Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 167

This time, many acquaintances among the guests all knew the visitors, and when they saw her in such a battle, they couldn't help but lose their legs and murmur in panic.

At the last engagement banquet between Xie Zhuojun and Shangguan rouxue, it was this woman who appeared and made a mess of the whole engagement banquet. Moreover, her man was more than her, ignoring all people's lives and letting people point guns at everyone's heads, which scared people out of the table in advance.

Why is she here again!

How much hatred did she have with the two married people that she would have so rudely disturbed their engagement and marriage!

Sitting in the front row, shangguanzheng and Yang Wenshu stood up angrily at the same time. Almost all of them could burst out fire in their eyes!

Shangguan rouxue's ruddy face has no blood color. Although she asked Xie Zhuojun to send an invitation to Shangguan Ning, she did not want to let Shangguan Ning destroy the wedding she had been looking forward to for so many years!

I hope jingyiran doesn't let her down. She can take advantage of this wedding to take advantage of Shangguan Ning!

Otherwise, her wedding will be interrupted, and her whole body will be engulfed by anger!

And more let Shangguan rouxue gnash teeth, heart like a knife is, Xie Zhuo Jun see Shangguan Ning appear, face even showed a smile!

Today, the person who married him was her Shangguan rouxue, not shangguanning. He could still laugh when she interrupted the oath!

Shangguan rouxue's fingernails were deeply pinched into the meat, but they were reluctant to say a word.

She is the bride. If she is interrupted by the wedding, she just needs to be wronged and sad, and the rest will be done naturally.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard shangguanzheng's angry voice echoing in the hall: "shangguanning, you go out immediately, you are not welcome here! Somebody, take her away, and the wedding will continue! "

He can't tolerate Shangguan congealing in front of so many people, let him lose face, and even more can't tolerate the destruction of the wedding. Otherwise, without the help of Xie's family, his official position will be very difficult to keep!

Shangguan Ning seems to have heard nothing, with a group of bodyguards, like in their own garden as relaxed and comfortable to go.

"Dad, I don't have to shout. I'm going to take care of everyone! I'm not going to leave. How can my sister get married without me? "

Shangguan Ning's face is clearly with a smile, but his voice is with a bone biting coldness.

All the guests who didn't know her were stunned by her address!

Is this shangguanzheng's daughter? Shangguan rouxue's sister? How can she destroy her sister's wedding so ruthlessly!

Shangguanzheng was almost fainted by her anger. The Xie's and his wife's faces were extremely ugly. They didn't expect that shangguanning would disturb the situation again!

In order to ensure the smooth holding of the wedding, they paid a lot of money to invite dozens of security personnel from the security company. As a result, they couldn't stop shangguanning at all!

None of us knew that the man who Shangguan Ning married was Jing Yichen, the successor of Jing family and President of Jingsheng group. Shangguanzheng never talked to his family or Xie's family about it, because he was oppressed and threatened by jingyichen, which made him feel humiliated. He was afraid that if he said that, Xie Dongfeng would immediately get rid of the relationship with Jing Yichen, even not let Xie Zhuo Jun married Shangguan rouxue!

The power of the Jing family is too large and powerful. The Xie family is absolutely afraid to offend them. Even the prosperous family Ji family in city a dare not easily provoke the Jing family.

Because the strength of Jing family can't be found out. Although there is only Jingsheng group, which is a huge and complex group, in fact, there are numerous complicated branches under it. The influence has already penetrated into all aspects, including medical treatment and medicine, urban construction, financial system, public security and police force, as well as all kinds of forces on * *, and so on!

As early as several decades ago, the tentacles of the Jing family have penetrated into every corner of all walks of life and all levels, so no one dares to shake this giant.

Jing Yichen, the new successor of Jing family, is extremely low-key and mysterious. Almost no one knows his real appearance. However, his legend has been circulated in a city, and has been regarded as a god like figure by ordinary people.

People who know the inside story all know that he forced Ji Minyu, the mayor of a city, to ruin her promotion to the province, and effortlessly plundered tens of billions from Jishi group, which led to a sharp drop in the share price of Jishi group.

Once others know jingyichen's attitude towards shangguanzheng, everyone will immediately stay away from him!

Even if he said that this was his son-in-law, it was useless, because everyone saw that shangguanning didn't buy his account at all, and he had been looking for trouble many times!

Shangguanzheng is worried about jingyichen's strength and his love for shangguanning. He is angry in his heart, but he can't speak disorderly any more.

He was afraid that if he said too much and annoyed jingyichen, his precarious position as vice mayor would be lost immediately!

Yang Wenshu didn't have so many scruples. She hated Shangguan deeply. At the moment, she even came to destroy her daughter's wedding. The whole person was out of control. She screamed and ran to Shangguan Ning, took out a knife from her body and scratched it in her face!Yang Wenshu has been carrying this knife with her all the time. Since she was destroyed by Shangguan, she has become vicious and paranoid. In addition to camouflage in the face of Shangguan's expedition, the rest of her heart is too dark to camouflage.

Shangguanzheng has not even looked at her now. If he didn't want face and was afraid of the bad influence of divorce on the official position, he would have divorced Yang Wenshu!

He looked at Yang Wenshu with a knife to shangguanning's face and said hello. He was scared out of a cold sweat. If shangguanning had any mistakes, they would all be dead today!

Fortunately, Shangguan Ning's bodyguards are all skilled in martial arts. It's easy to stop Yang Wenshu.

In the silent hall, only a bone crack was heard, and then accompanied by Yang Wenshu's scream, her arm was broken. The sharp blade she held tightly, because the arm was folded in half, penetrated her upper arm, and immediately shed a large amount of blood.

Shangguan rouxue can no longer afford to put on a look of grievance and pitiful. She shouts "mother" and pours at Yang Wenshu. She hugs her with heartache and anger and cries out: "Mom, how are you doing? I'll take you to the hospital right away. Don't scare me

"Sister, how can you be so cruel! Mother raised you, is that how you repay her? It's ok if you destroy my wedding, but you shouldn't hurt my mother! You let me down

Shangguan rouxue disguised herself for so many years. Today is the first time that she shows her hatred to Shangguan in front of the public. However, her hatred at this time is just right, because her mother was hurt by shangguanning, and her hatred is justified!

Shangguan Ning looked down at her, the early summer sun gently sprinkled on her cold face, clearly is warm, but it seems that there is no trace of temperature. , the fastest update of the webnovel!