Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 181

Shangguanning and jingyichen are close to each other. Their feelings are more and more stable and sincere. They are not affected by Jing Yiran's madman.

Jingyiran came to work in Jingsheng for several consecutive days, just like Jing Yichen said. He turned all the members of Jingsheng group all over. In addition, he had a special identity and a pretty face like a demon. After only two days of hard work, he was known in the whole group.

As long as you can disgust jingyichen, jingyiran will do anything. No matter how difficult things are and whether they are good for him, he will spare no effort to complete them.

In addition to tossing around in Jingsheng every day, he has been eager to help shangguanzheng's family to the top!

The current mayor of a city is actually the person of Jing Yichen. Jing Yiran has already found out that Jing Yichen's people are now replaced and supported to become mayor of Shangguan. Jing Yichen will be very angry.

The reason why Shangguan rouxue can't be a host is that Shangguan Ning has harmed her. In fact, jingyichen's handwriting is also behind her. If you want to let her restore the identity of the host again, jingyichen can make jingyichen nauseous!

Because of the year-round confrontation with jingyichen, jingyiran has become an efficient person due to the influence of jingyichen's fast and efficient style.

However, within three days, Shangguan rouxue has returned to the TV station to continue her hosting work. Yang Wenshu begins to accept the high-priced cosmetic doctors invited by Jing Yiran from South Korea and begins to repair her scar.

As for the shangguanzheng, the new mayor who took office only a short time ago has been squeezed down with rocket like speed, becoming another mayor of city A.

Early in the morning, jingyiran sat in shangguanning's seat, and there was still a bunch of blue enchantress he sent to the table.

Shangguanning has been used to seeing this person she dislikes these days, so after hanging up her coat skillfully, she has to turn to Lu Qin to get rid of this person.

Jingyi Ran is too shameless and crazy. She doesn't want to go around with such a difficult person. If she wins, she will lose her life. So Shangguan Ning consciously goes to look for foreign aid.

However, before she went out of the door, she listened to Jing Yiran's rather proud way: "beauty, this childe for you, it can be said that it's a lot of money! I'm used to bad guys. I've been a good man for a while. I'm not used to it! I helped those people in your family to deal with some small things, so that a family on the verge of breaking up was reunited. Now they all live a happy life! You say, how can you thank me? "

Shangguan Ning stepped out of the pace of a sudden stop.

What do you mean?!

Jing Yiran went to their house?!

What is he doing!

Shangguanning never watched the programs hosted by Shangguan rouxue. Naturally, she didn't know that she had returned to the TV station to continue to be a host. However, shangguanzheng was not publicized because she was very hasty in taking office, and the means of taking office were not on the stage. Therefore, the news in the newspapers was still in a state of shock, and there was no comprehensive report.

So shangguanning knew nothing about jingyiran.

But she knew that there must be nothing good, as long as she could make her miserable, he would do it!

The last time Shangguan rouxue was engaged, jingyiran fell in love with shangguanzheng and Shangguan rouxue. She wanted to harm her. Now what do you want to do!

Shangguan Ning turned his head and looked at jingyiran with a sarcastic eye. He said, "they'd better live a miserable life! Happiness? They don't deserve it! thank? You don't deserve it! Do you know where your whole life is sad? You are sad to have been living for others. If you lose jingyichen, your life will immediately lose its goal! You are just a poor creature living in his big shadow

Shangguan Ning's words immediately stabbed the weak point in jingyiran's heart, and mercilessly stabbed out a hole, pouring out unbearable pain.

His voice trembled and roared: "shut up! I live for myself and have nothing to do with him! I have a goal, but he has no goal! You don't know anything. You're talking nonsense. Get out of here

Shangguan Ning didn't want to enrage jingyiran, but he interfered with her life at will. In order to add to her obstruction, he also found her home!

God knows what kind of deal he has made with those who only have interests in their eyes!

Why do they trade with each other and receive huge benefits, but take her as a chip!

If you don't make her feel better, she won't let him!

"Do you think you can change anything if you get half the inheritance? No, nothing can be changed! "

"No matter how much property you have, you still can't match him. You will never become him! But he's the biggest bully! When did he threaten you with your most important person?! Don't your mother still do her wife Jing at home? If he is as mean and shameless as you are and uses all kinds of means, you think you can still stand in Jingsheng's office building and speak like this? "Jing Yiran kicked the chair over with a bang, strode to shangguanning, grabbed her collar and pressed her against the wall.

He has a beautiful face, a ferocious face, and blue veins on his forehead. He said in a vicious and cruel way: "I hate that others say I'm inferior to him in my life. If you don't want to force me to kill you now, you'd better shut up!"

Shangguan Ning was pressed on the wall by him, his hand was pinched on her neck, almost strangling her alive!

The air quickly disappeared in her body, a terrible sense of suffocation soon shrouded shangguanning. She did not care about anything. She touched a vase at her hand and smashed it on his head with all her strength.

With a loud bang, the vase burst on jingyiran's head. His hand was released and shangguanning finally got fresh air.

Two people fell to the ground at the same time, Jingyi ran hugged his head on the ground and screamed bitterly. Shangguanning covered his chest, coughing painfully and breathing heavily.

Lu Qin just went up to the 76th floor with a stack of materials. He immediately followed the sound and ran into shangguanning's office. Jingyichen told him that jingyiran might hurt shangguanning, so he should pay more attention to it.

If shangguanning is injured, not only jingyichen will be furious, but also the general manager will be angry!

As soon as I entered the office, I saw two people lying on the ground. The one whose head was broken and bleeding was Jing Yiran. Although Shangguan Ning's face turned pale, there was no sign of injury on her body.

Lu Qin slightly relieved, then immediately picked up the phone on the desk and called the medical team of Jingsheng group. , the fastest update of the webnovel!