Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1614

Zuo Jia knew nothing about it. She had been banned from the bar and Lou Ziling's company by her family.

Zuo Jia felt helpless: "Dad, I've been on vacation for a week. Should you let me go to work?"

"A comrade in arms of your grandfather when he was young, he will take his grandson to see your grandfather these two days. You can clean up and accompany your grandfather for a few days."

Zuo Yan has no plan to let his daughter go to work. His daughter has been a treasure since childhood, but it is not used to practice for Lou Ziling and his wife. He has to show everyone that Zuo Jia can marry very well, and many people are scrambling for it.

"Dad, don't you want me to go on a blind date?"

"Why? I just want you to accompany your grandfather. Your grandfather loves you so much. Your old comrade in arms brings his grandson to the door, and you let him receive him alone? When your grandmother died early, he had only your mother's daughter, and your mother's only daughter... "

As soon as Zuo Jia saw that her father was going to start a long speech, and Xi Ying seemed to be in tears, she said quickly, "OK, I'll go! I will accompany my grandfather well! "

When the couple saw their daughter's consent, they immediately beamed.

As soon as Zuo Jia left, Xi Ying, as the president of the procuratorate, immediately submitted a series of evidence to the court and filed a public prosecution. The general content was that Lou Ziling deliberately killed people, killed people for money, and cheated the sun. The public security organ should arrest Lou Ziling and put him to death.

Di yuan, President of the court of w City, is Xi Ying's college classmate and friend. On the day Zuo Jia was born, di yuan already recognized Zuo Jia as her daughter. She had no daughter of her own. For so many years, she has always regarded Zuo Jia as her own daughter.

So Zuo Jia and Lou Ziling, Xi Ying told Diyuan without concealment.

The day after Zuo Jia left w City, Lou Ziling received a summons from the court.

The name on the summons is clearly written in three big characters: Lou Ziling!

The time for the court session is three days later, and the column on the subject of subpoena is short: court session.

Lou Ziling is a little confused for a time. Who wants to sue him? Why sue him?

The man obviously knew his true identity, otherwise the summons would not have been sent to his office.

Lou Ziling found a friend who was a judge and asked him what was going on.

When the judge saw that the name of the president "Di yuan" was written in the column of the signer of the summons, his fingers were shaking with fright. This means that the chief judge of the case will be Dean Diyuan.

"Li Shao, have you offended anyone? Our president will not try the case in person unless it is a major special case. None of the defendants will have a good end if she tries the case in person! "

The judge did not say the last sentence. Generally, di yuan only tried the major criminal cases initiated by the procuratorate. The result of the trial was almost: the death penalty should be executed immediately!

Lou Ziling offended a lot of people, but the one who offended recently should be Zuo Yan.

And Zuo Yan's wife Xi Ying happens to be the president of the procuratorate. If the court wants to try, the first thing to do is to sue the procuratorate. The person behind the lawsuit should be Zuo Yan and his wife.

No wonder Zuo Jia hasn't come to work for many days. When she asked for leave, she said she only asked for a few days.

Lou Ziling, staring at the thin summons, could not help but feel a little headache.

He remembers that Jing Yichen's influence in city a is deeply rooted. The public security organs and even the mayor are all his people. How can he get here and everything is not working?

He can win over many judges, prosecutors and police, but he has no way to let the president and director listen to him.

What he has done is far from enough!

But the most important thing now is to deal with the court trial.

Although Lou Ziling made the best preparation, Xi Ying had sufficient evidence, especially the paternity test between Lou Ziling and Lou Mingyang, which directly exposed his identity.

There is no doubt that he lost the lawsuit.

Killing and plundering Li Zhi's huge property are true, Lou Ziling was personally sentenced to death by Diyuan on the spot.

Lou Ziling was immediately sent to the detention center. According to the law, he will live in the detention house for 30 days without being killed immediately.

Within these 30 days, if the defendant does not accept the judgment of the court, he may appeal to a higher court.

Thirty days later, the defendant did not appeal, which was tantamount to agreeing with the court's decision, that is, Lou Ziling still has 30 days to live.

Jingxi didn't know about his prosecution until Lou Ziling was taken away by the police.

When she understood the whole story, she almost had no breath to vomit blood!

Because Lou Ziling doesn't like Zuo Jia, he is going to be forced to death by the left family?

He worked hard until now, and all of them were destroyed overnight!

Jingxi hated Zuo Jia and himself.

If Lou Ziling was sentenced to death, she would never forgive herself.

If she had not left Lou Ziling, Zuo Jia would not have had a chance to find out Lou Ziling's identity. Now Tan Ruyi and Luo Feiyang are still together, but Lou Ziling is imprisoned.This will be the most humiliating experience in Lou Ziling's whole life.

He is so arrogant and indifferent. How can he live when he enters the detention center?

It is said that there are many left Yan people in the detention center. They will certainly not let Lou Ziling get better.

Jingxi usually a hurry will subconsciously call jingyichen, in her heart, there is nothing her father can't do.

She believes that if she appeals to a higher court again, jingyichen can make the high court make a new judgment, but then the matter will become big. And the key to the matter itself is not what Lou Ziling has done, but someone wants him to die.

Jingxi finds Zuo Jia's phone number from Lou Ziling's mobile phone and dials Zuo Jia's phone.

"Miss Zuo, Lou Ziling was sentenced to death by the court. The prosecutor is the president of the procuratorate, and the judge is the president of the court. Where are you? I'll find you. "

When Zuo Jia learned this news, it was no less than a bolt from the blue!

She was a little confused by what Jingxi said!

No wonder her parents must take her away. It turns out that there is such a shocking plot behind her!

Left behind her grandfather, his old comrades in arms and his handsome grandson, Zuo Jia rushed to w City by plane.

When she got home, she saw her parents' faces and began to cry before saying a word.

"Jiajia, why did you come back early? Your grandfather's comrade in arms is gone? Didn't you spend a few more days with my grandfather? "

"Jiajia, don't cry. Who bullied you again? Tell Dad, I'll take care of him for you and make sure he won't dare again

Zuo Jia's voice choked, and she was heartbroken with tears: "Dad, what you said to do with him is to kill him? Therefore, he did not dare to bully me, but could not! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!