Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 164

In MuQing's office, Jing Yichen is not satisfied with the things in jingyiran's mobile phone.

What he needs is not only recording, but also people!

In this recording, it is Jing Yichen who has been looking for Heifeng for nearly half a year!

At that time, when he went to the black red society to find Heifeng, Mu Qing followed him, and he gave the needle to the black wind, so he felt that the voice of black wind was familiar.

Jingyichen has been looking for Heifeng for a long time, and has turned over the whole a city. The black and white lanes have almost all gone out, and they have not let go of any clues. It took several months to find this person!

It turned out to be hidden by Jingyi!

No wonder he can't find Heifeng. If his opponent is Jing Yiran, he may have done nothing.

Because just like he is familiar with jingyiran, jingyiran also knows his character and his power. It is relatively easy to avoid his search.

And the voice of the woman in the recording is Shangguan rouxue!

In other words, last winter, it was her who arranged for Guo Shuai to destroy shangguanning!

Guo and the mayor's deputy are all evil officials!

Thinking of shangguanning's appearance at that time, jingyichen's heart is like a knife cutting pain, more like a volcano burning in the heart, will erupt at any time!

He didn't want to make the couple feel better. Now, he wants them both to have a taste of life is not like death!

In order to prevent jingyiran's mobile phone from having positioning function, jingyichen did not take away his mobile phone. Instead, he untied all the encrypted files in his mobile phone one by one, and then transferred them to his mobile phone.

Although the things in jingyiran's mobile phone have some value, for jingyichen, he has more information about jingyiran than that of this mobile phone.

He did not destroy jingyiran completely, not because he was merciful, but because of jingzhongxiu's intervention.

Whenever he goes too far and is about to force jingyiran to death, jingzhongxiu will come forward to stop him. Then Jing Yiran will get a chance to breathe. With the help of jingzhongxiu, she will gradually recover her strength.

Jingzhongxiu has been trying to keep their balance, not to let one side too weak, nor to let the other side too strong.

So jingyichen has been very indifferent to him, usually even "Dad" is not called.

He hated Zhang Rong deeply, and he didn't like jingyiran. However, jingzhongxiu always protected them, so he never felt that his father was biased towards him. Jing Zhongxiu gave Jingsheng group to himself, only to make a correct choice. Jingyiran's nature and style were not suitable for Jingsheng.

Because Jing Zhongxiu has always intervened, now jingyiran has become more and more arrogant, and jingyichen will not force too much.

If it wasn't for jingyiran's eyes on Shangguan recently, he would not have swept jingyiran's power so ruthlessly this time.

Jing Yichen transferred all the documents and left the hospital with ah Hu.

He was very clear that jingyiran would not easily tell the whereabouts of Heifeng, so it was useless to stay in the hospital.

With the direction, he will soon find the black wind!

Moreover, he now knows the mastermind, which is more valuable than finding Heifeng himself.

When Jing Yichen comes home, shangguanning is cooking in the kitchen. Of course, she is directing the chef and the domestic helpers to cook. Besides cooking some noodles, she is basically incompetent.

The house was steaming hot, and the smell of food came from the kitchen. It was a lively scene.

Shangguan's clear and crisp voice rings inside, which makes jingyichen's indifferent heart become soft and warm gradually.

"Elder sister Fang, you carry this bone soup over. Be careful not to burn it. Cover it well. Don't get cold. Yichen may not come back until later."

"Uncle Du, don't put coriander on the apricot abalone mushroom sauce. Yichen doesn't like it. Don't take care of me. It's very good without coriander."

"Sister LAN, the cherries you bought today are so fresh and sweet that Yichen should like to eat them! Buy some more tomorrow, and everyone will have a taste! "


She has been nagging busy, did not notice that jingyichen has been leaning on the door to see her for a long time.

This is the feeling of home, lively, warm, full of fireworks, not like the villa he used to live in, empty, silent, without a bit of popularity.

Most importantly, there are women he loves and loves deeply.

LAN's sister Fang soon found jingyichen. Seeing him beckoning them to leave, they walked away with tacit understanding.

Chef Du is still seriously stir frying mushrooms. Shangguanning opens the kitchen door and comes out. As soon as he enters the restaurant, he is held by a pair of powerful arms.

She was startled and the cherry in her hand almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that it was jingyichen, she just breathed a sigh of relief and said angrily, "how can you come back without a sound, frighten me!"Jing Yichen looked at her coquettish appearance. Her white face was flushed slightly because of her busy work. She felt a warm feeling in her heart. She bowed her head and kissed her red and full lips.

Shangguan Ning quickly patted him, his face flushed, and he was ashamed and angry: "what's the matter with you? There are others in it!"

"Sister LAN and sister Fang have left. Uncle Du is in the kitchen and can't see at all. What are you afraid of? If I can't kiss you outside or at home, I don't have much status as a husband. " Jingyichen pinched her delicate and straight nose and said with a low smile.

Shangguan Ning took a look at the dining room. As expected, she didn't see sister LAN and sister Fang. She pursed her mouth and said, "you let them go. Later you wash the dishes. I'm only responsible for eating!"

"Ah, did I come back from a meal? But why don't you just eat meat? " Jingyichen gently patted the upper official's plump little buttocks, with a vague tone.

Shangguan Ning's white face turned red instantly, picked up a cherry and put it into his mouth: "you're more and more disrespectful. Eat one and plug your mouth!"

While eating cherries, Jing Yichen kisses her bright forehead. Lao Du just finished frying the last dish and walked out. Seeing the couple holding each other and loving each other, he immediately put down the dishes and said with a smile, "Oh, old Du, I'm old, my eyes are not good, and I don't see anything!"

Shangguan Ning's ears were red, but jingyichen said: "Uncle Du is hard. You should go back first. There are others in a Ning who won't let me touch them."

Old Du is more than 50 years old. He is the Royal chef of the Jing family. His cooking skills are top-notch. When he was young, he cooked for Jing Yichen. As a result, Jing Yichen became more and more picky. He didn't eat the food cooked by others. So after jingyichen moved here, Lao Du followed him. He lived in Jingzhai on weekdays. He only came to cook after a meal.

As soon as he listened to jingyichen's words, he took off his white apron and left happily. He almost watched jingyichen grow up and treat him as a child. Now he is very happy to see him become a family and a family with his own family and a wife to take care of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!