Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 159

Shangguan rouxue was so clever that she understood his meaning almost immediately. She pushed Xie Zhuojun away, and the whole person fell on the ground powerless, crying: "Zhuo Jun, how can you be so cruel! He's your child. You're going to let him die now! You don't want to touch my child

She can not have this child, but Xie Zhuojun how can not! Without this child, how could Xie Zhuojun agree to marry her!

"Xiao Xue, listen to me, knock out the child! We'll stop here in the future. I'll make it up to you. You can live your own life in the future. "

Shangguan rouxue could hardly believe her ears. What she was most afraid of happened. Xie Zhuojun didn't want her, even her children!

She immediately panicked and crawled to Xie Zhuojun. She hugged his leg and cried to him: "Zhuo Jun, I don't want to leave you. I love you too much. I can't live without you! I want to marry you. Our marriage date has been set. Everyone knows that we are going to get married. How can you say that if you don't get married, you can't marry! Don't you say that you only love me in my life? Don't you say you want me to be the most beautiful bride in the world? Have you forgotten our vows

Shangguan rouxue's cry is too loud, wakes Yang Wenshu who is sleeping.

She walked out of the bedroom and saw that her daughter, who grew up in the palm of her hand, knelt down in front of Xie Zhuo Jun, hugging his leg and imploring Him.

She was so angry and angry that she didn't even care to wear slippers. She ran down the stairs barefoot and slapped Xie Zhuojun on the face!

Shangguan rouxue hugged Yang Wenshu's leg in a hurry and screamed, "Mom, don't hit Zhuo Jun!"

Yang Wenshu was hugged by her leg, for fear of hurting her daughter. She immediately squatted down to hold her daughter in her arms and burst into tears: "my silly daughter, he doesn't want your mother and son. What are you doing to protect him? You have a heart in him, for him to pay so much, now because of the children, people's TV stations have to force you to take a vacation, but he is desperate to quit marriage! Don't worry, my mother will never agree. If he dares not to marry you, I will die in front of their Xie family! Let everyone know that he Xie Zhuojun is a heartless man

"Mom, you can't do that. Don't hurt Zhuo Jun. he has always loved me. He will marry me. Just now he was just making angry remarks. Don't blame him!"

Shangguan rouxue cried to stop Yang Wenshu, showing his sincere feelings to Xie Zhuojun incisively and vividly.

"Xiaoxue, you are so stupid! It's not worth your doing this to him! "

When they were tired of sitting on the side of Zhuo Jun's wife, they sat on the ground beside them and cried bitterly.

He has been running around in recent days, not only has a lot of work to deal with, but also his position as vice mayor is in danger. Many people covet his position, and Jing Yichen once said that he would lose his official post!

Although the official position has not been lost for the time being, the new mayor of city a is taking office and is strictly rectifying the official atmosphere in city a, and severely punishing corruption and other violations of discipline by abusing power for personal gain. The new official is about to lose his life by burning three fires!

He returned home tired, waiting for him is not a gentle wife and understanding daughter, but such a bad scene!

"What's the matter! I have nothing to do at home. I'm full and I'm noisy! "

When the majestic voice of Shangguan Zheng rang out, Yang Wenshu immediately put away her ferocious appearance, and turned to hold Shangguan rouxue with a plaintive and sad way: "you can count it back. If you don't come back, we will be bullied to death by Xie Zhuo Jun! He is so cruel that he wants to kill the children in our daughter's belly and withdraw from marriage. Our daughter has never been humiliated since childhood! Is that what they thank the family for bullying us

After hearing this, shangguanzheng immediately frowned and looked at Xie Zhuojun with a cold face: "do you want to retire?"?! Are you going to retire when my daughter is pregnant with your child? You have returned my eldest daughter's marriage. I didn't ask you for this account. Now I dare to push off the marriage of my second daughter? "

Shangguanzheng has been in a high position all the year round. Naturally, he has a majestic spirit. At this time, he talks with Xie Zhuojun in a senleng tone, which makes him feel suffocating and oppressive.

He has always been a little afraid of shangguanzheng. When he asked him, the whole person trembled, and felt that he was very unjust, as if he were really a wolf in the stomach.

Xie Zhuojun's palms are full of cold sweat. He was originally raised by Wang Lu. He was soft. He was strong when he was weak and weak when he was strong.

After a long time, he bravely said, "Uncle Misunderstood, I She will marry Xiao Xue, but she will not give up her marriage... "

When he was forced to say this, he only felt that little hope in his heart was suddenly dashed. He had thought that he would not be cheated for the rest of his life, but now it seems impossible!

He knew that he was very sorry for retiring, Shangguan rouxue, and he knew that it was disgusting to let her kill her child, but he still wanted to retire, and he wanted to live a better life!

Shangguan rouxue heard Xie Zhuojun's words. She immediately got up from the ground and threw herself into his arms again. She said softly, "Zhuo Jun, I knew that you just said angry words. I knew you would not be willing to leave me!"Xie Zhuojun was full of bitterness and bitterness, but there was no place to vent. His body was a little stiff and hugged Shangguan rouxue. He had no feelings: "yes, I won't leave you, I will marry you."

Things have come to this point, already completely out of his control.

He did not know when Shangguan rouxue was pregnant. Every time he took safety measures, he still had children.

He didn't know whether it was an accident or was premeditated!

But all this is not important, whether it is Shangguan rouxue deliberately pregnant, he will marry her back.

If he had to accept the marriage, he couldn't escape.

His heart was cold, and he felt that he had finally got into the scam carefully woven by his family.

He was so depressed that he no longer had the will to fight.

But Yang Wenshu didn't intend to let him go. Seeing that he promised to marry Shangguan rouxue, she immediately said, "the wedding can wait for some time. You can do it after you are ready, but you should get the certificate first! Snow with you for so long, now there are your Xie family's flesh and blood, you always have to give her a wife's status before you go! Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I'll get my marriage certificate , the fastest update of the webnovel!