Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1633

"I don't divorce! Fu Rong Ting, where are you? I have nothing to do with him. You have to listen to my explanation! "

Zuo Jia cried out. She came out of the house in a hurry. She ran to the street and asked where Fu Rongting was. She was looking for him anxiously.

"Listen to me. I don't like him any more. I just do him a favor. I'll never see him again. Rong Ting, don't go! Where are you? I'll find you

"Jiajia, are you out of home?"

Fu Rongting heard the car whistle from time to time in the mobile phone, as well as the sound of Zuojia running. He immediately stood up from the sofa: "go back quickly, it's cold outside!"

"I won't go home until you tell me where you are!"

Fortunately, Zuo Jia knows Fu Rongting's weakness.

His biggest weakness is that he loves her. If she doesn't go home, he will never sit back and ignore her.

Sure enough, she did not cry for a while, Fu Rongting couldn't stand it and told her the address.

He stayed in a hotel close to Zuojia, and she knocked on his door a few minutes later.

As soon as Fu Rongting opened the door, Zuo Jia threw himself into his arms and cried, "how can you do this? Go away if you say so! "

Fu Rongting hugged her and whispered, "are you not happy when I leave?"

"Not happy!"

"Well, don't cry. Be obedient. Your eyes are swollen with tears."

When he can't see Zuo Jia, Fu Rongting can be cruel to leave, but seeing her so sad, he can't say the word "divorce".

"Then don't go. I look forward to your coming home every day at home, but you don't go back!"

Left Jia tears keep falling, she reached out to hold Fu Rongting's face, voice choked, tone sad: "you don't like me? You can't do this. I like you, and you don't like me! "

The girl's hand is cool but extremely soft and delicate. Touching Fu Rongting's face makes his hard heart soft.

"I don't dislike you. I just want to leave because I like you too much. You like other people, meet with others, this is too much for me, I am not so generous, let my wife be good to other men

Zuo Jia shook his head desperately: "I didn't! He just asked me for help. My father set strict restrictions for him. Many projects in his company could not be carried out. No one can help him except me! "

Fu Rongting sighs in his heart. He doesn't know whether to believe Zuo Jia.

The kind of military decisiveness he possessed was of no use to Zuo Jia.

When she cried, his hard armor would collapse.

Fu Rongting hugs Zuo Jia and gently pats her on the back, comforting her and coaxing her.

At night, Zuo Jia followed him to sleep in the hotel and refused to leave.

She lay in Fu Rong Ting's arms, but she was not at ease: "Rong Ting, don't you believe me?"

Fu Lingjia did not think it was easy for him to forget his words.

He thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone and showed Zuo Jia those photos.

Zuo Jia is shocked and guilty after seeing the photo. She never expected that someone would take a picture of her meeting with Lou Ziling and send it to Fu Rongting.

She fell in the cafe, Lou Ziling reached out to help her scene, was photographed as if he was holding her!

She looks at Lou Ziling's eyes, every picture looks very affectionate!

No wonder Fu Rong Ting was angry!

"These photos are so deceptive, Rong Ting, don't believe it!"

Her face was tense and restless, and her clear eyes were full of anxiety, as if afraid of losing him.

In fact, she has never been good at telling lies, nor is she fond of deceiving people.

At the moment, it's not true.

Fu Rongting looked at the girl in his arms, and his voice became gentle: "OK, I don't believe it. But is it always true that you go to see him? Next time if you really need to see him, take me with you, OK? Or he can come to me if he has something to do. "

Zuo Jia looked at him for a long time and then said, "aren't you angry? I am so afraid that you really divorce me. I will not see him in the future. I have put him down in my heart, really! "

Fu Rongting gently kisses her: "you can have friends of the opposite sex, but it's better not him. I will be jealous. We don't get divorced. We're always together. We're old. When I was very young, I wanted you to be my bride. Jiajia, I love you more than you think

Zuo Jia has a slight pain in her heart. She hugs Fu Rongting tightly and kisses his lips and cheeks.

She felt that she had missed a lot. Once she felt that she had missed Lou Ziling, now she found that the one who really missed was Fu Rongting.

They should have loved each other very early!

Perhaps love a little earlier, her eyes will not have Lou Ziling.

If time can be reversed, she wants to be his bride since childhood!

Zuo Jia has never been so active. Fu Rongting is a little flattered. He can feel the love from Zuo Jia's kiss.She's changed a lot than when she was married. Everything is getting better!

Fu Rongting hugged her, put his fingers into her clothes and touched them gently.

From body to heart, she is his, this kind of feeling is good!

He couldn't help pressing Zuo Jia under his body and eagerly took off her clothes: "Jiajia, shall we have a baby?"

Zuojia was a little shy, but he responded softly: "well, after giving birth to a child, would you not divorce me?"

Fu Rongting bowed his head and kissed her: "no child will get divorced. As long as you love me, I will always love you. I love you more than you love me!"

His voice is low, full of passionate emotions, his love has been pressed in the bottom of his heart, not let Zuo Jia know, but now do not suppress!

The heartbeat of each other can be heard, even touching each other's skin.

Fu Rongting has not met Zuo Jia for a long time, and his passion this time is particularly long.

He was tireless and asked for Zuo Jia too many times. Zuo Jia's whole body was sore and soft.

Fu Rongting was satisfied with her softness and wetness. He put her in his arms and stroked her fondly. The tip of his tongue crossed her earlobe and asked her in a low voice, "shall we take a bath together?"

Left good Du mouth looking at him, jiaochen way: "bath, you will not bully me?"

"Of course not!"


"Really! It's a dog to lie to you

Zuo Jiaxin agreed to take a bath with Fu Rongting.

But when he got into the bathroom, Fu Rongting threw aside what he had just said!

Zuo Jia was against the wall by him, mingling with him in the dense water mist.

She had no strength, and her whole body was soft and soft. She was supported by Fu Rong ting.

"Fu Rong Ting, you're lying!"

Fu Rong Ting couldn't help but smile: "well, you know, I'm happy to eat you and become a dog!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!