Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1618

Zuo Jia first noticed Fu Rongting's eyes. She pulled the cardigan and wrapped herself in a hurry. Her eyes were full of disbelief!

"You, you How can such a person be? "

After several days of contact with Fu Rongting, she felt that Fu Rongting was a typical soldier, calm and calm, not in love with women, resolute and upright.

I didn't expect that he would

Fu Rong Ting was indifferent. He went to the bed, but he didn't put Zuo Jia down. He still held: "what kind of person am I? Tang monk? How can the king of the kingdom of daughters be attracted? Oh, no, the Tang monk has profound Buddhist attainments, but he is still fascinated by the king of the daughter country. "

Left Jia hands embrace chest, red face way: "I did not tempt you."


Fu Rong Ting light should a, "this Pajama later don't wear, especially when a man comes."

Zuo Jia was a little angry. She would never dress like this in front of outsiders, male or female.

How did she know this man would jump in through the window?

She clenched her lips and did not speak. Her small face was taut and tight. She regarded Fu Rong Ting as a thief.

Fu Rongting also did not take a responsibility, put her on the bed, and put pad into her hand: "play for a while, then take medicine, and then sleep."

Zuo Jia holds pad, and suddenly feels that Fu Rongting is treating her as a child, arranging this and that.

Half an hour later, Zuo Jia didn't even open the pad. She sat on the bed and couldn't return to her mind.

Fu Rong Ting came in again and handed her a cup of warm water and a handful of Medicine: "I took the medicine."

Zuo Jia took the water in one hand and the medicine in the other hand: "thank you. It's too much trouble for you."

Fu Rong Ting did not agree, reached out and touched her forehead, said: "still have a fever, take this medicine or no use, I will send you to the hospital."

Zuo Jia is a little dizzy at the moment. She thinks Fu Rongting is too close to her!

She was absent-minded to take the medicine, the result accidentally choked, but also stuck the capsule in the throat, up and down, uncomfortable to death.

Fu Rong Ting patted her back, see no use, and went out again to pour her a glass of water: "big drink."

Zuo Jia drank up a glass of water, but the capsule still didn't go down. She looked at Fu Rongting with tears in her eyes: "will I become the first person to be killed by capsule?"

Fu Rong Ting couldn't help laughing: "after a while, the capsule will go down, it can't kill you, it will only be eaten by you."

This is common sense. Zuo Jia certainly knows.

She just felt that the atmosphere between her and Fu Rongting was getting more and more weird. She told a joke to adjust the atmosphere.

It's good to be brother and sister with Fu Rongting, but it's impossible to be a lover.

Lou Ziling is deeply rooted in her heart. I'm afraid it will take a long time to forget.

"You, I'll take a rest."

Fu Rong Ting still did not go to the front door which was locked by Zuo Jia and jumped down from her bedroom window.

Zuo Jia ran to the window and saw Fu Rongting standing up steadily after landing. He turned around and unexpectedly saw Zuo Jia's delicate face.

"How did you get out of bed? Go back and lie down

"The window is too high. Next time you come to the door, I'll open it for you."

Her bedroom is on the second floor. It's too dangerous for Fu Rongting to jump down like this.

Fu Rong Ting faintly "um" a, turned to go.

The next morning, however, he still crawled in through the window.

He sat on the edge of the bed, touched Zuojia's forehead, and then immediately woke her up: "Jiajia, get up, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Zuo Jia opened her eyes in pain, looked at the open window, and complained low: "I didn't let you go through the front door..."

"I rang the doorbell, and you didn't hear me. I had to come in through the window."

"I'm sick. You'll let me sleep for a while."

"No, you're burning badly. You have to go to the hospital!"

Zuo Jia is used to Fu Rongting's touch on his forehead, but when he directly reaches into the quilt and holds her out, she is quite unaccustomed, and her dizzy head becomes much clearer.

"Let me down and I'll go by myself."

Fu Rongting didn't let go. He took a look at Zuojia's clothes and saw that she had changed her thin silk pajamas into a set of white Long Sleeve trousers and cotton pajamas.

it's OK to go out of the house directly. He took Zuo Jia out of the villa, put it in the car, and went back to take Zuo Jia's bag and coat.

Seeing that he was going to dress himself, Zuo Jia immediately came over and said, "I'll wear it myself!"

Fu Rongting did not insist on it. Seeing that she could wear it by herself, he started the car and took Zuo Jia to the nearest hospital.

In this season, there are many patients with cold and fever, and the bed is in short supply. When the doctor prescribed the medicine, the nurse arranged her to the injection seat area.

Fu Rongting picked a quiet area and sat down with Zuo Jia. The nurse came to give her the infusion, but secretly looked at Fu Rongting several times.His appearance and temperament are so excellent that it is difficult to be noticed.

Fu Rong Ting didn't notice, but Zuo Jia saw it. She gently laughed and turned her head to look at Fu Rongting.

"What's the matter? It hurts you?"

Fu Rongting saw Zuo Jia looking at himself, and could not help asking.

Zuo Jia shook her head: "No

Then why do you look at him all of a sudden?

Fu Rongting looked up at the nurse, just as the nurse was looking at him, he immediately understood the reason.

When the nurse left, Fu Rongting whispered in Zuo Jia's ear: "I'm a Tang monk. All the goblins want to eat some Tang Monk meat."

Zuo Jia chuckled. He was quite humorous. She thought he was as cold and quiet as Lou Ziling.

It seems that you haven't seen Lou Ziling joking, or is he just joking with Jingxi?

Her mind drifted away slowly. Zuo Jia didn't know when she fell asleep. When she woke up again, she found herself asleep on Fu Rongting's shoulder!

"I'm sorry..."

Zuo Jia apologized. Fu Rongting looked light: "it doesn't matter. It's just that my shoulder is a bit numb by you. You can give me a massage."

Zuo Jia froze, massage?

Too close, right?

"No? Then wash my clothes. You see, my clothes are full of your saliva

Left Jia quickly look down, and then see Fu Rongting shoulder really has a pool of water stains!

No way!

She never drools when she sleeps!

She widened a pair of clear black and white eyes, red lips slightly open, very surprised.

Fu Rongting no longer teased her, stretched out his finger to gently brush the tears on her face, and said in a low voice: "fool, what's good to cry about? It's not worth crying for him in the future."

Zuo Jia listened to Fu Rongting's tender voice, and realized that she had just dreamt that Lou Ziling was dead. She was sad and crying. She was not only in her dream, but also in reality.

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