Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 166

Even if Jing Yiran is pale, has disordered hair, and lies on the hospital bed in a broad hospital uniform, it will not damage his beauty.

At the moment, the evil smile, a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes, see Shangguan rouxue heart jump.

"Whether you are interested depends on whether the price you give is high enough and attractive enough. However, I have tried all kinds of women, that is, women who have never experienced pregnancy. You can consider cooperating with me in bed! "

Shangguan rouxue's face changed slightly, but she soon regained her composure and showed a gentle and pure smile: "Jing Er Shao talks and laughs. I think there is a woman named shangguanning, which is more suitable for your taste than me."

Jingyi ran heard the name, the heart inexplicable move.

Shangguanzheng's two daughters are very smart. However, shangguanning is quite different from Shangguan rouxue. Although she is sharp and intelligent, she has no heart. She writes everything on her face, which is easy for people to understand.

But Shangguan rouxue looks simple, actually has been wearing a mask to speak, smart people do not like.

Perhaps because jingyiran himself has been doing things with a mask all year round, or because he is racking his brains every day, he hates Shangguan rouxue, who has the same calculation as him, so he wants to occupy shangguanning as simple as white paper.

People always want to pursue what they lack.

But jingyiran would never show his inner thoughts to Shangguan rouxue. He was still evil: "as long as it is a beautiful woman, I like it! Shangguanning is just one of them. You two sisters have their own merits. Since you have sent them to the door, how can I let go of them? "

The two men talked for half an hour before Shangguan rouxue left with a mask, sunglasses and a baseball cap.

Half a month later, under the gentle attack of Shangguan rouxue, Xie Zhuojun agreed to hold a wedding ceremony with her.

Because Shangguan rouxue is eager to get rid of her children and start her career as a host again. She enters the military theater and starts acting. She wants to stand on the stage of bright stars, let everyone see her beauty, with the supreme glory, let Xie Zhuo Jun die for her!

Coupled with the official levy and Yang Wenshu has been urging, Xie family does not agree to hold a wedding ceremony.

For Xie Zhuojun, it doesn't matter whether the wedding is held or not. He has married Shangguan rouxue and has children. He is already a husband and wife.

However, he had always wanted to give Shangguan rouxue a romantic and luxurious wedding, but now he had no intention to decorate it. He just went to the wedding company to do it simply. Because Xie's company is not going well recently, it always encounters various problems. Many partners refuse to cooperate with each other for no reason. As a result, the company's products are overstocked in large quantities, which has caused serious losses.

Shangguanning's desk, received a bright red gilt wedding invitation, she opened a look, the original gentle face showed cold.

These two people really don't know how to live or die. Did she not make enough noise at their engagement banquet? How dare you invite her to their wedding!

If she didn't surprise the two new people, she would be very sorry for their efforts!

The Xie family and Shangguan family are both very important families in a city. Although they are all in crisis recently, they are still extremely bright in the eyes of others.

People don't know that Shangguan rouxue has been hidden by the TV station. They only think that the bride is gentle and beautiful, and the groom is tall and handsome. She is a pair of gold and jade girls that people envy.

The wedding ceremony was held in a luxury villa in the suburb of Xiejia. It was early summer. In the garden of the villa, there were green grass and flowers in full bloom. The dancing bees and butterflies were busy absorbing pollen and nectar.

Shangguan rouxue is dressed in a white wedding dress with delicate makeup. Her hair is high and her face is delicate and beautiful.

The smile on her face and the joy in her heart could not be suppressed.

Everyone around her is congratulating her on her marriage to her husband, Xie's family has tens of millions of assets. Although it can't compare with Jingsheng group and Jishi group, it is also a powerful family in a city.

Xie Zhuojun stood beside Shangguan rouxue and said hello to all the people who came to attend the wedding.

It seems that if he doesn't look good, it's really nice.

He forced himself not to think about her unbearable, watching her radiant, easy to greet guests, received the envy of all men in the field, he finally had a little joy of marriage.

The wedding is about to officially begin. Xie Zhuojun glanced at the whole scene, but still did not find shangguanning's figure.

Shangguan rouxue saw that he was searching. When she was cold, she immediately hugged his arm and said, "Zhuo Jun, are you still angry with me? Is she not coming?"

Xie Zhuojun and her relationship has eased a lot these days, two people seem to return to the past, the disguise continues to disguise, the deceived continue to be deceived.

He patted the soft snow white tender hand of Shangguan, and said lightly: "don't worry about others. It's normal that she doesn't come. Let's go. The wedding is about to start. Aren't you always looking forward to this moment?"The spacious hall inside the villa is full of seats, and everyone is waiting for a new couple to come in.

Xie Zhuojun first walked in and stood at the front. Then Shangguan rouxue came to him under the guidance of shangguanzheng. Two people held their hands and began to swear under the guidance of the priest.

"Bridegroom and bride, whether you are happy or poor, rich or poor, are you willing to be married for life?"


Before the word "willing" was uttered, the door of the hall was "bang", which was opened fiercely. The bright and dazzling sunshine outside broke in, interrupting the most important moment of Shangguan rouxue's life.

Everyone turned back in unison and looked at the door.

It's a big taboo to be interrupted in the wedding ceremony. It's very unlucky!

Who is it?!

So reckless and rude, so uninteresting, to interrupt a couple of wedding vows!

Isn't there a large area of security personnel arranged in advance to keep order and prevent anyone from breaking in at will?

In the dazzling white glare of the sun, a thin figure slowly walked in from the door. She was dressed in black, which did not match the atmosphere of the whole wedding scene today.

Behind her were more than 20 bodyguards in black, armed with guns and electric batons! It looks so powerful!

In the courtyard of the villa, there was a howl. It was obvious that the security personnel employed by the two families were knocked down to the ground, and they screamed bitterly.

A crisp and with a little cold meaning of the pleasant voice faint ring: "how, I did not come late?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!