Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1615

Left Yan and his wife looked at each other, do not know how she got wind so quickly.

They have blocked all the information. Even the trial of louziling case is not open to the public, and few people know it.

Zuo Yan only thought for a few seconds and then reacted to it. The informer should be Jingxi!

Zuo Yan was a little flustered to wipe tears for his daughter: "xiaojiajia, don't cry, don't cry. This is my father's fault. It's all my idea. Your mother and your godmother are under my command. Well, last time I saw you drinking so sad in a bar, I was almost carried away by the bad guys. But Lou Ziling and Jingxi showed their love in front of you. I was so angry that I wanted to scare the boy! "

"Frighten him? Do you need the death penalty? "

Zuo Jia's eyes were red. If Lou Ziling died because of her, she would not have the courage to live in this world.

She loves Lou Ziling. In an obscure and silent way, she doesn't expect him to be moved and treat her well. She just wants him to be happy.

She never wanted to kill him!

From the first day of their reunion, she had already known that he had a fiancee. She had never thought of taking Lou Ziling away from Jingxi!

She just, occasionally, couldn't help but want to get close to him.

As long as she thinks that Lou Ziling will disappear from the whole world, she is heartbroken and hard to breathe.

Left Yan anxious to wipe tears for his daughter, but soon found that the tears more wipe more!

Although Zuo Jia looks like a weak girl, she seldom cries at ordinary times. She has never cried like this!

"Jiajia, don't cry. It's really just to scare Lou Ziling. If I kill him, you'll blame me all my life. It's not cost-effective!"

Left Yan quite regret, he felt as if he did not scare Lou Ziling and Jing Xi, but scared his daughter to half life!

"Dad is all right. Lou Ziling will definitely not obey the judgment and will appeal. When the time comes, dad will find someone and ask the high court to send it back for retrial. Then your godmother will throw away all the evidence. If he is not sentenced to death, he will be sentenced to 10 years and 8 years!"

Zuo Jia cried and shook her head: "no, not for a day!"

Zuo Yan couldn't see his daughter's tears. Seeing his wife began to cry, he quickly said, "isn't that too cheap for him? Their husband and wife went out on their honeymoon. You worked hard to help them manage the company, and then you didn't give you a good look. You took advantage of our family's power to get the project. This couple is not a good man! Lou Ziling At least one year? "

Zuo Jia knows that her parents love her almost to dote on her. In fact, Zuo Yan will agree to what she says.

She is now convinced that Zuo Yan did not want to kill Lou Ziling.

She raised her face and asked in a soft voice, "Dad, am I your daughter?"

She cried with a nasal sound in her voice, which was a little like the kind of coquettish she used to eat when she was a child. Zuo Yan was in a mess and said, "yes, of course, my own. Your mother and I that night It was born later! "

Xi Ying had been in love with her daughter and almost cried. After listening to Zuo Yan finish, she pinched him with a good spirit and a laugh: "don't talk nonsense!"

"What nonsense am I talking about? Jiajia was born to you and me! You see how much she looks like me, don't you, Jiajia? "

Left Jia nods hard, but tears have been falling.

Her original ruddy and tender lips, now some dry crack, left Yan suspected that her body originally had little water, with her tears flow dry!

"Jiajia, you should drink some water first. Let's sit down and talk slowly. Anyway, Lou Ziling can't die. Don't worry, OK?"

Zuo Jia grabs her parents' arms and refuses to drink water or sit down. She anxiously says, "Dad, you should release Lou Ziling first. Now, immediately, immediately!"

Left Yan stares big eyes: "this how line, he just entered less than 24 hours!"

"Am I your daughter, then?"

"You must be my daughter..."

When Zuo Jia saw that he wanted to say that she was born to him and his mother, she immediately stopped him: "I am your own daughter. Why is it so difficult for me to ask you? You let him go quickly. Is that where people stay

Zuo Yan was almost surrounded by his daughter and said that he had a daughter for a long time. He was waiting for him here!

"This It's because you are my daughter that I have to vent for you! There are many outstanding young men in the world. For example, Fu Rongting, who you met with your grandfather, has made great achievements since childhood. I heard your grandfather say that he is a good-looking man. He is more handsome in military uniform than that louziling! "

Fu Rongting is the grandson of Zuo Jia's grandfather's comrades in arms. He is indeed very good-looking. The feeling of a soldier is heroic and can give people a sense of security.

But Zuo Jia and he are just ordinary friends.

She's not in any mood to discuss other people now!

Seeing that her father refused to let her go immediately, Zuo Jia turned and left.

Xi Ying was anxious: "what to do? My daughter just came back and left again. Please find someone to follow her. Don't let her do anything stupid!"As expected, Zuo Yan found someone to follow Zuo Jia, and then all the way to the detention center.

Zuo Jia wants to go in to see Lou Ziling, but the guards don't agree at all.

She immediately called Zuo Yan: "Dad, you let them let me in, or I will sleep here today and not go."

The daughter is a bit single minded, and it is difficult to change the people and things identified. Zuo Yansheng is afraid that she really sleeps outside the gate of the detention center, so he orders people to let her in.

Through the thick bulletproof glass window, Zuo Jia saw Lou Ziling's first eye, and her tears fell again.

He had bruises on the corners of his lips and cheeks, and was apparently beaten.

She cried speechless, but Lou Ziling was still indifferent. There was neither anger nor joy on her face, as if Zuo Jia was just a stranger he never knew.

He thought it was Jing Xi who came to see him. Unexpectedly, Zuo Jia was the first one to come.

It made him happy in vain.

Lou Ziling guessed that Jingxi should have been here, but people here refused to let her in. Zuo Jia's father is the mayor and her mother is the president of the procuratorate. It's easy for her to come in.

Zuo Jia looked at Lou Ziling's indifference, and felt the same pain in his heart. Even if he scolded her for two words, he at least proved that he had a trace of emotion for her.

But he said nothing, just as they met in junior high school, he treated her indifference.

Depression, pain, despair, so that she can not afford to pursue his courage, only dare to let that emotion take root in the bottom of her heart.

She wiped away her tears and stopped looking at Lou Ziling. She said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, this matter will be solved as soon as possible. From now on, I will disappear from your life. Goodbye."

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