Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 160

At the bottom of Xie Zhuojun's heart, an unspeakable anger arose.

How can't wait for their mother and daughter!

Is it afraid that he will turn around and run away? So eager to marry him!

Why only a month's effort, all people have become completely different!

But under the pressure of three of them, he still agreed.

Xie Zhuojun came home tired and told his parents that he would get the certificate with Shangguan rouxue tomorrow.

Xie Dongfeng and Wang Lu just heard Xie Zhuojun talk about Shangguan rouxue's disguise and malice. They haven't seen Shangguan rouxue's true face. They don't have a bad impression on her. They always think she is gentle and kind. Moreover, Shangguan rouxue is pregnant with a child, so marriage is necessary.

Xie Zhuojun was preached by Wang Lu, and his broken heart just felt more fragmented.

The next morning, Yang Wenshu called again to urge Xie Zhuojun to take Shangguan rouxue to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Xie Zhuojun knew that he could not escape. Even his parents did not agree to his retirement. Just as shangguanzheng said, he could not quit his sister and then his sister. In that case, not only shangguanzheng would not let him go, but also relatives and friends couldn't explain it. No one would want to marry his daughter to him in the future!

Xie Zhuojun didn't sleep all night. His eyes were blue and his face was morbid and pale.

He has been feeling dizzy and unwell recently, but he didn't go to the hospital because of too many things. Maybe because he didn't have a good rest last night, his dizziness was even worse. With the dizziness, there was a prick in his head like a needle.

He took two painkillers at will and felt better. Then he drove to pick up Guan rouxue and took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Shangguan rouxue is very happy. Marrying Xie Zhuojun is her dream since she was 16 years old. From the first day she saw him, she liked his handsome, elegant and elegant manner.

She tried every means to drive away all the butterflies around him. Even shangguanning, who was engaged to him, was no exception. Now she finally got what she wanted and wanted to marry Xie Zhuojun.

From then on, he will not have to worry about taking her husband away, and he won't have to take him away!

Although Xie Zhuo Jun is not gentle and considerate to her before, she believes that by her means, Xie Zhuo Jun will soon recover as before and will still hold her in the palm of his hand.

As long as we can get married, nothing is a problem.

From the Civil Affairs Bureau, Xie Zhuojun has been disheartened, the whole person did not have the joy after marriage.

Shangguan rouxue but fluttered in his arms, a strength of coquetry, and finally took the initiative to kiss him, tease him - she has enough confidence in her own body!

On a luxurious silver white sports car, ah Hu hung up the phone and reported with jingyichen the news he had just got with a smile: "young master, Xie's got the certificate with Guan rouxue!"

Jingyichen looked absorbed in looking at the financial statements of the group. He nodded faintly and said: "after a while, when you see Xie Zhuojun in a good mood, send him the great gift prepared for him, so as to add some obstruction to him. In addition, those small enterprises that cooperate with Xie family can be let to withdraw and bear the loss of Jingsheng. As long as those who are obedient will have the opportunity to cooperate with Jingsheng in the future. "

Ah Hu immediately should be, turn his head to pass the command of jingyichen to the people under his hand.

Shangguan Ning knows nothing about jingyichen's actions, but frowns and looks at the man who comes to Jingsheng again.

"Mr. Xie, are you deaf or have amnesia? Didn't I tell you not to come again? "

What's the matter with Xie Zhuojun? He runs to Jingsheng every day. The more he is not allowed to come, he becomes more and more energetic!

Xie Zhuojun wanted to smoke, but when he saw Shangguan Ning frowning, he gave a bitter smile and said in a soft voice, "I almost forget that you don't like the smell of cigarettes."

Shangguan listened to his words and frowned even more.

"Leave when you have nothing to do. Next time you come back, I won't see you again."

She had nothing to say to Xie Zhuojun for a long time. If Shangguan rouxue knew that Xie Zhuojun was coming to her, she might make some troubles. She didn't want to suffer from that kind of disaster.

Moreover, although jingyichen doesn't say it, she actually knows that he doesn't like her meeting Xie Zhuojun very much.

Shangguan Ning doesn't want jingyichen to misunderstand her. She cherishes her fate and feelings with him and doesn't want to be destroyed by Xie Zhuojun.

She said that sentence and turned to open the door. As soon as she was about to go out, she heard Xie Zhuo Jun's tired and helpless way: "Xiaoning, I'm married!"

Shangguan Ning's footstep stopped and said faintly, "Congratulations

"I just want to tell you that in the future, I won't disturb you, Xiaoxue I won't come back to you. "

Xie Zhuojun stood up and looked at Shangguan Ning's back. The sense of loss in his heart was clearer than any other time, so that his voice unconsciously brought it out. He felt that shangguanning would be happy if he made such a promise, but she didn't seem to appreciate it at all. With a faint "um", she opened the door and went out.Shangguan Ning of course is ungrateful, he should not have come to her, and, he said Shangguan rouxue didn't look for her, did she really not look for her? He really thinks highly of himself and belittles Shangguan rouxue!

As for Shangguan rouxue's marriage to Xie Zhuojun, shangguanning accepted this fact as early as four years ago. She was not surprised to hear Xie Zhuojun say that they were married.

She thought that she would feel disappointed even if she didn't feel sad when she heard Xie Zhuojun's marriage, but now it's not at all. Instead, she feels relieved.

The two of them finally got married, so that Shangguan rouxue was able to settle down a lot.

Xie Zhuojun married his true love. Shouldn't he be very happy?

How come today, it seems that people who are not going to get married have to go to the funeral.

How the two of them had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to live her own life and make life more stable without so much disturbance.

Jingyichen there, the first time received Xie Zhuojun to Jingsheng see shangguanning picture information.

He was very unhappy. You know, Xie Zhuojun was engaged to Shangguan Ning. Shangguanning had taken care of him for such a long time. He felt sad when he thought about it.

Xie Zhuojun did not have the vision to throw away Shangguan Ning before, chose Shangguan rouxue?

Do you regret it again?

That's not going to work! Shangguanning can only be his own!

People like Xie Zhuojun don't deserve to lift shoes for Shangguan Ning. People like him should marry Shangguan rouxue, who is vicious and resourceful!

Jingyi Chen has now more and more Xie Zhuojun is in the eye. He threw the mobile phone aside, and his voice was very sharp. "Tiger, immediately add a little bit of jam to Xie Zhuojun. Their company seems too busy to find something for him. He has to work hard to escape the polluted environment." , the fastest update of the webnovel!