Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1631

Lou Ziling didn't expect that Jingxi would know. He said with a smile: "nothing, it's all small things. You should be jealous again. It's not cost-effective!"

"It's not a small matter. They bully you. I won't allow it!"

Every time Jingxi mentioned the left family, she would be very angry. She wanted to clean up Zuo Jia, but Lou Ziling refused to let her go. In addition, she was pregnant and was not suitable for fighting, so she had to give up.

"I told my father and my brother that they would meet Zuo Yan! It's great to be a mayor. If he abuses his power, he should go to prison! "

Lou Ziling gently held Jingxi in her arms and gently kisses her temples: "this is my business. You don't have to worry about it. I can solve it without bothering them."

This kind of matter lets own father-in-law come forward to solve, how shameless!

However, Lou Ziling has a headache about this matter.

He went to see Zuo Jia. He thought she would help him clear all the obstacles as before, but they increased.

Lou Ziling realized how much Zuo Jia had done for him before.

He has even been used to Zuo Jia's silent work and her unconditional help to him.

When she was in the company, everything was very smooth. He took Jingxi to travel for many days. After returning, the company did not have any disorder. He thought that the company had been developed and perfected. Later, Zuo Jia left his job, and he realized that she had been sleeping all those days and solved all the problems.

To solve the government's network, Zuo Jia is the only breakthrough.

Lou Ziling knew this for a long time.

So he went to see Zuo Jia again, and this time he prepared quite valuable gifts.

Her work unit is full of people, so Lou Ziling didn't go there again. Instead, she asked her to go to a quiet coffee shop to talk about things.

Zuo Jia is a little uneasy. She feels that seeing Lou Ziling seems to be a very sorry thing for Fu Rongting. However, her feelings for Lou Ziling are different, and she can't bear to see her death.

She was so nervous that she didn't see a step when she entered the cafe and almost fell down.

Lou Ziling stretched out her hand and helped her, but she was scared to draw back her hand and fell directly to the ground.

Lou Ziling looked calm and calmly grasped her arm and pulled her up: "Zuo Jia, you are too nervous. Relax a little."

Zuojia forehead has exuded fine sweat, his face is also a little white: "I'm ok, let's go in!"

Lou Ziling doesn't look like she's OK at all. He's quite helpless at the moment. How can you meet him and make love with him!

She was in such a flustered state that they had nothing to do. They thought they were going to do something shameful!

It seems that Zuo Jia cares about her husband very much and is afraid that her husband will be angry.

Lou Ziling can understand her concerns very well. After all, when he meets her, Jingxi will know, and Jingxi will be jealous and angry.

So he went into the coffee shop and found a corner to sit down. He went straight to the theme: "I need your help. I don't care about everything in the past. This is five million yuan. As a deposit for cooperation, the company will pay you dividends every year. You can deal with the relationship network of the government."

Lou Ziling put a bank card in Zuo Jia's hand, but Zuo Jia immediately pushed it back: "this is no good, I can't take it! I've told my father about you, but I can't convince him now. Don't worry too much. I'll take care of those things for you when he calms down

In Zuo Jia's opinion, Lou Ziling's troubles are caused by her, and she is obliged to help him solve them.

She didn't want to take money from Lou Ziling. She felt bad after receiving money.

But Lou Zi Ling iron heart to give her money, only accept money, she will be upset, will devote to help him work.

He has always been cruel to others. Except for Jingxi, other women are the same to him. They can be used to expand resources.

But Zuojia is different from his former girlfriends. She once gave him sincerity. Lou Ziling always looks for her.

"If you take the money, the dividends will be paid to this card in the future. This is cooperation and has no other meaning. If my problem is solved, I won't come to you again to avoid misunderstanding. "

Zuo Jia refused, so she took the card.

She took the lead to leave the coffee shop, carrying the bag into the new car Fu Rongting bought for her.

She turned her head and watched Lou Ziling come out of the coffee shop. She couldn't help laughing at him when he got on the car and left.

Now she came out of that kind of love, only then knew that Lou Ziling was such a cold hearted person.

When she is useful, he will not hesitate to use, when she is useless, he will kick away coldly.

Is this man's heart made of stone?

Perhaps, his heart is also soft and warm, but that only belongs to Jingxi.

Zuo Jia gently stroked the bank card, which seemed to have Lou Ziling's body temperature, but it only made people feel cold.

Sometimes a man can show his love for a man.In TV series, the best way for a man to send a woman away is to give a large sum of money and say: please leave!

Zuo Jia lies on the steering wheel, and her sense gradually returns.

Her last bit of old love for Lou Ziling disappeared.

She felt lonely at the moment, and her yearning for Fu Rongting was stronger than ever.

Fu Rongting, who was missed by Zuo Jia, received a lot of photos in his mobile phone.

In the photo, all of them are pictures of Zuo Jia and Lou Ziling together. The last one shows Lou Ziling driving away. Zuo Jia sits in the car and looks at him deeply.

The people who took pictures were obviously very skilled and professionally trained.

After the photo was sent, Fu Rongting's mobile phone rang, and a female voice he was very familiar with came from inside: "Rong Ting, it's a coincidence that your wife happened to come to my coffee shop for coffee. I think she dates other men behind your back. You should know. You don't blame me for my trouble? "

The woman's voice is gentle as water, which is different from the gentleness of Zuo Jia. Her tenderness is full of charm, and the ending is full of lingering breath, which makes people blush and heartbeat.

Just listen to the sound, will let a person's mind can not help but come up with a word: extraordinary.

But Fu Rong Ting did not waver. His eyes were frozen and his voice was cold: "Wu Wei, your hand is too long!"

The photographer is so professional. Obviously, she didn't mean to take a picture of Zuo Jia and Lou Ziling, but had a premeditation. I'm afraid she has been waiting for Zuo Jia and Lou Ziling to meet.

Wu Wei was torn down, not embarrassed at all. He was enchanted with a smile: "yes, my hand is long. Who makes you dislike me? If I'm not good, if you're good, I'll be jealous

Since she was abandoned by Ji Moxuan, Wu Wei began to conquer all kinds of powerful men with beauty. She felt that Fu Rongting was the most outstanding potential stock. She had attracted numerous times but failed to succeed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!