Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1611

"I'm not afraid. I've been living in a rut all my life. I've always been obedient and sensible. My grandfather often complains that I'm too sensible and his strength is useless. With the king's family, I think my grandfather will be full of energy, and my grandfather will feel that he has met an interesting opponent and will go all out! "

Mention grandfather and grandfather, left beautiful eyebrow eye all have smile.

Luo Feiyang looked at her because of the smile and two shallow pear vortex, suddenly found that left Jia is a real beauty.

It has been heard that Zuo Yan, the new mayor of w City, is a famous beautiful man. It seems that Zuo Jia inherited the advantages of her parents. It is obvious that the creator prefers her!

No wonder that before today's blind date, her parents were praising Zuojia. At present, Luo Feiyang did not find any shortcomings in her.

Perhaps the only drawback is to like Lou Ziling?

Luo Feiyang has a headache and wants to crack. His own affairs have not been solved, and a Zuo Jialai comes out. Now louziling and Jingxi are in crisis. He wants to die!

Why did the elder brother marry Lou Ruofei so smoothly?

"Well, Miss Zuo, don't mix up with me. My parents will not let me marry Ruyi after they see you! I beg you. You must tell them when you turn back. You don't like me! If I say I don't like you, I'm sure I'll have to beat you when I go home. My brother's beating is quite painful. Life is worse than death

"Judging from your performance, if Jingxi returns home today, I will say that I don't like you. If she doesn't come back, I will say that you won't marry."

"Don't you give me at least a few days to persuade her? If Jingxi had been so good at talking, Lou Ziling would have gone back long ago! "

Zuo Jia slowly ate up the food in his plate and whispered, "OK, I'll give you two days. I'll wait for your good news."

She finished eating, carrying her own bag to leave, Luo Feiyang was immediately surrounded by her parents.

"Well, the girl's character, appearance and family background are all first-class. If you don't like it any more, it's your problem!"

"If you think it's OK, I'll make a decision quickly. I'll save my dream. I'll take the card first and do it after the wedding."


Luo Feiyang is angry and funny. His parents have done everything in order not to let him marry Tan Ruyi. When they meet, they let him get the certificate. Are you kidding?

He hemmed and hawed not to say good or bad, but his parents thought Zuo Jia was the most suitable candidate, and they did not arrange boring blind dates for him.

Luo Feiyang found that Zuojia was the best shield, and he even had enough reasons to go out.

The first thing to go out, Luo Feiyang went to find Tan Ruyi.

Tan Ruyi and Jing Xi together, two people see Luo Feiyang, are stunned for a while.

"Thanks to Zuojia, I came out to see her on the pretext of today. My parents finally let me out of the house!"

Jingxi frowned: "which one is better? She's in America? " It's not in W city that you're going out with louziling, right?

"Xixi, you can leave the matter between me and Ruyi, and go home quickly! If you don't go back, Lou Ziling will be robbed by Zuo Jia! I just met Zuo Jia yesterday. She is really an impeccable beauty, and she loves Lou Ziling deeply. You can sacrifice anything for him. You can go back home quickly. Don't let her take advantage of her! "

Jing Xi closed his eyes and pressed down the confusion in his heart. He said faintly, "she is very good?"

Luo Feiyang said bluntly: "very good!"

Although the first time to call Zuo Jia, make very unhappy, but this time, Luo Feiyang's impression of Zuojia completely changed.

In his opinion, Zuo Jia is enough to become a strong enemy of Jingxi!

When he first pursued Jingxi, he had a headache because she was too opinionated and too jumping off. When he met such a clever girl as Tan Ruyi, he was soon moved.

Zuo Jia is gentle and generous, with a strong background. She is actually a very suitable marriage partner.

Jingxi is excited by the word "very good" by Luo Feiyang. Luo Feiyang has made many girlfriends. He said it very well, which is really good.

Tan Ruyi has not spoken, just gently leaning on Luo Feiyang's arms, he said left Jiahao, she is not jealous.

Because Luo Feiyang usually praises others, but he just talks about it and won't be attracted to others.

The person that Zuo Jia likes is Lou Ziling, Luo Feiyang is more unlikely to be moved to her.

Tan Ruyi has a high EQ in this respect. She knows that Luo Feiyang can hardly come to see her once. She won't say anything unpleasant. She just relies on him quietly, no matter whether the future is bright or dark.

She intended to give up Luo Feiyang, the Luo family did not agree with their marriage, and her family did not agree.

It was Jingxi who encouraged her and took her to Luo's home again and again.

"Xixi, you go back home, don't delay you because of me."

Jingxi didn't agree at first, but all day long, Luo Feiyang and Tan Ruyi were bored together. She was almost a light bulb.

The next day, she finally packed up and flew back to w City.

She had not been away for a long time, but when she came back to the manor, she felt like an afterlife.Lou Ziling has already received the message from Luo Feiyang. He stands in front of the antique building in the manor and looks at Jingxi coming towards him. His face is calm.

It seems that she just went out for a day and went home tired.

Lou Ziling took the suitcase in Jingxi's hands, went into the small building, put the suitcase in the corner, and said to her faintly, "come and have dinner, all of which you love to eat."

Jingxi didn't move. She looked up at Lou Ziling and asked without expression: "if I don't come back, will you marry Zuo Jia?"

Lou Ziling didn't even think about it and said, "no!"


"Didn't you say that I would marry you or die alone in my life?"

Lou Ziling took Jingxi's hand and led her to sit at the table: "but I appreciate her very much. Luo Feiyang said that if it wasn't for her, maybe you would not come back. She broke Luo Feiyang's deadlock and put pressure on you, so I can wait for you so soon. "

Jing Xi was silent for a moment and said softly, "but I don't like her. I can't like all the women who covet you."

"You don't need to like it."

Lou Ziling's voice was light: "but I think you can understand the feeling I felt when I saw Luo Feiyang Jimo Xuan, oh, and Song Xin! I don't like all the men who covet you. "

Jingxi was a little anxious: "that's different. I don't like them! They are just ordinary friends

"What's the difference? I don't like Zuo Jia either. She's not even my friend. "

"Keluo Feiyang said, Zuo Jia is very beautiful!"

"Oh, I haven't told you that Luo Feiyang and Ji Moxuan are both very good-looking. Song Xin is a national male god, and his appearance can basically crush all men."

Jingxi suddenly stopped talking. She didn't seem to realize how tolerant Lou Ziling had been. , the fastest update of the webnovel!