Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 165

Shangguanning is simply angry with jingyichen's thick skin. How can he be shameless in front of old Du!

She sat down with cherry and ignored jingyichen.

Jing Yichen knew that she was always thin skinned. She chuckled and sat down next to Shangguan. Then she held the person in her lap: "I want to eat cherries. You feed me!"

Shangguan said, "these are all mine. You don't have a part in it."

Jing Yichen did not care at all, with ambiguous language airway: "nothing, I don't want those on your plate, I just want this one!"

He said, with the finger belly gently rub Shangguan's delicate red lips.

Shangguan conghao's easy to fade out of control of the emergence of a light rebuke: "no shape son, hurry to eat, a moment to cool."

She is so shy that Jing Yichen likes to tease her more and more, which has become a big pleasure for him.

He has never seen such a shy girl as she is!

Jingyichen put his chin on her forehead and raised her lips slightly. She said happily, "ah Ning, it's good for me to have you."

Shangguan Ning smell speech, not stingy praise himself: "that's natural, I'm a class one virtuous good daughter-in-law!"

Jingyichen can't help laughing, some reluctant to let her loose, sit side by side with her, warm and safe dinner together.

Shangguan Ning is so excited and in such a happy mood that jingyichen doesn't say Shangguan rouxue out to destroy the atmosphere.

At night, when both of them lay down and Jing Yichen held her in his arms, he told her softly, "ah Ning, I have found the person who instructed Guo Shuai."

Shangguan Ning was shocked, and his body was a little stiff: "who is it?"

Jing Yichen felt her stiffness and anger, and hugged her tightly, patted her on the back and comforted her. She said faintly: "it's Shangguan rouxue. Today, I got the recording that she instructed Heifeng to find Guo Shuai."

Jingyichen clearly remembers all the details at that time. At that time, he didn't understand his intention, but he couldn't bear to have someone touch her!

That kind of anger can devour his reason, he only knows, all who hurt her, he wants to tear up!

Therefore, Guo Shuai is still in prison, everyday life is not like death.

Live, sometimes more terrible than dead, more desperate!

And Shangguan rouxue, the mastermind, will have a more painful lesson than Guo Shuai!

Shangguan Ning nest in jingyichen's arms, the body slightly shaking, she bit teeth, hate voice: "sure enough, it's her! She is so cruel, I have never done anything sorry for her, but she has been attacking me again and again

She had guessed before that it might be Shangguan rouxue, because no one had any big hatred with her except her. However, shangguanning always thought that although she could play tricks and make her ugly by every means, she would not be vicious enough to find a man to completely destroy her!

In fact, Shangguan rouxue's viciousness has long been beyond her imagination. She thinks that she has never done anything sorry for Shangguan rouxue. On the contrary, Shangguan rouxue owes her, but Shangguan rouxue doesn't realize that she just uses the worst means to harm her!

Jingyichen saw her face a little pale, heartache to kiss her eyebrows and eyes, low voice comfort her: "baby, all past, no one can hurt you, those who hurt you, will not have a good end, I promise!"

Shangguan Ning gently kisses him, and his mood gradually calms down. He slowly says, "I'm not the Virgin Mary. Bullying me, I'll get it back. Now that you're standing behind me, I don't have any worries."

Being able to rely on shangguanning is the most fulfilling thing in jingyichen's life.

In the past, he desperately wanted to be strong, only to avoid being suppressed by Jing Zhongxiu and his old wife Moran, to drive Jing Yiran and Zhang Rong out completely, and not to let them take away the inheritance that should have belonged to him.

Now, he wants to be strong, just to make the woman in his arms more secure and happy, in order to let everyone look up to her!

"I will always be behind you. You don't need to have any worries. You can do whatever you want. No matter how big a hole you poke, no one dares to do anything to you! My jingyichen's woman, I can pet it

His tone is arrogant, domineering, but with gentle doting, let Shangguan Ning happy want to cry.

Even the time difference was slightly humiliated by Guo Shuai, because of jingyichen, also became no longer painful and embarrassing.

Because of her accident, he even directly transferred the helicopter to the school. At that time, for several days, the news reported that some local tyrants used luxury helicopters to meet people in order to make the beauty laugh.

At that time, she was in his pajamas, lying in his bed, even in a coma in his arms.

Jingyichen is obviously the same as her, also think of the past time.

He has no feelings. To touch the smooth and delicate back of Shangguan Ning, he said in a soft voice: "at that time, I actually wanted you to be my woman, but this idea even I felt incredible, so I didn't dare to tell you, afraid to scare you."Shangguan Ning smiles slightly, hugs his generous waist, and whispers, "I feel incredible when I get married. If you say that at that time, I will certainly run away."

Two people in the quiet night, embrace together, warm memories of the past first encounter, touched the kind of love heartstrings, throbbing ripples.

The happiest thing for two people who love each other is to look back on the past and find that they are loving each other from the beginning to the end, and both deeply imprint their initial encounter in the bottom of their hearts and cherish them forever.


Jing Yiran was indeed said by Mu Qing, standing in the hospital, lying out.

However, before he left hospital, he found a chance to see Shangguan rouxue.

Shangguan rouxue has the skill, the heart, and is cruel enough, is a rare good helper! The key is that she is very destructive to shangguanning, and can directly affect jingyichen. Jing Yiran certainly will not let go.

Jingyi ran broke two ribs, lying on the hospital bed, obviously can't happen with a woman, so Shangguan rouxue can see him smoothly.

Otherwise, the old lady would not even put a female fly into her grandson's ward.

"I want to work with you. I don't know if you are interested." Shangguan rouxue is a little surprised why Jingyi is hurt so much, but she is clever and doesn't ask, and explains her intention directly.

She clearly knew that, like Jing Yiran, such a person, ruthless, eat people do not vomit bones, can less inquire about his matter, is the safest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!