Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1619

Left Jia did not face, his own random wipe tears: "let's go!"

Fu Rongting followed her to the outside, but not far away to see two familiar figures.

The other party didn't notice them, but Zuo Jia stopped and refused to go forward.

Not far away, Jingxi is holding a report form in her hand, with a full smile on her face. Lou Ziling is smiling at her tenderly. Even though there are many people coming and going, they bow their heads and kiss her on her forehead.

The scene stung Zuo Jia's eyes.

It turns out that he doesn't know how to laugh. He's not gentle. He just gives all his love to Jingxi.

"Ziling, I'm not dreaming, am I? Do we really have a baby? "

"It's not a dream, it's true. In the future, don't eat too much cold and spicy food. Recently, stay away from the disordered gas. You are not allowed to study new things or run around. You should take good care of them at home... "

Lou Ziling carefully said a lot of precautions, holding Jing Xi's shoulder slowly to go out.

Jingxi raised his face, and his happiness was expressed in his words, but he seemed a little self willed and coquettish: "I'm in good health. The doctors have said that I don't have to be too taboo. What should I do? I want spicy food now!"

Zuojia stood in place, quietly watching them go away, refused to appear in front of Lou Ziling.

The case of Lou Ziling has been dealt with by Zuo Yan. The original verdict of the court has been changed into innocence.

Because Zuo Jia was ill for several days, Zuo Yan was frightened.

The person who should be punished did not punish, on the contrary, the baby daughter suffered a serious illness, left Yan in the heart of the suffocation do not need to mention.

Fu Rongting stood behind Zuo Jia, his voice seemed a little indifferent: "still thinking about him? Why didn't I find him special? "

Left good lip corner shows a trace of bitter smile: "my father also said so."

In fact, Zuo Yan's original words are: where is Lou Ziling good? Cold without a trace of human feelings, Fu Rong Ting is much better than him, born good temper, good knowledge of the root!

"You are not well. If you don't want to rob someone, you'd better forget him. "

Fu Rongting took her out, the weather outside was gloomy, without a trace of light.

All the way back to the villa, Zuo Jia was silent.

Fu Rongting didn't talk much. He first sent Zuo Jia home, then went out to buy her breakfast, and then left.

Zuo Jia had always been on guard against Fu Rongting. At one time, he suddenly jumped in from the window and wrapped himself up all day.

But I didn't expect that those who came to deliver her lunch at noon were replaced by Xi Ying and Zuo Yan.

Zuo Jia has been quarreling with her parents for a few days, but now she has stopped. She has always been sensible and obedient, and never has to worry about her parents. This time, Zuo Yan did too much and she was too angry.

"Ma, where's Fu Rong Ting?"

Xi Ying deliberately pushed Fu Rongting over to take care of her daughter for a few days, just to let the two young people get along more.

Hearing Zuo Jia ask about him, Xi Ying said with a smile: "he went back to carry out the task. He was in a hurry. He didn't have time to tell you."


Zuo Jia nodded and stopped asking.

"How can you thank them for taking care of you?"

"Well, I'll text him later."

"Can SMS be sincere? You should thank you in person! Our left family has always had gratitude and revenge

Zuo Yan knocks her daughter's head, as if her daughter is a pimple.

Left Jia covers forehead, toward father gently "hum" A: "he did not go?"

"You can't go to him when you're gone?"

Zuo Jia blinked: "this is not necessary?"

Zuo Yan took out a ticket from his pocket and photographed it on the table: "look, the ticket has been bought for you. You can leave from w City at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and you can get to K city in two hours. You can also invite Rongting to have lunch!"

Zuo Jia couldn't help laughing: "so you and my mother dug a hole for me, waiting for me to jump in!"

She took a look at the ticket, thought it over and put it away.

"Isn't he on duty? Can I go? "

"Yes, why not? Who dares to stop the defense minister's daughter-in-law from going to see his son? "

Zuo Jia gulps down her mouth and coughs.

"Dad This What? "

"Why, didn't Rong Ting tell you? His grandfather is very satisfied with you. He has recognized your granddaughter-in-law! Rong Ting is willing to ask him if you don't believe it. "

Zuo Jia's face is shocked. This is impossible. Fu Rongting must know that she likes Lou Ziling. How can he be willing to be with her?

She had hesitated to go, but now it seems that she must.

She had to ask her face to face, or she would be under too much pressure to resist marriage.

The next day, Zuo Jia took a flight to K city.After getting off the plane, she changed her car three times according to Zuo Yan's address. It took nearly five hours to get to Fu Rongting's camp.

She has been hungry dizzy, want to make a phone joke left Yan two words have no strength.

Don't you think it's time to invite Fu Rongting to lunch?

It's almost dinner time!

She thought she would have dinner with Fu Rongting, but she didn't want any food on the plane!

Around the camp, there were special soldiers wearing bulletproof vests and holding guns. Seeing Zuo Jia dragging a suitcase, she immediately stopped her.

"Garrison the important place, leave as soon as possible!"

"Hello, my name is Zuo Jia. I'm a friend of Fu Rongting. Is he here? I'm here to find him. "

The garrison soldiers looked at Zuo Jia with a puzzled look, but neatly reported with walkie talkie: "boss, there is a woman named Zuo Jia looking for you, please direct!"

"Who's the voice from Fu's walkie talkie? Repeat it

The soldier looked at Zuo Jia's eyes more puzzled: "what's your name?"

"Left best, left right left, beautiful woman's best."

Zuo Jia's name comes from the classic sentence "there are beautiful women in the north, who are unique and independent". This sentence was also written by his grandfather and grandfather in different calligraphy characters and hung on the walls of their living rooms. Fu Rongting saw this sentence when he followed his grandfather to Zuojia's grandfather's house. Zuo Jia explained to him why his grandfather would hang such a picture.

According to Zuo Jia's words, the soldier repeated to Fu Rongting. Fu Rongting said, "stand by in place", and then he was silent.

Ten minutes later, a military jeep appeared in Zuo Jia's sight.

The car stops in front of Zuo Jia and Fu Rongting steps down from the car.

He was dressed in a stiff uniform and boots, calm and capable.

Zuo Jia waved to him with a soft smile.

The soldier did not expect that the top commander of the camp actually came to meet the man himself. He quickly saluted Fu Rongting, and then saluted Zuo Jia: "Hello, sister-in-law!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!