Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1613

In the past half month, Zuo Jia has done almost everything for Lou Ziling.

The operation of his company, the establishment of new projects and personnel changes are all dispatched by Zuo Jialai.

Although the company has several vice presidents, it almost always fails to deal with the government.

Only Zuo Jia's appearance can be solved smoothly.

Zuo Yan saw that his daughter's thin chin was sharp, and he couldn't help heartache: "Jiajia, don't do it. Come home. Lou Ziling is married. It's useless for you to think about him! Dad has many excellent young people in his hand. How many would you like to introduce? Don't you like the luofeiyang I saw last time

Zuojia's eyes are full of red blood, but her tone is soft and relaxed: "I think it's quite good now. There are my shares in this company. If the performance is good, I will get more dividends! When I get the money, I'll buy you and my mother a big house to live in! "

Zuo Yan was anxious to stamp his feet: "it's not about money. You can't go on like this. Listen to me. Quit your job. If you like to open a company, we'll open it ourselves! The main thing is, you have to stay away from Lou Ziling. I don't think he is a good man! Borrowing the name of the Li family and swallowing the property of the Li family, what a cruel person

Zuo Jia doesn't care about it.

In her eyes, Lou Ziling is perfect, even the thing that she doesn't like is perfect.

Because he didn't like her, he didn't care, proving that he was loyal to the people he liked.

"Jiajia, why don't you go out for a few days? Just relax and don't tire yourself out! "

Zuo Jia looked at her father's worried face, but she could not bear to refuse him: "well, when Lou Ziling comes back from her honeymoon, I'll go out for a walk."

In fact, she has been to countless countries and places. She likes to be quiet and does not yearn for the outside world. She only yearns to be with the people she loves forever. Wherever he goes, she goes with her.

But now this man is married.

Left Jia heart suddenly a pain, feel in the heart have a place empty.

Lou Ziling came back from his vacation. On the first day of work, Zuo Jia came to ask him for leave: "Mr. Lou, I want to take a few days off and have a rest."

Without hesitation, Lou Ziling said directly, "good!"

Originally, Zuo Jia's identity here is very special. Strictly speaking, she is not his subordinate. Asking for leave is just her polite way of saying that she just said hello to him.

What's more, since Zuo Jia came to work, she hasn't had a rest for almost a day. In love with reason, Lou Ziling will let her rest.

Zuo Jia left soon, but two days later, Lou Ziling found out that she had done all the work before she left. During the half month of his absence, the company was in good order.

Lou Ziling is guarding the fruits of her work and doesn't know what kind of reaction to make.

He has never encountered a similar situation. In the past, as long as he remains indifferent, those girls will automatically stay away from him, and will not do things for him endlessly and without any reward.

Jingxi gave him advice: "why don't we introduce her to a boyfriend? Someone loves her and takes care of her. It's better than anything

There is an excellent girl around her. She has been paying for her husband silently. Jingxi feels uncomfortable how she thinks.

She felt that Zuo Jia was imprisoning herself in place and refused to come out. When she contacted more people, her eyes would not be on Lou Ziling.


Zuo Jia took a vacation, but in fact she didn't go far away.

Lou Ziling is in this city. She doesn't want to go anywhere.

She has never done anything out of the ordinary in her life. She doesn't fall in love, smokes or drinks. She studies and works safely.

At night, the bar was full of wine and wine. Zuo Jia walked in slowly.

The music was deafening, and people were shaking and screaming on the dance floor.

She sat down in a small corner, ordered a cocktail, held her chin and watched the crowd.

A moment, she suddenly saw the figure of Jingxi, and then carefully looked for it. Beside her, she found that she had been holding out her arms to protect her Lou Ziling.

Zuo Jia smiles gently, the world is really small!

He always appears in her life inadvertently, and disappears without warning. She seems to have been used to it.

She looked at Jingxi's scream and laugh, some doubts patted her face, Lou Ziling did not like her, because she was not lively and quiet?

She drank the cocktail in one breath, trying to liven herself up with the power of alcohol, but she asked for five more cocktails, and they all failed to get excited.

However, she was drunk, and she could not even stand up.

She just thought the cocktail was good, but she didn't expect it to be strong.

Zuo Jia was vaguely aware that someone had hugged her. She instinctively wanted to knock off the hand that touched her. However, there was a stern voice in her ear: "Jiajia, it's me!"

Left good effort to open his eyes, see left Yan face full of anger, murmured a "Dad.".How did the mayor come to the bar?

If he is recognized, my father will be criticized.

Zuo Jia didn't remember how she got home. She opened her eyes the next day and saw her mother Xi Ying sitting by her bed.


"Jiajia, you scared your mother to death. You can't go to bars alone in the future! What if someone drugged you? Fortunately, your father went in time. If you were a little later, you would be taken away by others


On the third day of Zuojia's leave, louziling company began to have problems.

Most of the external liaison projects have stagnated, especially in the government departments. Even the advertisements in newspapers and magazines are not smooth.

Lou Ziling drove to find Zuo Yan. Zuo Yan angrily said to the Secretary: "no, I don't know this person. After that, this person has disappeared!"

His baby daughter never drinks alcohol. Last night, she was drunk alone in a bar. She was not hurt by Lou Ziling!

He can't control who Lou Ziling marries, but he will never let Lou Ziling have a good life when it comes to matters within his power range!

Lou Ziling didn't see Zuo Yan and wanted to call Zuo Jia. He took out his mobile phone and wanted to dial, but he gave up.

Zuo Jia is not one of his people. What's the obligation to help him deal with these messy things?

He'd better try to solve it by himself!

Jingxi soon knew that Lou Ziling had a problem. She called jingyichen and asked him to help.

But w City does not belong to Jing family's sphere of influence, and its control power is relatively weak.

And left Yan hard to carry, rather than with the king's home on, also refused to let go.

Anyway, he is now looking at Lou Ziling, deliberately embarrassed him, who said it was useless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!