Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1612

Lou Ziling felt Jingxi's hair: "OK, don't mind the existence of Zuo Jia, have a meal quickly!"

Jingxi bows his head to eat. He wants to apologize, but he feels as if he has done nothing wrong. He wants to question, but he feels like a little unreasonable.

She is clearly sitting with Lou Ziling, but she seems to be far away from him. It seems that she has not met him for a century, and her intimate actions have become unfamiliar.

This kind of feeling, until sleep at night, Lou Ziling as usual holding Jingxi in his arms, only a little better.

The next day, Jingxi went to the company with Lou Ziling.

A brand new white Jaguar has been parked in the company's parking lot. Jingxi's heart moved and asked Lou Ziling, "whose car is this?"

Lou Zi Ling light way: "left good."

Jingxi guessed it was her.

Lou Ziling has always liked Jaguars. The one he drives now is a black one. Zuo Jia bought a white one to make a pair with him? Couple car?

Jingxi pushes Lou Ziling's wheelchair and goes into the elevator with him. On the 18th floor, the elevator door opens. Jingxi pushes Lou Ziling out. A girl with gentle temperament and beautiful appearance comes to her face.

Jingxi once heard Luo Feiyang describe Zuo Jia. She could almost be sure at a glance that the girl in front of her was Zuo Jia. The gentle feeling of a lady in her body was the same as Lou Ruofei.

Zuo Jia also recognizes Jing Xi, because Lou Ziling is holding her hand.

Besides Jingxi, louziling won't touch other women.

What's more, Luo Feiyang has already called her and said that he successfully persuaded Jingxi to go home. Zuo Jia gave him two options that he could not choose.

Zuo Jia nodded to them with a smile: "good morning, President, Madam President!"

Her smile is impeccable, even words can not find a fault, not humble, but she is more gentle.

Jingxi knows that she has met her opponent.

Lou Zi Ling faintly spits out a word: "early morning!"

Jingxi also said, "good morning!"

When she went to Lou Ziling's office, Jing Xicai asked, "has she been working in this company since then?"

Lou Ziling nodded: "yes!"

"Can't she be transferred?"

"Not for the time being. She has done a lot of things for the company that others can't do. It's normal to give her a position. Don't worry about it."

"You are not moved by such a beauty every day? Luo Feiyang praises her

"Luo Feiyang praises her, why don't you marry her?"

"This It's different! " Jingxi thinks that it is very uneasy to let Zuo Jia work around Lou Ziling. What if Lou Ziling is bewildered by her?

"Yes, it's different. Whether she looks good or not has nothing to do with me marrying you."

Lou Ziling looks calm, and there is no wave in his eyes.

He was indifferent as if he was talking about other people's affairs. He didn't pay attention to Zuo Jia.

Originally, if Jing Xi didn't like it, he could have transferred Zuo Jia away.

But now, Lou Ziling wants to leave Zuo Jia behind instead. In this way, Jingxi will have a sense of crisis and will not leave him casually.

Zuo Jia goes downstairs, takes the document that he forgot to bring from the car, and slowly returns to his office.

The moment she saw Jingxi, she almost couldn't help crying.

Lou Ziling's treatment of Jingxi is totally different from that of others. He even looks at Jingxi with gentle eyes, and he will take the initiative to hold her hand, completely avoiding other people's eyes.

Maybe, no matter how much she pays, it's no use?

The little princess of the Jing family is worthy of her reputation. Her temperament and appearance are first-class. It is a good thing that Lou Ziling can marry her. She should be happy for Lou Ziling, but why does she want to cry so much?

On this day, Zuo Jia didn't work overtime. Instead, she drove away from the company early.

She thought her heart was strong enough, and she thought she could smile and watch Lou Ziling hold others in her arms and talk sweetly, but she overestimated herself.

The strongest and most vulnerable are people's hearts. Zuo Jia is vulnerable now.

She wants to come back with bitter smile.

Maybe, just watch it a few more times, and she will get used to it.

However, facts have proved that no matter how many times you look at it, Zuo Jia's heart will be dripping with blood, which is not a thing that can be used to.

It is a great torment for her to see louziling and Jingxi together every day.

The relationship between Lou Ziling and Jingxi is getting better and better. Zuo Jia seldom talks to Lou Ziling, so as not to cause misunderstanding of Jingxi and cause her to quarrel with louziling.

Even if you go to louziling's office to report on the progress of work, Zuo Jia will take her assistant with her.

Sometimes she can see the sharp and alert flash in Jingxi's eyes. From this, she knows that Jingxi should also love Lou Ziling, and is worried about Lou Ziling being robbed by others.Zuojia thinks that Jingxi is worried. For a man like Lou Ziling, he is faced with many temptations every day. He has a firm mind and is not greedy for beauty. He can't take it away.

Unless Jingxi gives up on his own initiative.

On November 6, louziling and Jingxi held a grand wedding.

Zuo Jiazi, the mayor, didn't invite Zuo Jiazi.

When mayor Zuo saw that his daughter would not go, he would not go either.

Mayor Zuo did not go, and none of the other officials in w City dared to go.

Zuo Yan became the mayor of the city, but other people are not necessarily. There are always various kinds of handles. If you don't offend Zuo Yan, he will turn a blind eye. If you offend him, all the evidence will be dug out.

The wedding was held in the Li family manor. Lou Ziling's parents also came, but they just sat in an inconspicuous position. Anyway, on such a day, countless strangers around him did not know anyone.

The manor was tidied up clean, jubilant, and there were red characters everywhere.

Lou Ziling takes Jing Xi's hand from jingyichen's hand and stands in front of the priest with her, exchanging rings and solemn oath.

They just got their marriage certificate yesterday. From then on, they are real husband and wife, protected and restricted by law.

Until today, when Jingxi got married, she suddenly felt that she and Lou Ziling had formed a family, and that she would be Lou Ziling's wife.

Her eyes filled with tears and she felt very happy. Lou Ziling was the one she always wanted to marry.

Lou Ziling gently kisses her forehead. It is not smooth for him to walk with Jingxi. Fortunately, he and Jingxi never give up.

In his life, only Jingxi is special. She pulled him out of the lonely world and let him gradually integrate into the prosperous life.

After the wedding, Lou Ziling took Jingxi to fly for a honeymoon that evening.

Jingxi likes to travel. Lou Ziling gives herself a half month's holiday to play with her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!