Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 180

Jingyichen had no choice but to smile, reached out and touched Shangguan's smooth and smooth hair, but gave her a positive reply: "yes. However, she is not my fiancee. Please don't cover me casually, you wife. "

Shangguan Ning thought he would say no, but he admitted it!

She immediately glared at jingyichen, and there was a bright light in her clear eyes. It seemed that if jingyichen did not give her a satisfactory answer, she would burn him with her eyes.

For fear of her misunderstanding, Jing Yichen quickly explained: "I knew her when I was participating in a tennis match. At that time, she watched the game outside the court and was hit in the head by my ball, which caused serious injury. I could not ignore it, so I met her. Later, as long as I played ball, she would go to see it and follow me every day. When I went to the gym, she followed me. I went to learn painting. She also followed me. She would steal all my drawings. Even when I went home, she would follow me. So all the people in my family knew her

When Jing Yichen said this, Shangguan Ning knew that Tang Yun said that she had many paintings of jingyichen, which were not given to her by jingyichen, but stolen by her! Thanks to her happy face, she said so righteously!

"I seldom talk to her. In fact, I not only don't talk to her, but I don't talk to anyone before, so she's not special. However, when I was practicing tennis, she stayed by my side every day. I chased her several times, but it was no use at all, so I only thought that she did not exist and what to do. Once, when she was watching me practice, she was teased and bullied by several underworlds. I didn't care, so she beat them up, so she got married

Jingyichen's voice is light, and there is no special mood in her tone. She seems to be saying something that has nothing to do with him.

But shangguanning has been with him for such a long time, and has already understood his temper. She knows that he has mentioned something he doesn't want to recall, so that he can paralyze himself.

She has some heartache, and some self reproach, anyway, it's the past. Why does she mention these things to make him miserable?

"Well, Yi Chen, needless to say, I actually know that you and Tang Yun have nothing. I know that she said those words to me on purpose to annoy me and make me share with you. I won't be cheated in the future. I believe you!"

Jing Yichen clenched her soft and boneless hand and gently printed a kiss on her forehead. She said faintly, "it's OK. I've never told anyone about these things. No one knows except for a Hu who has been following me all the time. Some memories are so painful that I've buried them. I feel a little relieved to tell you today. "

Shangguan nodded and said in a soft voice, "OK, if you feel better, just tell me. If you feel uncomfortable, we won't mention it."

Jingyichen "um" a, tone is still light way: "because of me, Tang Yun almost died that time, also related to these people. So after she disappeared, I didn't touch tennis again. Because in the first few years, as long as I picked up the racket, I would think of Tang Yun who had been standing beside me. I would also think of the day when she died, and the things that I experienced with her were not as good as death. "

After a long pause, he said again: "after a long time, it didn't affect me so much, but the tennis ball has been put on hold by me, and I haven't picked it up again. I didn't pick up my racket again until I met you and saw you playing tennis. Because I want to approach you unconsciously, but it seems that there is no suitable excuse and reason, so I want to start from your favorite tennis, and slowly contact with you

"Oh, did you want to chase me then? I thought you were looking for my revenge for your sister Shangguan Ning tilts his head and stares at jingyichen for fear that he will not tell the truth.

Jingyichen's lips finally showed a faint smile and said: "An'an is just a connecting point. Without her, I don't know how to approach you, and I don't know if it's really trying to chase you. Anyway, it's the first time in my life that I want to get close to a person. Even ah Hu's rough nerves can see my abnormality, so it should be."

Shangguan Ning heard the satisfactory answer, her eyes bent into crescent moon, and her lips rose uncontrollably.

"Ah Ning, you just said that Tang Yun knew that I didn't play tennis in those ten years? Does she know that I'm playing tennis again? "

Jingyichen is much more sensitive than Shangguan Ning. When he heard her question, he immediately had doubts in his mind. But he still explained the causes and consequences to Shangguan tingwen first. When she knew what was going on, he asked her doubts lightly.

Shangguan nodded and said in a daze: "yes, she knows you don't play tennis, but she doesn't seem to know that you're starting to play again. What's the matter? Is there anything wrong with it? "

Jingyichen frowned slightly and said faintly, "I don't play tennis. Few people know about it, because most people think that I don't have time to play because of too many things. Tang Yun said that she had lost her memory in the past ten years, which was only recently restored. How could she know that I didn't touch tennis? Even if she did, she should have got the result that I still play

When he said this, Shangguan Ning also noticed something wrong.Unless Tang Yun has not lost her memory and has been paying close attention to jingyichen, she should not know so much about him in the past ten years!

However, if she does not have amnesia, and she loves jingyichen so much, why not take the initiative to find him? She is his Savior. As long as she appears in front of jingyichen, jingyichen will take good care of her and make her live like a princess!

Even, perhaps can really become jingyichen's fiancee is not necessarily!

But she did not, she has been hiding herself, not let jingyichen find!

The cool sea breeze came slowly, bringing a chill to both husband and wife.

Jingyichen takes off his coat and puts it on Shangguan Ning. Then he hugs his wife and hugs her back.

"Don't think about it any more. I'll check it out. As long as you eat and sleep well every day and take good care of yourself, don't get sick and be happy, that's the most important thing."

"I've gained a lot of weight recently, and I'm almost a pig by you!"

"Oh, really? When will you give birth to a pig for me, Miss pig

Shangguan Ning heard his address, giggled, and soon bent over with laughter: "my baby must be smart and cute, it's not a pig! Don't talk nonsense

"Well, my son is not a pig. He must be the smartest and cutest. You can teach him to read and write. I will be responsible for spanking when he is disobedient."

"No, no, no, I'm responsible for spanking. You teach your son to learn. You're a complete learning bully. I'd better stop teaching, so that my son's IQ will follow you and I won't be able to lift my head."

Jing Yichen finally couldn't help laughing: "baby, I'll listen to you. But before we do, do we have to have a son? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!