Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1632

Although he failed to conquer Fu Rongting, Wu Wei is not what he used to be.

Not all men, like Fu Rong Ting, treat their beautiful women as dead bones and are indifferent to the temptation of beauties. Wu Wei has become a mistress of many people. She not only owns her own luxury villa and becomes rich overnight, but also has great influence. No one can match her ability to blow the pillow side wind.

A beautiful woman, if regardless of the price to pay everything, unscrupulous to plunder, then the return will be astonishing.

Wu Wei is not short of power and money. She only needs a handsome man who really loves her and is young and promising.

She is sick of seeing old men now. She likes young and upright men like Fu Rong Ting more and more in her heart.

She was jealous of Zuo Jia and Jing Xi. Because of her good family background, the two of them became beloved princesses. And she can only become the lover of the old man, never see the light!

By what?!

She's going to ruin their happiness!

She knows that Fu Rongting doesn't look up to her, but she doesn't care. Destroying other people's families is her greatest pleasure now.

Stimulate Fu Rong Ting two sentences, Wu Wei hung up the phone, and then sent the photo to Jing Xi.

She already knew that Lou Ziling was Li Xiao.

It turns out that Li Xiao is not only not disfigured, but also not disabled. He is very handsome!

Lou Ziling returned home, Jingxi as usual smile at him: "busy work today?"

"Not bad."

"If you're busy, go out and have a rest. Don't get tired!"


"Did you hook up with a beautiful woman today? Dating a beautiful woman

"Of course not! If you look at the world, how can there be a beautiful woman besides you? "

Lou Ziling did not hesitate to hide the meeting with Zuo Jia. In case he said it, Jingxi should have misunderstood it!

Jingxi snorted coldly and showed him the photo he had received in his mobile phone: "Lou Ziling, you have learned to lie, right? How close you are to Zuo Jia, how dare you hold her? "

When Lou Ziling looked at her mobile phone, she was helpless: "who sent you the picture? I just gave her a hand. Where can I hold her? "

"The person who sent the photo sent me a text message. She said it was your lover! How many foxes did you hook up with outside while I was pregnant? "

Jingxi's mouth was pursed and her eyes were aggrieved. She was almost ready to cry.

Lou Ziling hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead to coax her: "silly girl, do you believe it? I'm usually busy in the company. After work, I'll go home with you. How can I have time to hook up with others? Even if I have time, I'm not interested. Don't think about it and listen to your orders. "

"You are a liar. You went to see Zuo Jia today! Look at those pictures. How intimate

"I went to see her today to give her money and ask her to help me. It's not about her."

Lou Ziling took Jingxi's mobile phone and looked through the photos and the message: "how can this person know your mobile phone number? She took these photos, the angle is very good, it is easy to cause misunderstanding, I am afraid it is premeditated for a long time

In fact, Jingxi doesn't believe that Lou Ziling will find a woman on her back. Their feelings are very deep and deep, and ordinary people can't get involved.

"I just asked you if you had a date with someone else, and you didn't admit it? Don't you just say you've met Zuo Jia? "

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would misunderstand me. I didn't even care when she was not married, and when she was married, I would have no idea about her! "

Lou Ziling coax Jing Xi for a while, and finally coax her into a smile, and he is relieved.

Also do not know who is so vicious, take advantage of Jingxi pregnant, send her this kind of photo, put clearly uneasy good intention!

If he finds out who did it, he's dead!


Lou Ziling and Jingxi have a deep emotional foundation, and Lou Ziling has never liked Zuo Jia. It's easy to pass.

But Zuo Jia's side is not so easy.

Fu Rongting's mission has ended, but he did not go home.

If Zuo Jia can't forget Lou Ziling in any case, if he is the only one in this marriage, Fu Rongting will choose to let go.

He was afraid that he would not let go of Zuo Jia when he came home, so he stayed in the hotel directly.

Taking advantage of Zuo Jia's going to work in the daytime, he cleaned up his things and took them away.

At night, when Zuo Jia came home, he saw that the things that belonged to Fu Rongting were gone.

Her mind was empty and she had a bad feeling.

The mobile phone suddenly rings, and the three words "Fu Rong Ting" on the screen make Zuo Jia a little nervous.

She answered the phone, inside came Fu Rong Ting's calm voice: "Jiajia, let's get divorced!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I thought I could replace Lou Ziling. I thought I didn't mind that you used to like others, but it didn't seem to work. You have him in your heart, and I can't stand it. Have you ever felt the pain that you can't breathe? "Zuo Jia didn't understand why all of a sudden, her eyes turned red: "what's the matter with you? You were fine before you left. Why did you divorce me suddenly? When did you come back? Why don't you come home and see me? "

"Someone sent me a picture of your meeting with Lou Ziling. Although she is not a good person, the picture is real. Jiajia, do you want to meet Lou Ziling without telling me? "

Fu Rongting said that the more pain in his heart, his hand clenched into a fist, even the voice became cold.

"No, you misunderstood me."

Zuo Jia is very flustered. Sure enough, there is no airtight wall in the world. As expected, Fu Rongting still knows about it!

"I don't have anything with him, but his company has something to ask me to help! Many of his projects have been restricted and the company has no way to develop. He has come to see me for cooperation! "

If there were no photos, Fu Rongting might believe Zuo Jia.

However, in the photos Wu Wei gave him, in addition to a few of Lou Ziling's scenes that seemed to hold her, Fu Rongting was most distressed when Zuo Jia sat in his car and watched Lou Ziling leave affectionately.

When he left home and went out on dangerous tasks, Zuo Jia never saw him like this.

Such affectionate eyes made Fu Rong Ting feel desperate. He thought that no matter what he did, he could not replace Lou Ziling.

Zuo Jia's explanation is extremely pale and powerless for him, and thousands of words can't match the reality of the eyes in the photo.

"Jiajia, your grandfather's health is not very good, our divorce may stimulate the elderly, so you can not tell the family about our affairs, if you need me to play with you, you can always come to me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!