inconceivable.

The only reason why he was pregnant was that he was loved by shangning.

"Ah Ning, I feel very happy and secure now. Thank you. I will take good care of you and the children in the future. Now, I have two babies. It's strange

Jingyichen's voice is low, with his unique tenderness and doting, which makes shangguanning feel some palpitations.

She raised her head and gently kissed jingyichen's perfectly shaped chin. Her white and delicate face was filled with happiness: "I also feel very strange, I have a baby, and I want to be a mother! We are a family of three, and I am very happy, very happy

Shangguanning has hardly regained consciousness these days, and because she is pregnant, she has no discomfort. She is exactly the same as before. She always doubts whether she is dreaming and whether she will wake up the next day and find that she is not pregnant at all.

Until today, her things have been taken away by jingyichen, she is not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes, not to eat this, not to eat that, she really felt that she was going to be a mother.

In fact, she has been very careful these days, she is very nervous about her little baby, high-heeled shoes she has not worn for a long time, afraid to hurt the child.

In fact, she can understand jingyichen's feeling very much in her heart, because her feeling is exactly the same as that of him.

Jing Yichen held shangguanning in one hand, and gently covered her abdomen with another big hand. In her voice, she was smiling and inconceivable: "is he here? Growing up slowly? Our children Very good! "

Shangguan Ning has never heard him speak in this tone. She can't help but smile and bend her lips: "well, he's growing up slowly. I hope that in the future, he will look like you, be as handsome as you and as clever as you."

Jing Yichen was more and more interested in what she said. She pinched her delicate straight nose and said with a smile, "how do you know it's a boy, maybe it's a girl, if your daughter is like you, it's better to be beautiful."

Shangguan Ning took it for granted: "my grandfather said that he was the great grandson of his old man. He said that the tradition of Jing family is like this, and they all have boys! I believe in grandfather

For jingyichen, both boys and girls are the same. He likes them all the time. Shangguanning has always liked boys. She is eager to have a little jingyichen.

She felt that both her daughter and her son would look good if they were more like Jing Yichen.

His eyebrows and eyes were so handsome that he was her favorite.

Jingyichen lost his smile and could not help but bow his head and gently kiss her cheek: "you can believe what my grandfather said. He is just saying it casually. Even master Mu said that he can't see men and women now, so he can't possibly know."

Shangguan Ning hugged his generous waist, buried his head in his chest, and asked expectantly, "do you like your son or your daughter?"

She had been putting up with it for several days and finally asked the question.

She felt that the Jing family must have been looking forward to a boy. The old man's attitude was obvious. He wanted to have a great grandson.

So Shangguan Ning will inevitably have some pressure.Jing Yichen's understanding of shangguanning is deeper than her own. Of course, she knows that little worry in her heart.

He stretched out his hand to hold his wife's delicate chin. His deep eyes and her eyes looked at each other. He said very seriously: "baby, as long as it is your birth, I love it. Dad and grandfather will like it too. It's true that they want an heir, but if you give birth to a girl, they will hurt to the bone. There has been no girl in the Jing family for five generations in a row. If you are a girl, you will be spoiled to the sky by them and hold it as a little princess. "

Jing Yichen is telling the truth. No matter whether shangguanning gives birth to a boy or a girl, the Jing family will be boiling. If it is a boy, there won't be any accident or special. But if it's a girl, let alone Jing Zhongxiu, who always wants a daughter, jingtianyuan will definitely treasure her great granddaughter.

"You don't need to have any worries and worries. Our children are always the best, and it has nothing to do with gender."

After listening to his words, Shangguan was moved to tears.

He fully understood her feelings and knew the shallow confusion in her heart. He used the most sincere language to pacify her confused heart.

Yeah, she's worried.

Jingyichen doesn't need any doubt. Naturally, he loves their children. The master and Jing Zhongxiu also regard them as treasures, regardless of whether the children are male or female.

Shangguan Ning's heart suddenly relaxed. She likes the feeling now. All the men in the Jing family are so powerful that they protect her and connive at her. They treat her as their own family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!