Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 179

Jing Yichen looked at his wife's beautiful face, and some concerned admonished her: "so you should be careful. If he is here, you don't have to pay attention to him. I will let Lu Qin deal with him. He is a father's man, but Jingyi dare not go too far. I wanted to put him in front of my eyes, which would destroy some of the company's daily affairs, but you would be safe enough. It is much less harmful for him to make trouble in the company than to jump out suddenly outside. Therefore, he'd better stay in the company for a long time, so that I can make time to clear away his external forces one by one. "

Shangguan Ning was surprised to stare at the handsome and deep man in front of him: "you deliberately let him come to the company for my safety?"

"At present, this method is the most appropriate. He has coveted Jingsheng group for a long time. If he can touch it once, he will surely distract his great energy, which is most beneficial to us! "

In front of the man, careful thinking, regardless of temporary gains and losses, long-term vision, courage and wrist, can turn his hand for cloud cover hand for rain at any time!

He is so powerful, so confident, and exudes all the charm a man should have!

The longer you contact him, the more you will fall in his charm!

Shangguan Ning hugged his generous waist happily and said with a bright smile, "I think I fell in love with you again. How can I do it?"

Listening to her, jingyichen was in a very good mood. He couldn't hide the smile on his lips. He said happily, "it's OK, daughter-in-law, we can have another love! As long as you like, I can accompany you to talk about a lifetime of love

His gentle indulgence made shangguanning feel well-being and satisfaction.

She never knew that the original love of a person, really can maintain that kind of long-term love in the joy, the original love, can bring her endless strength, let her have no fear.

In the past, shangguanning has always been a non-stop pay that one, she naively thought that she paid, will receive the return. The original does not love her, no matter how she pays, will not have the harvest, but loves her, does not need her to have the slightest to pay, will receive his most sincere love!

She and jingyichen are like two lonely and cold stars in the sky. When they get close to each other, they start to glow and heat. Then they always warm each other and draw strength from each other to get warm.

With a loved one together, time will always pass very fast, in the blink of an eye, it is time to get off work.

Regardless of shangguanning's struggle, jingyichen holds her hand tightly and pulls her into the elevator dedicated to the president. Then she is crammed into his car and drives her home from work.

He looked at his little wife's mouth and looked at himself angrily. He couldn't help laughing and said: "ah Ning, you can't hide it all the time. Everyone will know about our marriage sooner or later. Moreover, I want everyone to know that you are my wife!"

His last words touched the softest part of Shangguan Ning's heart.

She couldn't get angry at such a scene.

She gently put her head on his generous shoulder and said with a shallow smile, "I think it's very good now. If you know about my marriage with you, you'll lose a lot of fans. It's not worth it!"

Jing Yichen couldn't laugh or cry: "what do I want so many fans for? If there are one or two shameless people who want to follow me, you have to punish me to sleep in the street, which is really not cost-effective! "

The husband and wife talk and smile all the way home. Jingyichen, as always, personally washes hands for Shangguan, and then takes her to the restaurant for dinner.

After dinner, the two changed their sportswear and went out for a walk on the beach.

The afterglow of the sunset sprinkles on the sea level, plating a layer of beautiful gold on the blue ocean. The gorgeous sunset clouds dye most of the sky. The clouds layer by layer are like a shy little girl, with a red face floating happily.

Shangguan Ning follows jingyichen tightly, walking slowly along the wooden plank road which can't be seen at the end by the sea.

Since their marriage, their life has gradually become smooth and regular. If jingyichen doesn't travel on business, he will accompany Guan Ning to dinner, walk with her, watch her favorite TV programs, and hold her to sleep every night.

All the people who cooperate with jingyichen are surprised to find that the workaholic doesn't have to work overtime at night now. No one is allowed to occupy his night time. If the negotiation is not over by 6:00 p.m., he will directly interrupt and postpone the negotiation until tomorrow.

Some of his working partners who are familiar with him are all unknown. Therefore, before, jingyichen was a workaholic. Let alone postpone the meeting until tomorrow. Even if someone is hungry and proposes to eat something first and then continue the negotiation, jingyichen never pays attention to it - if you want to go to dinner first, get out of the negotiation first.

So many people often work with him hungry to finish the work ahead of time.

Someone once ventured to ask him carefully why he didn't work as hard as before, why did he go home so early?Jing Yichen just light way: "because I want to go home to accompany my wife to eat."

His answer, let a person all break glasses!

Nobody thought it would be this reason!

Because everyone doesn't know, jingyichen is married!

Isn't it that he has physical problems and can't touch women? No, it's not just women. Men can't touch him. He always hates being touched.

He was so kind to his wife. For her sake, he even put down his most concerned work. It seems that his life focus has shifted to his family. Even when he hears other people chatting about his wife and children, he has changed his old style of indifference without a trace of fireworks, listening to a few words with his ears.

Many people are not used to his change, but they like his change, because it makes people feel easier to communicate and get along with.

Of course, Jing Yichen knows his own change, and he also likes it.

Every day he has a cold face and is very alienated from anyone. This is not a pretence, but because his heart is cold and repels everyone.

Now he holds his wife's hand and feels the warmth and softness of her body, and her heart is also soft, so those cold feelings will dissipate.

"Let's play tennis tomorrow. I haven't been there for half a month. My hands are all born after a long time!" Shangguan Ning put his head on jingyichen's shoulder and walked slowly with him. He was in a good mood.

"OK, listen to you. Go and play." Jingyichen reaches out and grabs his wife's slender waist. Her voice is gentle and her tone is spoiled. It seems that she wants the stars in the sky, and he will pick them for her.

However, Shangguan Ning doesn't want the stars in the sky. As soon as she mentions tennis, her jealousy makes it again: "Oh, by the way, CEO, your fiancee said last time that you, the prince of tennis, suddenly stopped playing tennis because of her?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!