Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1617

For several days, Jingxi takes good care of Lou Ziling. Tan Ruyi and Luo Feiyang are in trouble. Luo Feiyang calls her and she doesn't care. She is with Lou Ziling every day. She is afraid that Lou Ziling will disappear in a flash.

Lou Ziling was flattered. He went into the detention center himself. In fact, he didn't feel anything. The environment in the detention center was much better than that when he was protecting Jingxi on an isolated island!

At least the wind can't blow, the rain can't be drenched, and three meals a day are provided on time.

He has enough assurance to get out of the detention center, so there is no psychological pressure.

It seems that Jingxi was scared. He was taking care of Jingxi at first, but it has turned around these days.

Lou Ziling is a little happy in his heart. He hopes that Jingxi will put him in the first place. What luofeiyang jimoxuan should stand aside!

I really want to thank Zuo Jia. What he tried so hard for so long did not do. Unexpectedly, because of her, Jingxi completely changed.

However, Lou Ziling is also slowly changing. Jingxi likes to be lively. He often accompanies her to go out. She loves to study all kinds of luring gadgets, and he is willing to do her experiments.


Zuo Jia is ill and has a bad cold.

She lived in her own villa and refused to go home or take medicine. She also refused to let Zuo Yan Xi Ying enter the house.

Zuo Yan can only give Fu Rongting all the medicine and give a lot of advice. The main idea is to let Fu Rongting persuade Zuo Jia to take medicine.

Fu Rongting agreed.

He didn't go through the main door. In the evening, he prized Zuojia's window and jumped in.

He was lucky that the window he had pried happened to be Zuojia's bedroom.

Zuo Jia saw someone jump in to get a jump. The anti wolf spray on his pillow was taken up. He just wanted to spray it. He saw Fu Rongting, and hurriedly hid it under his pillow.

Fu Rong Ting just didn't see it. He went to her bed with a gentle voice: "why don't you take medicine when you are ill? I remember when you were a kid, it seemed like that. "

Zuo Jia doesn't remember.

She is always obedient and seldom goes against her parents.

Fu Rongting put the medicine on the cupboard at the head of her bed, walked out of her bedroom, and soon came in with a cup of warm water.

He sat down by the bed, touched Zuojia's head naturally, and then frowned: "do you have a fever?"

Zuo Jiachang is so big that no other member of the opposite sex has ever been so close to her except her elders.

Fortunately, Fu Rong Ting's hand and her forehead are just a touch that separates, she did not show any difference.

She sat up in a soft voice: "did my father let you come? I'm sorry. I seem to have caused you trouble

"Yes, uncle Zuo and aunt Xi have said that if you are not well, I will not be allowed to leave, so you should take the medicine quickly."

Fu Rongting's tone seemed to be joking, but there was no expression on his face. Zuo Jia couldn't tell whether what he said was true or not.

Her parents are really capable of such a thing!

They were sure that she was embarrassed to refuse Fu Rongting's care.

Left Jia can only take medicine, want to get out of bed, but was Fu Rongting pressed shoulder: "lie down to sleep, I left."

Zuo Jia watched him jump down from the window. If he wanted to leave from the front door, he swallowed back.

She went back to bed and fell asleep.

Hazy, she smelled delicious food fragrance, hungry she was awakened by the aroma.

It is Fu Rong Ting's tall and straight body and handsome face.

He changed his military uniform and wore a white casual suit. His short hair was clean and neat. When he did not speak, his cold temperament was at least five points similar to Lou Ziling.

Zuo Jia is in a trance for a moment. He looks at Fu Rongting straight and thinks he is dreaming.

Fu Rongting saw through Zuo Jia's trance at a glance. He was not happy, and his voice was also indifferent: "Jiajia, it's me, Fu Rongting. Get up and come to eat. "

Left Jia suddenly was awakened, apologetic way: "I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person."

She felt that this kind of behavior should not be quite, which is the biggest disrespect for Fu Rongting.

He is obviously different from Lou Ziling.

She quickly got out of bed and took two steps to realize that she was only wearing a thin suspender nightdress, and the outline of her chest was very clear. She went back and wrapped herself in a large cardigan.

Fu Rong Ting's eyes glanced at her chest, and her previous displeasure suddenly disappeared.

She just remembered to wrap herself. When she came to deliver her medicine, he had already looked at all the things she shouldn't have seen.

White tender two small rabbits, quite beautiful.

Left Jia secretly took a glance at Fu Rong ting. Seeing that he looked calm and indifferent, he felt relieved: should not you see it? Just don't see it!

When others came to her house, they would ring the doorbell and walk through the front door. Fu Rongting, however, pried the window and jumped into her bedroom. She was confused by him.

She cooked congee with her mother at the table.The dishes and porridge are steaming hot, with an attractive aroma. It is obvious that they have just been packed and delivered.

Zuo Jia was full after eating a small half, but she didn't want to waste it. When she had to eat again, the bowl was taken away by Fu Rongting.

"No more."

"If you don't eat it, it's a waste."

"Bring me less of that next time."

Fu Rongting did not allow her to eat, and when he was full, he poured the rest into the garbage can.

He found out a few days ago that Zuo Jia has a habit of eating everything, even if she doesn't like it, she will eat it.

This habit made Fu Rong Ting cry and laugh, but no one in their family advised her not to eat, but also advised her "you are too thin, eat more"!

When Fu Rongting emptied the leftovers, Zuo Jia went to grab the dishes with him, but failed to rob him. She was a little aggrieved: "why did you dump my food?"

She felt bad that she couldn't eat her meal clean.

She actually knew it was an obsessive-compulsive disorder, but she couldn't get rid of it.

Fu Rongting put the plate down, turned to go out: "come out, watch TV for half an hour, and then take the medicine."

Zuo Jia didn't move. She looked at the dishes in the garbage can. It seemed that Fu Rongting left and she could pick them up and eat them.

Fu Rong Ting can only helplessly walk back, want to pull her to go, but did not pull.

He simply picked up the person directly: "later change this habit, eating too much will cause a burden on the stomach and intestines, not good for the body."

Left good body suddenly soared, she low exclaimed: "let me down quickly!"

Her nightdress could only cover her thighs, but she could not even cover her thighs when she was held up horizontally!

There was no barrier between Fu ting and her thigh.

"Fu Rong Ting!"

Zuo Jia called out his name in shame and anger.

But her voice is soft, not angry, like coquettish.

"Well? Jiajia, what can I do for you

Fu Rong Ting's expression is light, the finger touched on left Jia's thigh, suddenly felt that the handle felt very good.

He bowed his head, her cardigan opened, under the thin pajamas, two small white rabbits with her fierce breathing in slightly beating.

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