Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1620

Zuo Jia blinked, looked at Fu Rongting, and at the soldier who was dark because of the long-term wind and sun. He said, "I'm not..."

Before she finished her words, Fu Rongting said faintly, "don't shout blindly, this is my sister!"

The soldier immediately changed his words: "Hello, Miss Fu!"

Zuo Jia couldn't laugh or cry. She had just said her surname was Zuo. How could she still call her "Miss Fu". This soldier must have done it on purpose!

He didn't believe that she was Fu Rongting's sister, and identified her as Fu Rongting's girlfriend.

Zuo Jia didn't explain. She said "hello" with a smile. She turned to Fu Rongting and said, "would it be inconvenient for me to come here?"

Fu Rongting took over the suitcase in her hand and looked indifferent: "no, welcome at any time!"

He took Zuo Jia into the car. When he came, he only took more than ten minutes, but it took him half an hour to go back.

Zuo Jia immediately realized that it was Fu Rongting who drove the car to the top speed.

His care and care for her are reflected in the details, but he never said what he did.

There are some tents in the center of the camp, but there are not many people. There are only three or three pairs of people dressed in crazy color clothes and carrying guns, ready to change posts with other people.

There were no women in the camp. Several soldiers who worked hard suddenly saw Fu Rongting bring back a beautiful woman with excellent appearance. They all yelled: "boss, sister-in-law has come to see you! Sister in law is not only beautiful, but also very kind to you! Do you have any sisters? We are all single

Before Zuojia had time to say anything, Fu Rongting looked calm and said, "this is my sister."

"Really? That would be great. She doesn't have a boyfriend, does she? Boss, you see, we are all literati and martial arts talents. Do you want to choose one as brother-in-law? "

Fu Rongting was angry with his soldiers: "get out! Don't hurry to change the post! "

Several people left noisily. Zuo Jia was invited into the tent by Fu Rongting.

"They're used to it in the field. Don't worry about it."

Zuojia soft smile: "it's OK, they are all very good."

She said, the next do not know what to say, Fu Rongting also did not speak, tent for a time some quiet.

Zuo Jia looks at Fu Rongting's tent, which is about the size of a bedroom. Fu Rongting is tall and has long legs. When he stands up, his head has already reached the top of the tent.

The tent was quite simple, but it was cleaned up by Fu Rongting. Even the army green quilts were folded into squares by him.

In a simple tent, the military's rigor and training are incisively and vividly reflected.

In the quiet air, Zuo Jia's stomach suddenly "gurgling" twice.

She covered her stomach in a hurry, and her face was slightly flushed. A little embarrassed, she said to Fu Rongting, "I'm hungry. I'm so hungry..."

Fu Rongting suddenly laughed. He stood up and hugged Zuo Jia. He touched and then separated: "I'll make you something to eat."

He held fast and separated so fast that when Zuo Jia tried to push him away, he had already released his hand and went out of the tent to get food for her.

Left Jia gently patted his forehead, told himself in his heart, don't be too coquettish, he just gave her a hug, let him hold it is nothing.

Zuo Jia gives himself a good psychological hint, and then goes out of the tent and follows Fu Rongting to another tent.

There was no one in the tent, only a simple stove, a small pot, a few vegetables, and the rest were canned, compressed biscuits and chocolate.

"There is little food in the camp. What do you eat?"

When Fu Rongjia is out of work, she suddenly feels sad?

He is a real gentleman in the general's mansion, but he has no problem with him. He can endure hardships and endure.

"You usually eat this? Can nutrition not keep up with it? "

"No, the army will distribute milk. Our soldiers with special tasks will take a vacation for a period of time after the mission is over. It's no big problem."

The wood in the stove was burning all the time. Fu Rongting poured some boiling water and cooked some noodles for Zuo Jia.

The noodles were filled with celery and wild vegetables that had just been dug from the spot yesterday, sprinkled with scallion and sliced with beef sauce.

Zuo Jialian said, "don't give me meat. You can keep it."

"It's OK. There's no shortage of meat. There's a lot of mice here. Enough."

Zuo Jia looked at Fu Rong ting in a daze: "old Rats? "

Fu Rong Ting laughed and showed his white teeth: "I'm kidding."

Zuo Jia looks at him in a daze and feels that he doesn't seem to be joking. She remembers watching a documentary. Many soldiers don't eat anything in the wild. They do eat rat flesh, which is not cooked. They peel their skin and eat raw food.

Fu Rongting took two cans of noodles and took Zuo Jia back to his tent.

"Eat it. Try my craft. No one else has this treatment."It's true that master Fu doesn't cook at home. He's an officer when he's away from home. Naturally, he doesn't need to cook for the soldiers below.

Zuo Jia was already very hungry. The noodles made by Fu Rongting looked simple, but they tasted delicious. With the canned fish, Zuo Jia even drank up the noodle soup.

She was quite satisfied with the meal. Her face was ruddy and her smile was more: "really, it's all my father's fault. He said that I'll be here in two hours and can invite you to lunch. I had breakfast more than seven o'clock in the morning, and then I didn't eat any more!"

She sat on a simple wooden bench, holding her chin and smiling.

Fu Rong Ting said softly, "it's remote here. I didn't expect you to come. You should tell me in advance that I'll pick you up."

The road to this side is not easy to walk. Zuo Jia, a girl, can see him. Fu Rongting's joy in heart is far from the calmness shown on his face.

"Do you want to come here for me?"

Zuojia said, "Oh I Thank you for taking care of me

"Have you recovered from your cold?"

"Well, all right."

"Nothing else to say?"

Fu Rong Ting felt that she had run so far, should not be a special trip to thank you.

Zuo Jia bit her lip and didn't know how to say, "you and I The two of us... "

She couldn't talk.

Fortunately, she did not need to say too clearly, Fu Rongting understood her meaning.

He asked faintly: "I do, don't you want to?"

"Ah? I This... "

Zuo Jia is afraid that it will hurt people to refuse directly. She was once rejected by Lou Ziling. She was very sad.

But if you don't refuse, what if Fu Rongting misunderstands?

She gritted her teeth and whispered, "you know, I like other people. I may not be able to live with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!